[Histonet] IHC control blocks, DAB kit

2020-05-04 Thread Cassie P. Davis via Histonet
Kristy, this might be of some help too: https://www.fixationonhistology.com/post/control-tissue-faqs [https://static.wixstatic.com/media/128854_2fda1d8f8d5c48cdad7701b3e866d885~mv2.jpg/v1/fit/w_1000,h_728,al_c,q_80/file.png] Control

Re: [Histonet] p53

2020-05-04 Thread John Garratt via Histonet
http://cpqa.ca/assessments/Run%2095%20p53%20Summary%20(final).pdf The above is an EQA report from CPQA /CIQC for p53 which gives specific protocols. In addition, if you go to the end of the report, there are the reporting guidelines for p53. EQA reports are also available for other antibodies

[Histonet] p53

2020-05-04 Thread Jacque Sagasser via Histonet
Hello, Our lab has been using this down time to validate a few antibodies. So far we have validated Ki67, AE 1/3, CK20, and CDX-2. I am in the process of validating the P53 (DO-7) antibody, but am having trouble producing positive expression. I am using the same colon adenocarcinoma tissue I