> In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
> Those who used Islamophobic stereotypes lose elections in NY and GA
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (WASHINGTON, D.C., 11/8/2000)  All the political candidates who engaged
> in Muslim-bashing during their campaigns were defeated in yesterday's
> elections. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said races
> in New York and Georgia went to opponents of Muslim bashers. The
> Washington-based Islamic advocacy group says the results are a defeat
> for those who seek to exclude Muslims from political participation.
> In New York, supporters of Republican Senate candidate Rick Lazio waged
> a campaign that included allegations that his opponent and American
> Muslim organizations were somehow linked to the bombing of the USS Cole
> in Yemen. A Washington Post writer called that campaign tactic
> "political pornography." Other media outlets reported that Lazio
> actually solicited donations from the same group that he condemned as
> "supporters of terrorism."
> Lazio's anti-Muslim tactics were prompted by old allegations from
> Steven Emerson, a pro-Israel activist who Muslims say has a long
> history of defamatory attacks on their community. Emerson was one of
> the first commentators to falsely link Muslims with the 1995 bombing of
> the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City and the downing of TWA
> Flight 800 in 1996. (see http://www.fair.org/extra/9901/emerson.html)
> Lazio lost to Hillary Rodham Clinton by a margin of 12 percent.
> In Georgia, Republican congressional candidate Sunny Warren attacked
> Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) using the same Muslim-baiting tactic as
> Lazio. Along with allegations that McKinney was tied to those who
> attacked the USS Cole, a Warren fundraising letter stated: "Cynthia
> McKinney is dead wrong on Middle East policy and best friend of Saddam
> Hussein...Cynthia McKinney's team is Iraq, Hamas, Yasser Arafat, and
> the Arab Muslim Council."
> In reply, McKinney said: "My opponent, Sunny Warren, recently launched
> a rather unsophisticated attack against me that attempted to paint me
> and the Arab-American and Muslim communities with the broad brush of
> 'terrorism'...Sunny Warren's attacks on my record reflect the worst
> kind of hate-mongering...racist innuendo and hate-mongering have no
> place in an election campaign or any respectable public discourse."
> McKinney also noted that the Arab Muslim Council does not exist.
> McKinney defeated Warren by a 20 percent margin.
> "Political candidates should take note that the American people reject
> the use of religious and ethnic stereotyping as a campaign tactic,"
> said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad.
> On October 23, the American Muslim Political Coordinating Council
> Political Action Committee (AMPCC-PAC) announced its endorsement of
> George W. Bush for president, citing his outreach to the Muslim
> community and his pledge to end the use of secret evidence in INS
> deportation hearings. (AMPCC-PAC is an affiliated PAC of the American
> Muslim Political Coordinating Council. CAIR is an AMPCC member.) Other
> Muslim groups announced endorsements of national and local candidates.
> In August, thousands of Muslim activists and leaders nationwide
> received a step-by-step guide to increasing political participation in
> local communities. The American Muslim Voter Registration Guide was
> distributed by CAIR as part of the largest campaign of its type
> targeting Muslim voters. September 15 was designated Muslim Voter
> Registration Day. There are some six million Muslims in America.
> - END -

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful


Those who used Islamophobic stereotypes lose elections in NY and GA

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 11/8/2000)  All the political candidates who engaged 
in Muslim-bashing during their campaigns were defeated in yesterday's 
elections. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said races 
in New York and Georgia went to opponents of Muslim bashers. The 
Washington-based Islamic advocacy group says the results are a defeat 
for those who seek to exclude Muslims from political participation.

In New York, supporters of Republican Senate candidate Rick Lazio waged 
a campaign that included allegations that his opponent and American 
Muslim organizations were somehow linked to the bombing of the USS Cole 
in Yemen. A Washington Post writer called that campaign tactic 
"political pornography." Other media outlets reported that Lazio 
actually solicited donations from the same group that he condemned as 
"supporters of terrorism." 

Lazio's anti-Muslim tactics were prompted by old allegations from 
Steven Emerson, a pro-Israel activist who Muslims say has a long 
history of defamatory attacks on their community. Emerson was one of 
the first commentators to falsely link Muslims with the 1995 bombing of 
the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City and the downing of TWA 
Flight 800 in 1996. (see http://www.fair.org/extra/9901/emerson.html)

Lazio lost to Hillary Rodham Clinton by a margin of 12 percent.

In Georgia, Republican congressional candidate Sunny Warren attacked 
Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) using the same Muslim-baiting tactic as 
Lazio. Along with allegations that McKinney was tied to those who 
attacked the USS Cole, a Warren fundraising letter stated: "Cynthia 
McKinney is dead wrong on Middle East policy and best friend of Saddam 
Hussein...Cynthia McKinney's team is Iraq, Hamas, Yasser Arafat, and 
the Arab Muslim Council."

In reply, McKinney said: "My opponent, Sunny Warren, recently launched 
a rather unsophisticated attack against me that attempted to paint me 
and the Arab-American and Muslim communities with the broad brush of 
'terrorism'...Sunny Warren's attacks on my record reflect the worst 
kind of hate-mongering...racist innuendo and hate-mongering have no 
place in an election campaign or any respectable public discourse." 
McKinney also noted that the Arab Muslim Council does not exist.

McKinney defeated Warren by a 20 percent margin.

"Political candidates should take note that the American people reject 
the use of religious and ethnic stereotyping as a campaign tactic," 
said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad.

On October 23, the American Muslim Political Coordinating Council 
Political Action Committee (AMPCC-PAC) announced its endorsement of 
George W. Bush for president, citing his outreach to the Muslim 
community and his pledge to end the use of secret evidence in INS 
deportation hearings. (AMPCC-PAC is an affiliated PAC of the American 
Muslim Political Coordinating Council. CAIR is an AMPCC member.) Other 
Muslim groups announced endorsements of national and local candidates. 

In August, thousands of Muslim activists and leaders nationwide 
received a step-by-step guide to increasing political participation in 
local communities. The American Muslim Voter Registration Guide was 
distributed by CAIR as part of the largest campaign of its type 
targeting Muslim voters. September 15 was designated Muslim Voter 
Registration Day. There are some six million Muslims in America.

                                        - END -

CONTACT:        Ibrahim Hooper, 202-488-8787 
                E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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453 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.
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Tel: 202-488-8787 
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URL: http://www.cair-net.org


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