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HAMAS dan PLO dan FATAH sudah bersatu menentang Yahudi. Adakah 
umat Palestin sudah diambang kemenangan? Peperangan kali inilah
"intidfadah" kebangkitan orang awam menentang Israil, bukan 
tentera Palestin melawan tentera Yahudi. Semangat mereka ialah 
Islam dan Jihad !!! Allahu Akbar !!!

       IAP-Net: Fatah leader in West Bank Says no body can stop 
       the Intifada
       Thu, 19 Oct 2000 10:27:49 -0500 (CDT)
       Islamic Association For Palestine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Fatah leader in West Bank Says no body can stop the Intifada

Occupied Jerusalem: 19 October/00-Fatah leader in the West Bank,
Marwan al Barghouthi, said Thursday, 19 October, the Aqsa intifada 
would continue despite the "cease fire understanding"  reached at 
the Sharm el Sheikh Summit a few days ago. 

Barghouthi said while he was not against PA chairman Yasser Arafat, 
he disagreed with him on whether the current intifada should 
continued or discontinued.

He said no body could stop the uprising because this is a popular
movment, not an army.

The following are excertps of a telephone interview with Barghouthi
published today in the Israeli Hebrew daily, Ha'aretz:

Question:  will there  be a cease-fire?

Answer: The incidents are continuing. There are many marches and
demonstrations. I think one person has been killed today, so far. 
It is impossible to speak about a cease-fire because there aren't 
two equal sides. One side has tanks, planes and missiles; the other 
side has victims, almost 100 dead and 5,000 wounded. This is a 
popular uprising, Intifada, which has one clear message: End the

Question: But we were at the height of a peace process.

Answer: It wasn't a peace process... The settlements continued 
to grow, prisoners weren't released, there was no Israeli withdrawal 
from the occupied territories. Israel didn't honor its agreements.

Question: Then you will not obey Arafat's orders to end the rioting 
and the shooting?

Answer: I am loyal to the president. My relationship with him is 
very good...But we are not soldiers. I am also active in politics 
and head the Fatah movement in the territories. Fatah and its 
members are leading the current Intifada.

Question: If you and your colleagues are leading the Intifada, 
won't you obey Arafat's order to stop it?

Answer: The Intifada can't be stopped by an order, just at it 
wasn't started at our order. If anyone gave orders to start it, 
it was Ariel Sharon, with his visit to Al Aqsa, and Ehud Barak, 
who permitted [the visit], and who bears responsibility for the 
murder of worshipers at Al Aqsa on the following Friday.

Question: But the two sides reached an understanding on restoring 
calm at Sharm al-Sheikh.

Answer: What happened at Sharm al-Sheikh? Nothing happened! They 
decided to return to the situation as it was on September 28, 
before the crisis erupted. Were things so good then? None of us 
wants to return to what was then. There was disappointment and 
despair... Therefore, the current Intifada will continue, and 
perhaps even intensify. I personally don't want it to stop. Let's 
say there is quiet. What then? We'll wait another 10 years.

Question: Do you and your colleagues have control over the 
demonstrators or not? Can you restore calm?

Answer: Israelis don't understand what a popular uprising is... If 
I give an order to stop, they will stop? Are you mad? This is a 
broad public, it's the street. I can try to persuade, but I can't 
give orders. This isn't an army.

Question: Then will you try to persuade?

Answer: We have reached the limit of our patience. You know me 
and my friends. We're the Fatah. We're the Palestinian peace camp. 
But Israeli policy has pushed us into a corner. Pushed and pushed 
until the explosion came and everything blew up. You, the Israelis, 
can't obtain peace without paying a price... You have to choose: 
Either occupation or peace.

Question: Then you will continue this Intifada?

Answer: We will continue the Intifada. But in peaceful ways. Most 
of the violence isn't on our side, but on Israel's side. Fact: 100
Palestinian dead, and thousands injured. We have paid, and are 
paying, a heavy price.

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