Islamic Youth Awakening (Sahwah) Campaign 69

Please remember that Monday is our Islamic Youth Awakening day.

1. Glorious Quran on Good Manners:

Treat kindly
-Your parents
-The orphans
-And those who have been left alone in the society [4/36]
2. Words of Wisdom from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH):

"All Muslims are like a foundation, each strengthening the other; in such a
way they do support each other." (Abu Musa: Bukhari & Muslim)
*3. *Muhammad (PBUH), The Best Man Ever Lived:

A Human Being Before a Prophet, Muslim Reflections on Muhammad's
*El-Sayed Amin*

4. Videos Of Prophet Muhammad:

Prophet Muhammad - Revelation Part

5. Great Muslims who Changed History, Most of the companions of the Prophet
(PBUH)  were Youth:

Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (10 years old), Talhah ibn Ubaydullah (14 years old),
Said ibn Zayd ( 15 years Old), Sad ibn Abi Waqqas  (17 years old), Umar Ibn
Al Khattab (26 years old) Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf (30 years), Othman Ibn Affan
(34 years old), Abu Bakr (37 years old)

Sultan Mahmood 
'Where is Mahmood who destroyed the idol'
Syed Abul Ala 
of the two most influential Muslim thinkers of the twentieth century.
Abul Hasan Ali 
the Founder Members of the Rabita at-Alam-al-Islami, Makka

Yes you can be strong Muslim, please sign the petition :  Muslim Youth Code
of Honor<>

Required a million signature each year Until that last Muslim Youth sign in.

Please circulate this posting to your brothers and sisters, Jazakum Allah

Please note that this posting is for adults too.

Dr. Adel Elsaie

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