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Militant Muslims a threat 
PM: Extremists, deviants insist Malaysia not
Islamic country 

>From Hardev Kaur in New York 

MALAYSIA is a moderate Muslim country whose Government faces the threat of being 
overthrown by deviant Muslims "by violence preferably", Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad 

"The state religion is Islam and Muslims can practise their religion and apply the 
syariah laws as family laws," he said, adding that "all the religious needs of Muslims 
are met by the Government".

At the same time, non-Muslims are free to practise their beliefs because this is 
permitted by Islam, the Prime Minister said at the World Economic Forum session on 
‘The Role of Islam in the Modern State', yesterday.

Dr Mahathir said the Government led by him is labelled "secular and un-Islamic" by Pas 
which is led by people who claim they are ulama.

He said: "Hatred for the so-called secular Government is fostered from the 
kindergarten onwards.

"The early ulama were knowledgeable in many disciplines besides Islamic theology.

"Today, political ulama are only knowledgeable about those parts of the teachings of 
Islam which seemingly support their political views.

"Many misinterpret and distort Islam in order to legitimise their political creed. A 
favourite one is that only ulama may rule a country, democracy notwithstanding." Dr 
Mahathir, who is known for his no-nonsense approach to issues and who is not afraid to 
articulate his views even if they do not fall in line with the commonly held views in 
the West, was a popular speaker at the Forum.

He told some 3,000 participants comprising government, corporate, religious and 
non-governmental organisation leaders that "political ulama reject knowledge that is 
not specifically religious for fear that such people might challenge their authority".

Although the early Muslims excelled in mathematics and the sciences, today's Muslims 
are generally backward in most fields of learning.

Dr Mahathir said they were also not knowledgeable in Islam.

"Each time a Muslim nation attempts to develop to the level of non-Muslim countries, 
Muslim groups would emerge demanding a ‘return to Islam'.

"These groups are usually violent and often declare ‘holy wars' against Muslim 
governments trying to develop the country." Malaysia is not only a progressive and 
moderate Islamic state but is also just one of two Islamic countries (the other being 
Turkey) that has progressed into the developed world, he said, quoting Anatole Lieven, 
a senior associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

The problem faced by Muslim countries, according to Dr Mahathir, is due to deviation 
from Islamic fundamentals.

He added that people were fond of equating fundamentalists with fanatical and extreme 

"But the fundamentals of Islam are simple and basic and good. This is because Islam 
preaches peace and the brotherhood of Muslims." "Islam abhors wars of aggression and 
the killing of innocent people. Islam promotes the acquisition of knowledge and 
skills. But the ulama later interpreted learning as learning religion only.

"If Muslims stick to the fundamentals of Islam they would not be divided into 
different sects, race and nations, each claiming to be the true Muslim or more Muslim 
than the others.

"If they return to the fundamentals of Islam, the Muslim nations would be well 
administered by trained and skilful people and would be able to compete with the 
global community," he said.

Dr Mahathir said that they would then have a vested interest in international 
stability and peace.

"In multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysia we have tried to practise the 
fundamentals of Islam. But the extremist deviants are always sniping at us.

"Still Malay Muslims have largely refused to be deviated from the fundamentals of 
Islam and to give power to self-appointed ulama incompetent in administration and 


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