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Title: IslamiCity Bulettin
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 9:43 AM
Subject: Bulletin 06/14/2002 - Jihad (Struggle) to convey the message

In The Name Of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

IslamiCity Bulletin

June 14, 2002
Rabi` Al-Thani 4, 1423

Jihad (Struggle) to convey the message


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Quran 2:256 - Let there be no compulsion in religion..

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. (Farewell sermon of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

The above Quranic verse and directive of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) establishes the ground rules for promoting Islamic information. We cannot force Religion on anyone but it is our responsibility to bear witness and communicate the Divine natural order of submission to the One creator of humanity and the universe.

Established in 1995, the essence of IslamiCity's mission is to leverage new information and communication technologies, to provide the most comprehensive resources on Islam to a worldwide audience. Alhamdulillah, today IslamiCity receives over 1.5 million visitors every month and has been recognized by several prominent mainstream media.

Click Here to read and listen to a National Public Radio report on conversion at IslamiCity.

Numerous people in the USA and other countries have taken 'Shahada', proclamation of Faith, at IslamiCity. - There is no god but Allah (The One God) and Muhammad is His Prophet. The process of someone making the declaration of Faith at IslamiCity is unique ... its taking place almost daily by using computers and telephones (click here to read an actual experience).

It is truly an elevating experience to continually witness the declaration of Faith, especially during times when Islam is being looked at through the prism of terrorism. We pray that may God re-ignite and advance the true spirit of submission to the One creator of humanity and the universe in all Muslims.

In order for us to continue, we urgently need your participation. Please become an IslamiCity member to support and claim many benefits. In addition to the discounts and access to special membership content, most of all, you will have the satisfaction of supporting the world’s leading website that is inviting tens of thousands of people towards Islam each day.

IslamiCity is dedicated in advancing information, fostering community, and educating people about Islam. Your membership will help expand IslamiCity services to many people around the world and provide important resources in developing new Islamic content and educational programs.

Click Here to Join

If you share our determination to promote Islamic information to millions around the world and build a Global Muslim eCommunity, then we invite you to join and sign up today! The cost of this membership comes to only $4.16 per month.

50% of IslamiCity's operating cost depends on your membership. Currently there is a significant shortfall in meeting the membership goals.

It is you, the visitors who have helped earn IslamiCity the distinction of "the largest Islamic website in the world." With your Membership Inshallah, IslamiCity will be able to fulfill the responsibility that comes with this distinction.

Click here to post your comments.

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