assalamu'alaikum para netters muslimin dan muslimat yamg dirahmati Allah
sekelian. semoga kiriman berfaedah untuk kita....wassalam

From: "yeap cheng liang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A Christian guide on how to
                      love Mahathir
                      Wan Kain Wan

                      Dec 26: RM200 million was spent on the
                      Putrajaya Maharajah's Palace to show
                      everybody (especially the hated, yet
                      subconsciously worshiped, West) how
                      great and First World we are. Yet in
                      self-confident Britain, all Tony Blair has is
                      a humble 10 Downing Street terrace

                      When Malaysians ask the government to
                      reduce the sky-high price of houses by
                      providing cheap land and other subsidies,
                      or to provide free university education, the
                      standard reply is that "We are a poor Third
                      World country. We cannot afford these
                      kind of luxuries. Anyway, if we become a
                      socialist welfare state of hand-outs,
                      people will become lazy."

                      Of course, the Prime Minister's son was
                      bailed out of his business difficulties with
                      RM1 billion of our Petronas money. But
                      that's because we prefer to practise
                      socialism for the rich - the guys who slog
                      it out on the golf course so that
                      mega-contracts will be handed out to

                      The idea of God being interested in
                      economic justice is reinforced by Ronald
                      Sider in his book
                      "Rich Christians In An Age Of Hunger".

                      "The explosive message of the prophets is
                      that God destroyed Israel because the
                      poor were
                      mistreated," underlines Sider.

                      He describes the condition of Israel in the
                      middle of the eighth century BC as a time
                      of economic
                      prosperity unknown since Solomon's time.
                      Yet God sent the prophet Amos to
                      announce that Israel would be destroyed,
                      not only because of their idolatry, but also
                      because the rich "trample the head of the
                      poor into the dust of the earth." (Amos
                      2:7). Amos saw that the affluent lifestyle
                      of the rich was built on the oppression of
                      the poor (6:1-7) and that even in the
                      courts the poor had no hope because the
                      rich had bribed the judges. (5:10-15)
                      (sounds familiar?)

                      Yet Christians are called upon to love their
                      neighbour as themselves, and that
                      includes Dr Mahathir. Ah, God worketh in
                      mysterious ways. You tend to become
                      what you hate. The communists of China,
                      in their fight for justice, were so busy
                      projecting hatred on the system that they
                      eventually turned this hatred upon each
                      other once in power.

                      And, as everyone knows, Dr Mahathir
                      hates the double-talking and bullying of
                      the West.... So love. But love wisely. God
                      has called upon Christians to be as shrewd
                      as serpents but as harmless as doves. To
                      be worldly wise, to take an active interest
                      in our country's affairs yet to rise above
                      selfish, self-enriching politics and instead
                      serve our neighbours humbly.

                      Indeed, scripture enjoins us to be in the
                      world but not of the world. To pray for Dr
                      well-being, but not to gloss over his sins.
                      Love the sinner, hate the sin.

                      Some churches have been praying in
                      general terms for the country's leadership
                      to have wisdom and for the country to be
                      peaceful. This is a great first step.

                      But let's pause and think for a moment
                      here. If a pregnant unmarried schoolgirl
                      were to walk into
                      church, would Christians start getting
                      really uptight and uneasy? Chances are,
                      they would pray that she repents of her
                      sins. Evangelicals might pray that the Lord
                      will bind the spirit of lust in her. How
                      about politicians who might have leaned
                      upon judges to automatically blurt out
                      "irrelevant evidence" every 30 seconds?
                      Might they not need similar prayers for
                      repentance too?

                      Babylon Christians?

                      What is even more curious is that when
                      Umno corruption is discussed some
                      Christians get impatient: "Aiya, why are
                      you so negative? Why can't you see the
                      good that the government has done?"

                      But mention the magic word "PAS" and
                      instantly, they become a well-spring of
                      eloquence on the
                      "dangers" of an Islamic state and the
                      "barbarities" of syariah law. Why do
                      sincere, devout Christians have this
                      knee-jerk fear of Islam when its strict
                      moral codes are really not that much
                      different from those of Orthodox Judaism?
                      Are we so deeply influenced by the
                      Western media that we subconsciously
                      believe Christians should be pro-Western
                      and pro-Israel but anti-Islam in bias?

                      The world-view of PAS may be different,
                      but at least they are serious about their
                      religion. Do we
                      prefer to deal with serious worshipers of
                      Allah the Almighty or do we prefer serious
                      worshipers of Mammon and the Almighty
                      Ringgit? If we ourselves do not want
                      lukewarm Christians, why do we seem to
                      prefer corrupt lukewarm Muslims? Or are
                      we, in actual fact, more worldly than

                      Is it un-Christian if the BA (the Barisan
                      Alternatif which includes secular parties
                      like DAP,
                      KeADILan and PRM) wants to restore local
                      council elections? So that the next time
                      the municipal council wants to approve a
                      condo project in your housing estate's
                      playing field, they might think twice for
                      fear of losing their elected seats?

                      Is it un-Christian if the BA wants to curb
                      sexy advertisements, GRO-laden girlie
                      bars, Ecstasy
                      pill-popping discos and gambling (which
                      has destroyed many families)? Or are we
                      more Babylon-ish than we care to admit
                      when we subconsciously want these
                      "freedoms" to continue? Is it un-Christian
                      when the BA wants to revamp the Sedition
                      Act so that people like Lim Guan Eng do
                      not get jailed after speaking up for 15
                      year-old rape victims?

                      At least the opposition has laid down very
                      concrete proposals on how to clean up the
                      country. In any intelligent country, we'd be
                      debating these proposals instead of
                      having "he has a headache"
                      advertisements shoved down our throats
                      everyday. Then of course there was
                      Norhayati Md Yusof, now 20 years old, who
                      suddenly "woke up" and realised after five
                      years that she had not been raped by the
                      former Malacca Chief Minister.

                      Congratulations to the mainstream media,
                      for it has managed to brainwash us into
                      thinking that thiselection is all about an
                      Islamic state!

                      To be sure, there will be some policies of
                      PAS which Christians will not agree with. It
                      is time for
                      serious dialogue and engagement rather
                      than just burying our heads ostrich-like
                      with a cop-out phrase such as "aiya, this
                      is just a Malay issue-lah. Just let me
                      watch my six o'clock Cantonese serial-lah".

                      Just for the record, when PAS came to
                      power in Kelantan, it passed quite a few
                      applications for worship sites which had
                      been stymied by the previous Umno state
                      government - including two huge statues
                      of the Sitting Buddha and the Standing
                      Buddha. And now the new Terengganu
                      state government has allowed pigs to be
                      bred in the state - something previously
                      banned by Umno.

                      As for hard-headed political analysis, we
                      have to recognise that increasing Muslim
                      revivalism is a sure fact. Even Umno will
                      be forced to adopt a more Islamic facade
                      (say, by building the world's biggest
                      mosque and banning pig farming in Negeri
                      Sembilan) while it remains corrupt inside.

                      Now is the time, when the future is being
                      shaped, to begin negotiating. To start
                      building bridges as
                      junior partners rather than as rank
                      outsiders three elections later. Hey, after
                      all, Indonesia now has an ulama President
                      - something unthinkable just two years

                      Yes, there have been past grievances.
                      Christians have been discriminated against
                      (note: by Umno) on the question of church
                      sites and burial grounds. And there is still
                      the whole sore area of special rights and
                      quotas for Mahathirputras, Umnoputras
                      and, lastly, ordinary bumiputras (which
                      includes Christian Kadazans and Ibans).

                      Many Muslims have supported policies
                      which have been less than fair. But now,
                      due to the shock of the Anwar Ibrahim
                      affair, the scales have dropped from their
                      eyes and there has been a mass
                      awakening to the gross injustices in the

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