First, it seems I had problems with my HIP list folder and have not seen any messages since around May. There here, and I will read them...

Now.  Please read:

And some follow up discussions. Basically IDEAS is targeting providing some functions like discovery and reverse mapping that we do not directly provide in HIP and in a trusted manner. The workgroup chartering was blocked by privacy concerns that would never have let HIP complete IMHO. Quite blown out of proportion, but it did reveal some valid privacy work needed.

We do not provide enough privacy in HIP. The HIs are too exposed. The HITs are as long lived as the HIs. The SPIs allow Eve to link all the communication pieces together.

I want to start a dialog here on what can be done to improve HIP privacy. I have my ideas (and some of the HI protection would take advantage of IDEAS). And will be putting together a drafty draft for the 30th deadline.


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