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> Media Amerika cadang serang Makkah dengan bom nuklear
> Monday, March 18 @ 12:01:15 MYT
> Oleh Salman Al Munziri
> KAHERAH, 18 Mac (Hrkh) - Sebuah majalah terkenal di Amerika Syarikat
> menyeru negara-negara Barat agar melancarkan serangan ke atas Makkah
> dan
> Madinah dengan bom nuklear.
> Seruan berkenaan dibuat oleh penulis majalah National Review, Rich
> Lowry
> untuk 'memberi pengajaran' kepada umat Islam.
> Tulisan boleh dirujuk di dalam ruangan The Corner di laman web majalah
> tersebut, www.nationalreview.com.
> Lowry memberikan cadangan itu sebagai jawapan kepada seolan-soalan
> pembaca
> mengenai kaedah yang sepatutnya dilakukan oleh Amerika Syarikat
> terhadap
> serangan ke atas Pusat Dagangan Dunia, New York tahun lalu.
> Dalam pada itu, tulisan Lowry telah mendapat bantahan daripada umat
> Islam
> Amerika Syarikat. Majlis Hubungan Islam Amerika (Council on
> American-Islamic Relation - CAIR) menyeru umat Islam supaya
> menghubungi
> pejabat majalah berkenaan bagi membuat bantahan terhadap tulisan yang
> dianggap terlalu biadab itu.
> CAIR boleh dihubungi menerusi www.cair-net.org/.
> Bantahan kepada majalah berkenaan boleh dibuat menerusi alamat
> berikut:
> Mr. Jonah Goldberg (Online Editor)
> National Review
> 215 Lexington Avenue
> New York, New York 10016
> TEL: 212-679-7330
> FAX: 212-849-2835
> Berikut adalah kenyataan penuh CAIR yang menyeru umat Islam supaya
> membuat
> bantahan:
> (Washington, DC, 3/12/2002)
> CAIR is calling on Muslims to contact the National Review and demand
> an
> apology for published statements by editor Rich Lowry who suggested
> that
> "nuking Mecca" would "send a signal" to Muslims. (National Review
> online,
> www.nationalreview.com, calls itself "America's premier conservative
> website.")
> In an online forum called "The Corner," editor Rich Lowry wrote on
> March
> 7:
> "Lots of sentiment for nuking Mecca. Moderates opt for something more
> along these lines: "Baghdad and Tehran would be the likeliest sites
> for a
> first strike. If we have clean enough bombs to assure a pinpoint
> damage
> area, Gaza City and Ramallah would also be on list. Damascus, Cairo,
> Algiers, Tripoli and Riyadh should be put on alert that any signs of
> support for the attacks in their cities will bring immediate
> annihilation..."
> "This is a tough one, and I don't know quite what to think. Mecca
> seems
> extreme, of course, but then again few people would die and it would
> send
> a signal. Religions have suffered such catastrophic setbacks
> before...And,
> as a general matter, the time for seriousness-including figuring out
> what
> we would do in retaliation, so maybe it can have some slight deterrent
> effect--is now rather than after thousands and thousands more American
> casualties."
> National Review writer Rod Dreher also took part in the discussion of
> an
> attack on Mecca. He wrote: "...I'd say Baghdad, Tehran and Riyadh
> should
> make the list, tout ensemble, and maybe even Damascus. As for Mecca,
> well,
> it would feel good, but we'd have every Muslim on the planet enraged
> unto
> ages of ages...
> SEE:
> http://www.nationalreview.com/thecorner/2002_03_03_corner-archive.shtml.
> Use the "find on this page" function of your browser using the term
> "Mecca.
> "National Review's editor suggests nuking Mecca. We're not kidding" By
> Jeremy Lott, The American Prospect, 3/11/2002
> http://www.prospect.org/webfeatures/2002/03/lott-j-03-11.html
> "These statements are a call to violence against Muslims and Islam.
> Inflammatory rhetoric suggesting mass murder and the destruction of
> religious sites is wildly irresponsible and beyond the bounds of
> reasoned
> debate. The National Review should apologize immediately and
> discipline
> Lowry and Dreher for their offensive remarks. Hate speech can never be
> justified or excused," said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad.
> Awad added that these statements are part of a disturbing trend in
> which
> some commentators attack the faith of Islam under the cover of
> political
> debate. (Lowry now says his remarks were merely "sarcastic.") In a
> September column published on National Review, Ann Coulter wrote:
> "...We
> should invade their [Muslim] countries, kill their leaders and convert
> them to Christianity."
> IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUESTED: (As always, be firm, but POLITE. Hostile
> or
> threatening comments can and WILL be used to further defame the Muslim
> community and Islam.)
> Contact the National Review to demand an apology for Lowry's and
> Dreher's
> offensive remarks.
>                    Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

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