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Ayuh mari kita sama-sama turun membantu Ruslan Kassim di Teluk Kemang.
InsyaAllah sejarah Teluk PASu akan berulang.
Lawan tetap lawan.


On Tue, 23 May 2000 22:07:13   Y.W.Loke wrote:
>Tuesday, May 23, 2000
>Rahim sues Ruslan for RM15mil in libel case
>KUALA LUMPUR: Former Chief Minister of Malacca Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby
>Chik is suing Parti Keadilan Nasional youth Chief Ruslan Kassim for RM15mil
>over slander and libel during the 1998 Umno general assembly. 
>The case came up for case management before Justice Dr R.K. Nathan
>yesterday and the judge fixed July 17 for hearing. 
>Abdul Rahim's counsel Firuz Hussain told the court that he had three
>witnesses while Vadivu Perumal, who was acting for Ruslan, told the court
>that Khalid Jafri, author of the book 50 Dalil Mengapa Anwar Tidak Boleh
>Jadi PM (50 Reasons Why Anwar Cannot Become Prime Minister), would be
>testifying for the defence. 
>In the statement of claim, Abdul Rahim said that Ruslan had uttered the
>slanderous words to about 1,900 Umno delegates during the debate on the
>Presidential Speech at Putra World Trade Centre at about 10.30am on June
>20, 1998. 
>He said the words, in their ordinary meaning, were understood to mean,
>among others, that Abdul Rahim: 
>* WAS responsible for the publication and/or dissemination of the book 50
>* PROVIDED facilities and/or the premises to the publishers of the book to
>enable them to publish and/or disseminate the same; 
>* WAS guilty of using surreptitious, underhand and unconstitutional means
>to compromise the position of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim both in Umno and as
>the then deputy prime minister; 
>* WAS jealous of power and wrongfully taking the opportunity of the
>Nation's troubles to achieve his alleged aims to obtain political power. 
>Abdul Rahim claimed the speech was widely publicised. 
>He is seeking RM5mil in damages for slander, RM10mil in damages for libel,
>an injunction, interest and costs. 
>Ruslan denied the claims and put Abdul Rahim to strict proof of the
>contents of his claims. 
>He also pleaded fair comment and qualified privilege. 

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