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Berani sungguh puak2 umno ni hina hukum Allah. 
Patut di ambil pelajaran, tentang asteroid terbaru
ni. Kalau Allah nak musnahkan, sekelip mata boleh
berlaku. Bayangkan asteroid tu jatuh di Amerika ka,
Israel ka, Malaysia ka, di pwtc ka, tak sempat nak
berwasiat lah jawabnya.

Kalau umno nak jadi tak cerdik pun, jangan lah
terlampau sangat. Hukum Allah pun nak dicabar2nya.


By Richard Stenger

(CNN) -- An asteroid the size of a football field passed extremely close to Earth last 
week but it remained undetected until days later, astronomers said Thursday. 

The space rock missed our planet Friday by only 75,000 miles (120,000 km), about 
one-third the distance to the moon, making the near collision one of the closest ever 

Cruising at 6.2 miles (10 km) per second, the big boulder could have unleashed some 
major firepower had it struck, according to the NEO (Near Earth Objects) Information 
Center in Leicester, England. 

The destructive force might have been comparable to an asteroid or comet that exploded 
over Siberia in 1908, which flattened 77 square miles (2,000 square km) of trees, 
according to the NEO. 

NASA animation of the orbital path of 2002 MN   
But the asteroid, designated 2002 MN, is not in the same league as potential killer 
rocks measuring more than 0.6 miles (1 km) in diameter, some of which are known to 
lurk in our space neighborhood between Mars and Venus. 

"2002 MN is a lightweight among asteroids and incapable of causing damage on a global 
scale, such as the object associated with the extinction of the dinosaurs," the NEO 
center said in a statement. 

2002 MN was first spotted on June 17 by scientists with the Lincoln Near Earth 
Asteroid Research (LINEAR) project in Socorro, New Mexico. 

The closest near miss in recent decades took place in 1994, when asteroid 1994XL1 
passed within 65,000 miles (105,000 km) of our planet. 

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