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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: malaysiakini EDITORIAL/OPINION (June 25)
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 15:50:03 -0000
From: "Editor " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Excessive traffic into Malaysiakini has shut down our server in the 
United States today (Monday, July 24). Our web host informed us that 
its server is unable to handle the heavy flow of traffic, and thus we 
are in the process moving the website elsewhere. Malaysiakini should 
be back online in the next few days. We apologise for the unforeseen 
problem. Meanwhile, here are today's news reports.



Impending crackdown?
Steven Gan

Remember not too long ago when just about everyone was braying for 
the defence minister's blood for allowing an appalling breach in 
national security. No? Then fast rewind three weeks.

In its editorial on July 4, the New Straits Times eloquently lamented 
that the "robbery of weapons is only scripted by screen writers. It 
does not spring up even in the lawless countries when rebellious 
groups are armed with weapons supplied by mercenary dealers. It 
should not have happened in this country. We, as Malaysians, want 
answers. Indeed everyone seeks an explanation, transparent and 

It further said that Defence Minister Najib Abdul Razak 
should "ultimately be held accountable". Anything less, it insisted, 
would be "untenable, unacceptable and scandalous". 

We couldn't agree more. To be honest, we couldn't have written a 
better editorial. We, too, seek answers, transparent and 
comprehensive - not the selective and piecemeal explanations dished 
out by the government so far. 

More so, heads must roll for such an embarrassing breach in our 
national security. And it must not stop with just the arrested 

It is also interesting to note, too, how the word "drama" to describe 
the arms heist is abruptly no longer "officially sanctioned". 

Surely, the manner in which the heist was pulled was dramatic. 

Don't just take our words. Take, for example, The Star. 

According to its senior journalist, Wong Chun Wai, the arm heist 
drama was "a bad script, even for a B-grade action movie. The plot, 
or the lack of it, would be more befitting a low-budget comedy".

Likewise, The Sun newspaper described the heist as "a stunt straight 
out of the Hollywood movie 'The Rock'." 

Even Najib considered the daring robbery as "sleek, cleverly planned 
and executed". 

But while it was dramatic, it would, however, require a leap of 
imagination to believe that this Hollywood-style robbery, and later 
the torture and murder of two hostages, were staged by the 
government, ostensibly to weaken PAS. 

That some quarters would think so goes to show that the government 
has a credibility problem, as alluded to by former deputy prime 
minister Musa Hitam in an malaysiakini interview two months ago. 

Not surprisingly, in the past week the government has been on 
the "defensive" in overcoming what would have been easily dismissed 
as an off-the-planet theory in normal times.

But we are not living in normal times. Indeed, the government has a 
credibility gap since the controversial sacking of former deputy 
prime minister Anwar Ibrahim. 

The way Anwar was fired, charged and sentenced only helped to 
reinforce the perception that the demise of the country's once second 
most powerful man could be a political "sandiwara".

That "drama" will come to a climax on Aug 4, next Friday. The High 
Court has announced that it will hand down with a decision on the 
sodomy charges against Anwar. 

The reformasi movement, backed by Keadilan, has vowed to gather in 
front of the High Court come judgment day. 

But expect the government to try its level best to stop this from 
happening, much like what it did with the Black 14 rally last April. 
Expect also the suggestion that the gathering will be violent, with 
perhaps a few Molotov cocktails thrown in. And expect pre-rally 
arrests of its key organisers. 

Clearly, the verdict of Anwar's sodomy trial will have great impact 
on the political landscape of Malaysia as Prime Minister Dr Mahathir 
Mohamad had justified Anwar's sacking in September 1998 on the 
latter's alleged "immoral activities".

However, the verdict will not patch up the political divide. A 
conviction will add much needed fodder to the flagging reformasi 
movement. An acquittal will throw more doubt on Mahathir's 
credibility and the perception of that a "sandiwara" is at work.

Next Friday, Anwar will face his judgment. So, too, will Mahathir.


Harun Rashid

Literature and real life

There are said to be only seven basic plots, and all literature is a 
variation of one of them. Hollywood
has managed to develop these basic plots in a multitude of 
spectacular extravaganzas, with lots of
violence euphemistically called "action". 

Murders and explosions occur every few minutes, and the minds of 
children who watch become so jaded by the repetition that murder in 
cold blood soon fails to elicit any emotion.

Malaysian news offers each day some scenario to inspire artists and 
writers. Consider the following news report from Bernama, the 
national news agency.

Six men shot dead by police all had gunshot wounds on head

Tumpat, July 3 (Bernama) - A coroner's inquest into the police 
shooting of six men here in 1998 heard Monday that the shots that 
caused their deaths were mostly aimed at the head. 

Kuala Terengganu Hospital pathologist Dr Abdul Karim Tajuddin said 
the post-mortem on the six bodies showed that all of them had more 
than one gunshot mark on their head some of which had penetrated the 
forehead, eye and ear. 

"The shootings were also from more than one direction as there were 
victims with marks showing they were shot from the front, right and 
left," he said. 

In the incident at Kampung Neting on the Kota Baru-Pengkalan Kubor 
road on Oct 3, 1998, the six  men who were in a van when (they) were 
shot by police on suspicion of smuggling firearms. 

The six were Ramachandran Sitaraman, 37, Subramaniam Kannapareddy, 
38, Ravi Suppayah, 33, Ganesan Sinasamy, 30, Shumugam Kupusamy, 21, 
Rajendran Subramaniam, 37. 

The inquest is being held after the Bar Council sent a memorandum to 
Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who was then (also) the home 

It is conducted by magistrate Ahmad Bazli Bahruddin, acting as the 
coroner, while Bar Council Criminal Law Committee chairman Mohamed 
Apandi Ali is holding a watching brief for the council. 

Abdul Karim said the post-mortem also revealed multiple gunshot 
wounds that damaged the brain causing instant death. 

There were also gunshot wounds on the six men's arms, chest, 
shoulders, ribs and abdomen, he said. 
Eight shots had pierced Ravi's body, six Shumugam's body and five 
each Rajendran's and Ganesan's bodies, he said. 

Abdul Karim concluded that some of the deceased were shot at close 
range based on the bullet marks on the body. 

"There were burnt marks on Subramaniam's body at the upper part of 
his right chest caused by the heat of the bullet fired from a 
distance of less than one metre," he said. 

The inquest will continue on Aug 14. 

(Ends Bernama report)

The details of this example of police vigilance are not germane to 
literary purposes. Pertinent for literature is its ability to provide 
suggestion to the imagination upon which to base fictional 

While purely imaginary events have the major role in literary 
productions, still, examples taken from daily life can be instructive.

The deputy prime minister invites our youth to become police cadets, 
that they may better appreciate the important role the police play in 
protecting society from dangerous deviant elements. 

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