Rosenberg's Book Typifies Christian Jihadist Mindset


Habib Siddiqui

Book Review: Inside the revolution: how the followers of Jihad, Jefferson & 
Jesus are battling to dominate the Middle East and transform the world by Joel 
C. Rosenberg, Tyndale (2009)

Joel Rosenberg, son of a Jewish father and a gentile mother, is an evangelical 
Christian who studied at Tel Aviv University in Israel. He is popular amongst 
the Christian extremist talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. As 
expected, his book – Inside the Revolution – is swamped with evangelical and 
Christian Zionist overtones. People interviewed to writing the book include: 
Peter Goss, director, CIA (1997-2004)), Lt. Gen. (retd.) William Jerry Boykin, 
Deputy undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Special Warfighting 
(2003-07), L. Paul Bremer III, presidential envoy and first U.S. Administrator 
to Iraq (2003-04), Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, General Moshe Ya’alon, Chief 
of Staff, Israeli Defense Forces (2002-05), Dore Gold, Israeli Ambassador to 
the UN (1997-1999) and dissidents from Arab and Iran. From the list of 
‘experts’ cited it is not difficult to understand where the author’s motivation 
and sources of ‘information’ came from to writing this book with a bloated 

The book talks about three groups of Muslims: radicals, reformers and 
revivalists. The book starts with a meeting that Rosenberg had with Jerry 
Boykin on February 2007. Lest we forget, Boykin is a Christian Zionist, who 
belongs to the millennium nuts that essentially see themselves as initiators 
for the Armageddon, fighting on the side of their lord Jesus Christ that will 
purify the world of disbelievers and any half-hearted Christians. While working 
for President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld, he made some highly insulting and 
provocative remarks about Islam in the days following 9/11.  Truly, he is not 
the kind of guy a serious researcher or writer of history or an analyst of the 
current events would lean on to learn about the changing political and 
intellectual landscape of the Muslim world. That interview with and quotations 
from a bigot are enough to discredit Rosenberg’s work.

Iran’s nuclear ambition, albeit a civilian one, is not acceptable to the 
Zionists and Christian neo-crusaders of any kind. For many years they have been 
sharing (thanks to Mossad-feeding and CIA-devouring) and drawing upon the same 
recycled and unsubstantiated intelligence information to exaggerate Iran’s and 
Iraq’s capabilities while ensuring rather unabashedly Israel’s troublesome and 
unjustifiable absolute military and nuclear monopoly, control and dominance 
that remain unthreatened or unchallenged in the Middle East. These warmongers 
have been proven wrong in Iraq, and are blameworthy of triggering the American 
recession and national debt in the last few years. But that kind of faulty 
claims and exaggerations have not sidelined the Zionist jihadists. We are, 
therefore, not surprised to learn about Boykin’s pro-Israeli views about Iran. 
He thinks that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapon to annihilate western 
civilization -- a view similarly shared and propagated by eliminationist Jews 
everywhere. Like any extremist Zionist, Boykin is against any negotiation with 
Iran and calls such “inane.” (p. 13) To his kind, elimination of Iran is the 

It is no-brainer that the Israeli general Ya’alon, a war criminal himself, 
supports Boykin’s exaggerated and unfounded claims and faulty opinions about 
Iran. Ya’alon is quoted to even say that Iran would have military nuclear 
capability within a couple of months or maximum couple of years (from March 
2007, when the interview was held). (p. 18) Well, as we know by now, none of 
these claims and opinions has come to be true. Iran is no closer to any nuclear 
arsenal today than it was assumed back in 2007.

Rosenberg also cites Netanyahu, the current Israeli prime minister, who like 
Boykin, says that Iran, if unchecked, will create a second Holocaust in Israel 
and “proceed on their idea of building a global empire.” (p. 19) Only a 
brain-dead idiot, uninformed about the world it lives in, can swallow such 
unsubstantiated claims and exaggerations about Iran’s ‘global aspirations’ 

As I have pointed out elsewhere Israel -- the last of the apartheid states in 
our century -- with her backers and promoters in the western world, military 
and economy power of its allies and co-religionists remains the greatest threat 
to our generation. Israel is in the business of exploiting holocaust to extract 
maximum concessions and benefits for its ever-expansionist plans and 
eliminationist politics. With the Hollywood film-makers and media moguls on 
their sides, Israeli leaders like Netanyahu have been able to sell their 
poisonous pill to many unsuspected folks. Thus, rather than challenging the 
obvious Israeli possession of nuclear weapons, her marauding aggression, 
history of war and preemptive strikes against all her neighbors and annexation 
of land, dispossession of original inhabitants, striking civilian targets with 
the intent to incur maximum casualty, her criminal refusal to sign the nuclear 
NPT and rejection of outside inspection of her nuclear sites and scenes of war 
crimes, the debate is cynically forced upon a pretender – a potential threat. 
The rogue state has thus remained opposed to making the Middle East a 
nuclear-free zone. Surely, we could have all benefited from such a life-saving 
and peaceful agenda, a call made for years by all the Middle Eastern countries, 
including Iran, by eliminating Israeli nuclear threat first before suspecting 
the absurd about others.

As to the views of the so-called radicals, Joel Rosenberg quotes Iran’s late 
spiritual leader Ayatullah Khomeini from his speeches of 1979-81, Osama Bin 
Laden and Sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiris, a cleric in Gaza (2005) who is little known 
outside Gaza. He also cherry picks words from Iran’s Ahmadinejad and 
Rafsanjani, and Lebanon’s Hasan Nasrallah. As to what these aforementioned 
‘radicals’ believe Rosenberg quotes certain verses from the Qur’an (2:216, 
5:33, 4:52, 5:51, 9:5, 9:12, 9:29-30, 22:19, 25:52, 47:4, 60:9, 66:9) which had 
a historical context. By misapplying their contextual framework, as if those 
verses are universally applicable for any Muslim, he does a terrible thing to 
the sacred text.

As I have pointed out many times before, if the hateful bigots like Rosenberg 
are looking for violent verses in the scripture, they need not go beyond their 
own Bible to find scores of such verses.

Rosenberg quotes statement from Walid Shoebat, a Palestinian convert to 
Christianity, to show martyrdom motivates Jihadists. Shoebat has long been 
found an unreliable and highly prejudicial narrator of the Palestinian-Israeli 
conflict. Rather than criticizing the motivation of the dead he should do us 
all a great favor by explaining what made those stone-throwing Palestinians of 
yesteryears to put on the suicide jacket today.

The author mentions the failed US Embassy rescue mission in Iran in the 
post-revolutionary days in which Colonel Charlie Beckwith, Delta force’s 
creator, and Jerry Boykin led the operation. Christian undertone is vividly 
clear among the mission leaders: “God has called us to lead fifty-three 
Americans out of bondage and back to freedom.” (p. 76). What is interesting in 
this detail narrative of the mission is that it disclosed how unreliable 
American contractors have been to the Muslim world. Even a ‘trusted’ puppet 
like the Shah of Iran could not be trusted. America deliberately sold faulty 
coastal radar system to Shah’s Iran so that American special forces could 
penetrate Iranian airspace undetected. (p. 77) Even then the mission to rescue 
American ‘spies’ or ‘hostages’ was a total fiasco with 8 US servicemen dead, 7 
American helicopters lost, along with a C-130.

More disturbing is Rosenberg’s thesis that since a Pew poll in 2007 revealed 
that 5% of all Muslims in America had a favorable view of al Qaeda that there 
could be more than 100,000 radical Muslims living within the USA (p. 144). He 
goes on to extrapolate, much like his mentor Pipes, this number to include 
another 600,000 or more “Radical Muslims or Radical-leaning Muslims or 
sympathizers inside the country.” (p. 144) He then cites polling results in 
Europe conducted amongst Muslims which showed that some 15% Muslims in UK, 
Spain and France (and 7% in Germany) believed that suicide bombings against 
civilian targets were sometimes justified. Next, Joel takes the case for 
Muslims worldwide and finds that 7% would be classified as Radicals, which 
equals to some 91 million people (p. 149). Well, one can clearly see the 
fallacy of such arguments. A greater percentage of hateful bigots can be found 
in the non-Muslim world. The poll results, drawn from small samples of any 
given population, do not necessarily translate into actions. Thus, one can take 
a sigh of relief away from Rosenberg’s sinister conclusions by remembering that 
no serious attack has threatened the USA since 9/11. This, in spite of the fact 
that the country has been at war for nearly nine years (longer than the World 
War II) in the Muslim world in which more than a million unarmed Muslim 
civilians were killed by the USA and NATO allies.

As to the so-called reformers, Rosenberg fondly mentions the Moroccan model, 
which amongst other things, includes: reaching out to evangelical Christians in 
the West. By letting these Christian evangelists to operate freely, Morocco’s 
goal, according to Rosenberg, is to present a more pro-western image to the 
west. His Christian missionary zeal is unmistakable in this narrative. He 
reminds us that while such proselytizers are frowned upon in the non-Christian 
world, Morocco is a fertile ground for proselytism with thousands of converts 
to Christianity. I hope Morocco is not foolish or oblivious of the missionary 
ploys that once colonized the entire African continent while those 
soul-snatchers came for more than just the ‘heathen’ lost souls.

The most ludicrous part of the book is with the ‘revivalists’ when the author 
brings the story of someone named Tass Saada who is presented as one-time Yaser 
Arafat’s driver and bodyguard, unverified by the PLO. As expected, Taas, like 
Walid, has become a follower of Jesus by believing in the triune God (p. 365). 
Of course, he is “no longer a Radical – he is a Revivalist.” According to the 
author, “He no longer believes that Islam is the answer. He no longer believes 
jihad is the way. He believes that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life 
and that no one – Jew or Gentile, Radical or Reformer – can have a personal 
relationship with God without accepting that Jesus is the Messiah, just as the 
Bible teaches in John 14:6.” (p. 368) This narrative is so evangelical 
Christian that it insults one’s intelligence to rationalize Rosenberg’s 
categorization of an ex-Muslim as a revivalist in the Muslim world. This is 
like saying that a convert from Christianity to any other faith is a revivalist 
to Christianity!

Rosenberg believes that a Christian surge is taking place across the Middle 
East. According to senior Christian pastors and ministry leaders in Egypt, 
Rosenberg reminds us, there are now 2.5 million followers of Jesus in their 
country. A growing number of these are Muslim converts, whom he calls the MBBs 
(Muslim background believers in Christ). (p. 389) According to him, before 9/11 
there were fewer than a hundred MBBs; by 2006 the estimate is 10,000 MBBs, 
which, by the way, represent less than half a percent of the total Christian 
population in Egypt. He says that these ‘revivalists’ are now using TV and 
radio to reach Muslims with the gospel. If these claims are true, they should 
put to rest the negative propaganda against Muslim societies that they are 
against religious freedom.

Rosenberg is typical of the cynical anti-Muslim, pen-pushing hawks whose 
voluminous work of 552 pages is not worth the paper it was written on. It 
offers very little to understand the mindset of the so-called Muslim Jihadists. 
Instead, it goes on to reveal not only hostile Christian missionary activities 
in the Muslim world but also the author’s own bias, zealotry and deplorable 
intolerance against Islam and Muslims. His book is similar to many post-9/11 
era books that are written to keep alive the perceived “threat” of Islam before 
our eyes, while not only shielding western eliminationist campaigns against the 
Muslim world but also guaranteeing themselves profitable fees, consultancies, 
recurrent appearances in TV and lucrative book contracts.

It is said that falsehood oft repeated achieves the veneer of truth and some 
are sure to swallow it. Rosenberg’s book is a typical example of such an 
attempt at disseminating falsehood with Christian evangelical zeal that gave us 
the Crusades and the Inquisition, and led to the colonization of vast 
non-Christian territories of Asia, Africa and Latin America. A collection of 
lies and half-truths, quite a few unreliable sources and a plethora of false 
interpretation form the nucleus material for the above work. His repeated use 
of comments from anti-Muslim jihadists, bigots and racists, and ex-Muslims — 
whose motivation is nothing honorable either -- hardly carry any conviction.

For accounts  of jihadist movements around the Middle East, a serious 
researcher or reader may find Professor Fawaz Gerges’s authoritative, 
deeply-researched books like – The Far Enemy: Why Jihad went Global (Cambridge 
University Press, 2005), and Journey of the Jihadist: Inside Muslim Militancy 
(Harcourt Press, 2006) – much more useful.

Dr. Habib Siddiqui is a peace and human rights activist, and chairman of the 
Board of Directors of the Bangladesh Expatriate Council, USA. He writes from 

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