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Fire, not impact, caused collapse of towers: experts 
Rob Lever

1:34pm, Thu: WASHINGTON (AFP) - The collapse of the World Trade Center towers resulted 
from the intense fire that melted structural support, not the impact of the hijacked 
jetliners that crashed into each of the skyscrapers, experts said yesterday. 

Engineers and architects said the huge amounts of jet fuel caused an inferno with 
temperatures as high as 1,000 degrees Celsius (2,000 Fahrenheit), melting the 
supporting steel and eventually causing the 110 story towers to implode. 

"The fire brought it down ultimately," Henry Petroski, a civil engineering professor 
at Duke University, told AFP. "Buildings like that are built so they can withstand 
fire, but not indefinitely. The idea is that the fire will either burn itself out or 
cool off before there is any structural damage. In this case, with all the jet fuel, 
my guess is that the fire began to soften the steel." 

The towers, weighing 290,000 tonnes each, were built for 1.5 billion dollars in the 
1970s, using a controversial innovation for the time -- a tubular construction with 
most of the structural support in the exterior "skin." New York architect John Young 
said the towers were a "vainglorious project" with a number of safety shortcomings 
that were overlooked because the structures were exempt from local building codes." 
The building was built far larger than local codes would have allowed," he told AFP. 
"Many city agencies protested it would be difficult to protect people in an emergency. 
From day one, it was talked about as a safety hazard." 

Because of the controversy about the structures, terrorists may have been able to 
obtain architectural plans to study the weaknesses of the towers. Young noted that the 
towers utilized the exterior wall framing for lateral bracing, making more room for 
office space without pillars. 

"You can see the effect of that when the buildings collapsed, with the lattice 
framework crumbling and the interior imploding," he said. "The lattice works so long 
as it remains intact as a system: if a part of it goes, then the whole system goes." 
But other experts said this system -- also used for the Sears Tower in Chicago and 
other skyscrapers -- should not be blamed in the collapse. 

"This type of structure gave those precious minutes for people to escape," said Ben 
Heimsath, a Texas architect who specialized in building safety." If you take this 
amount of momentum and velocity and mass and follow it up with a colossal inferno, 
that is a one-two punch that is an impossible situation." 

Petroski noted that the Empire State Building survived an impact from a much smaller 
B-25 bomber in 1945 with no structural damage, but noted that today's buildings are 
generally lighter and use new methods to allow more open floor space. "In order to 
build tall buildings economically, you want to make them as light as possible and open 
up the building," he said. 

He added that the massive quantities of cascading fuel probably created an inferno 
that made the collapse inevitable. But he did not think the terrorists had any special 
knowledge of the building structure. Experts said it is unlikely that design changes 
will be made to new buildings, but that more attention will be paid to evacuation 
plans, flammability of materials and fire suppression or sprinkler systems. 

But Petroski said the attacks will likely dampen enthusiasm for any massive new 
skyscraper projects. "I think it's going to be very difficult to make a proposal that 
financiers, the people that supply the money to invest in these buildings, are going 
to embrace," said Petroski. Tall buildings are built principally as rental space; and 
you don't want something that makes customers anxious. Right now, going into a tall 
building is going to have that effect on people." 

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