> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Sally Mousa 
> To: undisclosed-recipients: 
> Sent: Tuesday, 26 June 2001 1:10
> Assalamu alaykum 
> Peace be upon you all
> Your help is needed to air the BBC Panorama documentary,
> "The Accused," on ABC television.
> If you haven't already seen it, watch it now:
> <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/cta/progs/panorama/latest.ram"; 
> On Monday June 18, a complaint was filed before an
> investigating judge in Brussels, Belgium on behalf of
> 28 survivors of the Sabra and Chatila massacres, to
> indict Ariel Sharon for war crimes and crimes against
> humanity.
> Although attempts are being made to prosecute the head
> of a national government for war crimes, this has
> received little attention in the Australian media.
> However, recently (17 June 2001), the BBC's Panorama
> program aired a provocative documentary, "The Accused"
> about Sharon's role in the massacre, as defense
> minister in the Israeli government at that time. In
> the documentary, international legal experts concur
> charges should be brought against Sharon.
> In that regard, we are asking you to help us.  The
> Free Palestine media committee needs you to write
> letters to the ABC, asking them to air "The Accused,"
> (Sunday 17 June). They have no plans - as yet - to air
> the program.
> We are asking you to put pressure on the ABC to do
> this because:
> 1. The Palestine-Israeli conflict is one of the most
> covered issues in the Australian press. Yet the
> Australian media has largely overlooked a matter of
> incredible importance to the whole peace process.
> That is, a complaint against the national head of one
> of the parties to the peace process, Ariel Sharon, has
> been filed in a Belgium court to try the leader for
> war crimes.
> 2. The Australian government recently supported
> Israel's need for "security" at a recent protest,
> where minister Tony Abbot stood in solidarity with
> pro-Israel demonstrators.
> It is therefore important for Australian voters to be
> exposed to the war crimes debate surrounding the
> leader of a country Australia solidly supports.
> Below is a sample letter you can address to the ABC.
> Please CC a copy of any letter you write to
> from the Free Palestine Media Committee
> Please pass this letter around to your contacts.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Address your correspondence to:
> Sue Lester,
> Network Programmer at ABC TV,
> Or snail mail:
> Sue Lester,
> Network Programmer at ABC TV
> GPO box 9994,
> Sydney 2001
> ATTN: Sue Lester, Network Programmer at the ABC,
> I am writing this letter to urge you to air the BBC's
> Panorama documentary, "The Accused." I believe
> Australian viewers should be exposed to the
> controversy regarding Israeli prime minister Ariel
> Sharon's involvement in war crimes, particularly in
> the context current moves in Belgium to indict Sharon
> for war crimes, and Australia's friendly relations
> with Israel.
> Recently, the BBC's panorama program aired a
> controversial documentary, "The Accused," on June 17.
> The documentary explored Ariel Sharon's role in the
> 1982 Sabra and Chatila massacres, where between 800
> and 2,500 Palestinian civilians were slaughtered.
> The documentary comes in the wake of current moves in
> Belgium to try Ariel Sharon for war crimes and crimes
> against humanity, based upon his role the Israeli
> defense minister during the time of the massacre.
> I think it is important for the ABC to also air this
> documentary, for several reasons:
> · While attempts are being made to prosecute the head
> of a national government for war crimes, this has
> received little attention in the Australian media.
> This is despite the commercial Australian media's
> fairly saturated, often pro-Israeli coverage of the
> current Palestinian Intifada against occupation.
> · The Palestine-Israeli conflict is one of the most
> covered issues in the Australian press.
> Yet the Australian media has largely overlooked an
> important matter to the whole peace process. That is,
> survivors of the 1982 massacre are attempting to try
> the national head of one of the parties to the peace
> process for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
> · Meanwhile, the Australian government recently
> supported Israel's need for "security" at a recent
> protest, where minister Tony Abbot stood in solidarity
> with pro-Israel demonstrators.
> It is therefore important for Australian voters to be
> exposed to the war crimes debate surrounding the
> leader of a country Australia solidly supports.
> · Moreover - the documentary is controversial. It is
> cutting edge, relevant news, worthy of the ABC. The
> documentary is so controversial, Israeli television
> will not air it. Powerful enough, that according the
> Haretz, British Prime Minister Tony Blair refused to
> meet with Ariel Sharon during his stopover in Britain
> a few days ago.
> In summary, we urge you to air the BBC's Panorama
> documentary, "The Accused." We believe Australian
> audiences must be exposed to the debate surrounding
> Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon's involvement in
> war crimes, especially considering Australia's
> friendly relations with Israel, and current moves in
> Belgium to try the leader for war crimes and crimes
> against humanity.
> Regards,
> [name]
> [phone number]
> [e-mail]
> [address]
> ------------------------------------------------------
> For more information, see the following links:
> For the trial against Sharon:
> http://www.mallat.com/thecaseagainstarielsharon.htm 
> The BBC documentary can be viewed at:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/cta/progs/panorama/latest.ram
> The transcript can be seen at:
> anscripts/transcript_17_06_01.txt
> Based on the evidence provided in the documentary and
> by the earlier Kahan report, Human Rights Watch issued
> a call asking the US to investigate Sharon.  This
> press release is found at:
> http://www.hrw.org/press/2001/06/isr0622.htm

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