>>Lisa Hamilton asks: In the past I have seen clip-on magnifiers that are
used to embed tissue. Of course now that I need  one I cannot remember what
catalog I saw them in! I was hoping someone might.<<

If you're looking for something that fits over your head and puts lenses in
front of your eyes (including your glasses) then what you want is an
OptiVISOR. I've used these for years for grossing, and at home for looking
at small mineral specimens. About $30 from a number of vendors - I got my
new one from Amazon not too long ago. For embedding you probably want 3
diopter lenses (lens number 3), which focus at about 14 inches. You can
also get a light to mount on it, and a loupe to fit over one lens for
additional magnification.

OptiVISORs have optical glass lenses - some of the competitors have plastic
lenses. (I have no commercial connection with anybody mentioned here.)

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Maryville TN
Histonet mailing list

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