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Upon his return from Zimbabwe Dr. Mahathir lambasted the United Nations unjust and
unfair approach in dealing
with the East Timor issue. He argued that the referendum sponsored by the UN in
East Timor was devoid of justice
and fairness as Indonesia was not accorded the time to campaign and explain to the
Timorese their side of the coin. If
they would have been given the time the result would not have been the same.

The PM was reported to have said:

"We don’t know what would be the result if a period of campaigning was allowed for
Indonesia to explain to the Timorese."
(NST 7/10/99 pg.3)

It looks like the Malay saying "….gajah di depan mata tak nampak……" fits the PM
perfectly. Dr. Mahathir calls the
shot like a champion when he attacks the UN’s credibility but back home in his own
domain, he is even worst than a
tyrant. During the Tunku’s time as PM for instance a one-month campaign period were
allowed to all parties
contesting the general elections. The sole idea was to grant all parties time to
campaign and explain their struggle.
But Dr. Mahathir robbed that away. First it was shorten to two weeks then ten days
and recently sources were saying
that the campaign period for the next general election may be compressed to only a
week. Therefore why bark like a
"mad dog" on the UN’s handling of the East Timor issue when you yourself do not
practise it at home!

But what was most astonishing of them all was when the PM had the face to say (on
the same issue) that:

"My view is that in everything, we have to be just, we have to be fair to the
people and we have to be fair to the country."
(NST 7/10/99 pg.3)

Here you are lecturing on justice and fairness to the international community when
you yourself deny these rights to
your subjects. In the distribution of economic wealth already you are unfair and
unjust. Your children, in-laws,
friends and cronies are arbitrarily given a chunk of the economic wealth while
others are forced to beg and steal. In
politics, you and your stooges can make use of any community halls, stadium and
other government properties
(including air time and press coverage) as if it were your own whilst those on the
opposing side have no access at all
to these venues and facilities. You swear and accuse your opponents of whatever
lies you can think of whereas your
opponents are gagged and dragged to court (and to jail) for libel and contempt even
if they speak the truth (Guan
Eng – the living proof).

How can you be fair to the country when you yourself spend the country’s revenue
and savings as if it were your
own. You build mega-projects to satisfy your lust and that of your cronies even
when the country is fending for its
life during the recent economic downfall. You built a RM200million castle for your
use when your subjects have to
squat on government land in shacks and dilapidated "pondoks".

Perhaps its time for you to call it a day. Your politics of deceit and power abuse
have really got out of hand.
Physically you are out of touch, and seem to be building multiple personality. The
country needs a new transparent
and clean leader. For the sake of justice and fairness let us Malaysians decide
freely on whom we would prefer to lead
us in the next millenium, for sure it wont be you.


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