1. Solution by peace negotiations

* We know of the first solution being presented to the Muslims. The
solution that involves entering into a permanent peace with the Jews.

* Peace means giving credence to the idea that Israel has a right to
exist. The problem with the Jewish State of Israel is one of existence,
and not one of it's borders.

* How is it possible, my dear brothers, for this solution to even be a
consideration for us?

* Have we forgotten the significance of this land?

* Have we forgotten that this blessed land is linked to our aqeedah?

* Have we forgotten the very first ayat in Surah Al-Isra, where
Allah-tAllah says:

(TMQ 17:1: Blessed is the One who took His Servant during part of the night on a
Journey from Masjid Al-Haram to Masjid Al-Aqsa, whose precincts we did bless )

* Have we forgotten that it was to this very land that Rasool-Allah
(saw) did the Isra to, and it was from this very land that Rasool-Allah
(saw) did the Meraaj?

* Have we forgotten that it is this very Mosque that the Jews want to
destroy, and build their Temple Mount, this very Mosque, Al-Aqsa, that was
the first Qibla for the Muslims?

* The very same Mosque that Rasool-Allah (saw) lead all the Prophets
in Salaah.

* No my brothers, I am sure that not one of us forgets these noble

* How can we sit and negotiate over a land that has such a glorious
Islamic heritage?

* Indeed, Allah makes it haraam to give away this land, which is the
implication of a lasting peace.

* Do we think, for one second, that America would want to make peace
with us if we occupied her White House? Would Tony Blair entertain
negotiation and dialogue if the Muslims forcefully took over the Houses of
* We all know, that in 1982, Britain sent her army to take back an
island in the South Atlantic Ocean called the Falklands, an island that is
many thousands of miles away from the mainland. Indeed Britain did not
compromise, and yet she expects this Ummah of Rasool-Allah to compromise.

* We also know of the Umari Agreement, signed by Umar-Al-Khataab (ra),
in his capacity as the Khaleef, with the Christians, that prohibited the
Jews from living in Al-Quds.
* This alone my brothers, is sufficient to prove that the peace
negotiations are haraam, because the glorious Sahabaah witnessed the
incident of the agreement and gave their approval, indicating their

* I came across a very inspiring quote from one of the Uthmani
Khaleefs', Sultan Abdul Hameed the 2nd, at the beginning of last century
in Istanbul in 1901.

* This Khaleefah, may Allah reward him for his political courage, was
approached by a prominent Jewish Zionist, called Dr Theodore Hirtzel, who
wanted to buy this blessed land of Al-Quds from the Muslims.

* This is how the Khaleefah responded:

"Please do tell Dr Hirtzel not to take any serious steps towards this
issue. I cannot concede one single handspan of the Palestinian land for it is not
mine to concede. Palestine belongs to the Muslim Ummah..."

"My people have fought hard for this land and irrigated it with their
blood. The Jews might as well keep their millions..."

"If the Khilafah State one day fell they can take Palestine without any
price. But as long as I am alive, I would rather be cut to pieces than to
see Palestine cut off from the Khilafah State and this shall not happen."

"I cannot agree to the mutilation of our bodies as long as we are alive."

* This is how the Khaleefah responded. Let us look to how some of the
Muslim rulers responded, on the same issue:

* We know that Yasser Arafat said : "Despite all the
disappointments... we choose a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace. Our
goals are the liberation of our land, the establishment of our independent
state... with holy Jerusalem as its capital..."
* and Allah says in response, in Surah Al-Mumtahanah, in verse 9,

(It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of your
Deen, And have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out,
That Allah forbids you to befriend them.)

* Clearly what they mean by peace, which in reality is the giving away
of the lands of the Muslims, is haraam on any Muslim land, let alone the
blessed land of Al-Quds.


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