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----- Original Message -----
From: "PAS Network" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 9:21 AM
Subject: [pas-network] What is the difference between Shurah and Democracy?

Title of Fatwa: Shurah and Democracy
 Date of Reply: 4/ February/ 2000
Topic Of Fatwa:  Politics

Question of Fatwa: What is the difference between Shurah and Democracy?
Name of Mufti: Yousif Ali Qardawi
Content of Reply:

Islam wants this nation to consult with each other, and stand as a united
body, so no enemy can penetrate it. This is not what democracy is for.
Democracy is a system that can't solve all societal problems. Democracy
itself also can make whatever it wants as lawful, or prohibit anything it
does not like. In comparison the Shari'ah as a political system has limits.
If we are to adopt democracy, we should adopt its best features. These are
the issues of methods, guarantees, and manners of a democratic society. As a
Muslim society we should adopt it in an Islamic context of a society that
seeks to live with its Shariah laws. Our society should abide by what have
been made lawful by Allah SW and abide by what also made unlawful by him SW.
In comparison democracy, with a slim majority can cancel all laws and rules.
It can even eliminate itself with this type of margin. In fact, in some case
democracy may become worse than dictatorship. What I am for is a genuine
type of democracy, for a society driven by the law

I am against this type of distorted democracy that is adopted by many
regimes in the Arab-Islamic world. I am really troubled by the four digits
results of elections. Most rulers in the Arab world, as well as in the
Islamic world are elected by 99.99% of the people. What kind of democracy is
this? The people can never consent to anything with this margin.
Furthermore, I want draw the attention to the issue of the spread of
deviance in the democratic societies. We should take the "good", and abandon
the "bad". For instance, many democratic countries have allowed types of
sexual deviance to spread, and even legalized such behavior. Gays and
Lesbians now can merry each other legally.

Our democracy is different. It is well connected to the laws of Shariah. Yes
we adopt some of the principles of democracy, but it is incumbent upon us
also to uphold our principles. We have pillars of our Shariah that we have
to abide by. We want the people to be consulted and participate actively in
politics as well as in the process of

Shura has always been good for the Muslim society, and autocracy has always
been evil since the beginning of mankind on this planet. History has told us
about dictators such as pharoahs, the Nimord, and many, many examples. The
Quran tells us about the story of Prophet Abraham PBUH and the Nimrod, the
dictator who disputed the existence of Allah, and declared himself as a God.
The Holy Quran says "Hast thou not turned thy vision to one who disputed
with Abraham about his Lord, because Allah had granted him power? Abraham
said: "my Lord is he who giveth life and death." He said: "I give life and
death." Said Abraham: "but it is Allah that causeth the sun to rise from the
East: do thou then cause him to rise from the West? Thus was he confounded
who (in arrogance) rejected faith? Nor doth Allah give guidance to a people
unjust." 2:258. The dictators Nimrod was so arrogant. To challenge the will
of Allah, he asked two people who where passing by during his argument with
Abraham to come to him. He ordered one o
The same story repeats itself with the dictator of Egypt, the Pharaoh who
declared himself as a God and refused to accept the message sent to him.
Throughout history dictatorships, despotic regimes, and unjust regimes have
been associated with the issue of corrupting earth. The Quran says, "(all)
these transgressed beyond bounds in the lands, and heaped therein mischief
(on mischief)" 89:11-12. Allah also says about the Pharaohs of Egypt "and
remember, we delivered you from the people of pharaoh: they set hard tasks
and punishments, slaughtered your sons and let your womenfolk live; therein
was tremendous trial from your lord." 2:50. Islam has stood fast against
these types of rulers and made it mandatory on the people to resist tyranny
and injustices. To conclude, Islam is not anti-democracy. What we want is a
free society, that lives within the rules and laws of the Shariah which is
very compatible with the values of democracy, freedom, human rights,
justice, development, and prosperity.

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