Title: FLASHPOINTS; A Guide to World Conflict

A Guide to World Conflict
Country Studies, War, Military and Political History,
Nationalism, Revolution and Terrorism

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Those who make peaceful change impossible
Make violent revolution inevitable.
President John F. Kennedy

There is no lasting hope in violence,
only temporary relief from hopelessness.
-Kingman Brewster Jr.

...Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just power from the
consent of the governed--That whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of the ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…"
-US Declaration of Independence

In virtually all areas of world conflict, the astute observer will find
certain common themes, elements and causes, with only minor variations from one situation to another. The most fundamental abuses by
oppressive governments are denial of religious and cultural traditions and practices, including the right to worship, to speak one's native language, to educate children in their native culture, history and tradition and to prosper from their labor. Oppressed people are thus denied life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

When people attempt to assert their natural human rights, oppressive governments deny additional rights, namely the right to dissent,
to assemble, to organize political parties, to vote and thus to reform their government and redress their grievances. Lacking representation, there is no consent of the governed and peaceful change is rendered impossible.

A true and lasting democracy is not a mandate for domination by a
political majority, but must recognize and act upon the needs and
aspirations of all citizens. While people will consent to be governed, they will not consent to be dominated. There is no more difficult decision than the decision to kill and die for one's beliefs and the faint hope for  freedom.   

Wherever and whenever, people make this difficult and terrible choice, those who respect human rights, value freedom and desire peace must examine the circumstances carefully, objectively and critically, to
penetrate the fog of propaganda and censorship that obscures truth and denies justice.


Northern Ireland at
Flashpoint as marching
season nears

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Here's the book behind the controversy. Was Nobel Peace Prize winner David Trimble involved in political killings in
Northern Ireland?


MP David Trimble is threatening for selling The Committee in the United Kingdom, where it's been banned. The Committee links Trimble, a leader of the secretive, anti-Catholic Orange Order  to the killings of Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland where he has fought to force sectarian Orange Order marches through Catholic communities. In 1996, after rioting forced the police to back-down, Trimble and demagogue Ian Paisley celebrated together. Read more about The Marching Season in the Flashpoints Special Feature. Read about Trimble and Unionists in The Committee..

Northern Ireland Flashpoints ready to erupt
as marching season nears

Rioting sweeps Northern Ireland  in protests to July 12th marching decisions by the Parades Commission.

Read more about this bizarre situation

A Flashpoints Special Feature

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