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One day, three close friends, a MCA member, a MIC member and another one an UMNO 
member, went for a walk. They were old buddies from  a boarding school, and they were 
remembering the tough old days they went as students together.

For no apparent reason, they went into a zoo and passed an elephant. Being members of 
different political parties but from the same BN and school, there is little bit of 
peer competition going on, so when he saw this elephant, an idea clicked the MCA 
member, he said to the others "Why don't we prove who is the best among us?". The 
others, of course, agreed. Then the MIC member said "Let's make a test. Whoever can 
make this elephant laugh, he is a member of the best political party". They all agreed 
and started. Being a pure logical strategist, the MCA  tried to make the elephant 
laugh by telling jokes.  Of course the elephant stayed still. 

As a more practical guy, the MIC guy tried to make funny gestures...and the elephant 
still stood firm. 

Now, comes the UMNO member.  He whispered something to the elephant, and it laughed at 
him while pointing its trunk at him. The other two were astonished.  How come this 
UMNO member beat them? 

So the MIC guy said "OK, let's make another test. Let's make this elephant cry !!".   
So there they went again.  The MCA member told sad stories, the MIC guy made sad 
gestures, and they fail again. Then, the UMNO member whispered something again in the 
elephant's ear and it just cried, weeping and patting away.   This can't be, thought 
the other two. 

So the MCA member said "OK, you've won twice. If you can win this test, we will bow to 
you. Let's make this elephant run". He went and barked to the elephant, orders to run. 
Of course, it stayed still.

The MIC guy pushes the elephant and stabs it with stick to make it run, but it stayed 

So... the UMNO man comes to it and whispers something again in its ear and the 
elephant ran and ran as fast as it could, as if it was
scared to death. 

The other two surrendered. "OK, you're the best, pal.   You are a member of the best 
party; none of us can beat you. Do tell us your secret".   "Well" said the UMNO 
man,"the first time I made it laugh, I said I am an UMNO member". "When I made it cry, 
I told the elephant how the UMNO leaders treated and fooled the members".   "And when 
I made it run scared to death, I said to it, Why don't you join UMNO and be a crony of 
Mahathir ?"

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