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----- Original Message -----
From: Moderator Keluarga/Sutera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 10:34 PM
Subject: [Sutera] Fw: Here We Go Again, by Ambassador (Ret.) John R. Malott

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> Here We Go Again
> By Ambassador (Ret.) John R. Malott
> It looks like a new smear campaign has started against a certain
> "former leader" of Malaysia. Now he is being accused of
> contributing USD 10 million to radical Islamic organisations in
> the United States, money that in turn allegedly supported
> extremist activities, possibly including terrorism. And once
> again, Malaysia's politicians and unquestioning press are
> whipping themselves into a public frenzy without having done
> their homework. Calm down, people.
> The New Straits Times and Bernama both have reported that Shaykh
> Muhammed Hisham Kabbani, the leader of the Islamic Supreme
> Council of America (ISCA), said that a "former Malaysian minister
> funded organisations in the US which may have links with certain
> extremist groups elsewhere," and because of that, "Malaysia got
> connected with terrorist activities."
> And now for the background, which is available openly on the
> internet.
> Shaykh Hisham Muhammad Kabbani, a Sufi cleric, was born in Syria
> and graduated from the American University of Beirut. He received
> his Islamic Law Degree in Damascus. In 1991 he was sent to
> America to establish the foundation of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order.
> Since then he has opened thirteen Sufi Centers in the United
> States and Canada. (For further information on ISCA, see their
> website at www.islamicsupremecouncil.org).
> Shaykh Kabbani has often criticized other Islamic leaders for
> their failure to condemn those who espouse more extremist forms
> of Islam. In this regard, his views seem no different from those
> of former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, whose recent
> article in Time magazine ("Who Hijacked Islam?") made the same
> point.
> According to a 1999 article in the Washington Report on Middle
> East Affairs, Shaykh Kabbani has been at odds with mainstream US
> Islamic organisations almost since his arrival here in 1991. In
> 1998, ISCA's magazine, The Muslim, described a series of
> confrontations between various U.S. Muslim groups and the
> Shaykh's followers.
> That article says that leaders of other U.S. Muslim organisations
> were unwilling to participate in Shaykh Kabbani's ISCA
> conventions in 1996 and 1998, and that there also were ugly
> scenes at a number of meetings of the Islamic Society of North
> America (ISNA). Shaykh Kabbani's followers were not invited or
> allowed to participate in those ISNA meetings after it was
> rumored that he was "a Zionist agent" and that his organisation's
> magazine "was sponsored by Zionist funding."
> The Washington Report says that the Muslim article implied that
> the dispute was a religious as well as organisational one, over
> differing interpretations of Islam. Shaykh Kabbani is a Sufi and
> the majority of American Muslims are Sunni.
> But the differences within the US Muslim community were
> transformed into a political issue as a result of a speech that
> Shaykh Kabbani made at the US State Department in 1999, where he
> said that funds collected by Muslim groups in America for
> humanitarian aid were being used to buy weapons to fight in the
> name of Islam; that extremism had spread to 80 percent of the
> Muslims in the US; and that more than 80 percent of the 2,000
> mosques in the US were being run by extremist ideologies.
> (Since ISNA - the organisation that had not allowed his
> participation at its annual meetings - provides support to 80
> percent of the mosques in the US, there was an implication that
> the Shaykh was singling out ISNA. Astute Malaysian readers will
> recall that ISNA was the group that "disinvited" Prime Minister
> Mahathir from making a speech in Chicago in 2000 but which
> invited Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah to address them in 2001.)
> Shaykh Kabbani also charged that extremist ideology is getting
> into US universities through various Muslim clubs. He said that
> Iran is hiring nuclear scientists to miniaturize nuclear
> warheads, and that if these small warheads reach American
> universities, "you don't know what these students will do."
> Finally, he said that "those advising the U.S. government are
> extremists themselves." The Washington Report says that this
> apparently was a reference to national Muslim leaders.
> The outrage from major American Muslim and Islamic groups was
> instantaneous. Those present asked Shaykh Kabbani to say whom he
> was talking about, and what his evidence was, but he did not do
> so. Subsequently, eight of the major Islamic groups in America
> issued a statement saying that "Mr. Kabbani has put the entire
> American Muslim community under unjustified suspicion. In effect,
> Mr. Kabbani is telling government officials that the majority of
> American Muslims pose a danger to our society. Additionally,
> Islamophobic individuals and groups may use these statements as
> an excuse to commit hate crimes against Muslims...We therefore
> ask Mr. Kabbani to promptly and publicly retract his statements,
> to apologize to the American Muslim community, and to exert his
> utmost effort to undo the damage these statements have done. The
> issue is not that of a mere difference of opinion within an
> American religious community, but involves the irresponsible act
> of providing false information to government officials."
> The joint press release was issued by the American Muslim
> Political Coordination Council, American Muslim Alliance,
> American Muslim Council, Council on American Islamic Relations,
> Muslim Public Affairs Council, Islamic Circle of North America,
> Islamic Society of North America, and the Muslim Students
> Association of USA and Canada. Additional Muslim groups
> subsequently associated themselves with the statement.
> A prominent Muslim leader in America told me on Wednesday that to
> this day Shaykh Kabbani has never provided any evidence for his
> assertions at the State Department, or apologized. As a result,
> he basically has been ostracized from the majority Muslim
> community in the US. When told what the Malaysia press articles
> said, the Muslim leader commented, "Isn't it interesting that he
> makes these accusations but does name names or provide any
> evidence. That is the same thing he did at the State Department
> in 1999. Who gave the money and who received it? Who told him
> this? If what he says is true, why doesn't he say so? And 10
> million dollars? No Islamic organisation in America ever got 10
> million from Malaysia."
> My point in providing this background is not to take sides in
> what clearly seems to be a religious, political, and now even
> personal dispute within the American Muslim community. Rather, it
> is to point out that such a dispute exists, and that comments
> made in Malaysia should be understood with this 10-year
> background in mind.
> I agree with Shaykh Kabbani that more moderate Muslim leaders and
> organisations around the world should speak out against the more
> extremist Islamic ideologies that are being propagated and the
> violent actions that sometimes flow from them. But I disagree
> with his assertion that the majority of our mosques are under
> radical influences, or that those Muslim leaders who advice our
> Government are extremists. Yes, there are some Islamic radicals
> in the US, and the Government has shut down two foundations for
> allegedly channeling funds to terrorist groups overseas.
> But the overwhelming majority of Muslim Americans, and the
> mosques and groups with which they are affiliated, are not
> extremist or radical. The organisations that criticized Shaykh
> Kabbani are the very same ones that have met with President Bush
> and members of Congress since September 11; if they were radical,
> they never would have gotten in the front door of the White
> House. Indeed, it was the President of ISNA, the group that is
> the apparent nemesis of both Prime Minister Mahathir and Shaykh
> Kabbani, who read the Islamic prayer at the National Cathedral
> service for the victims of September 11 and later met with
> President Bush at the White House.
> Which leads the story back to Malaysia. Shaykh Kabbani has made a
> statement in Malaysia that has all the necessary ingredients to
> condemn the "former Minister." No wonder people leaped on it so
> quickly. Ten million dollars is a lot of money, so it must mean
> that the "former leader" is corrupt. And you say the money went
> to radical Islamic groups? Even better - we've being trying to
> convince people that the guy is an extremist and dangerous. And
> the money was then channeled to terrorist organisations to boot?
> Great -- now we can link him to KMM and al-Qaeda. And the bad
> press we have been receiving in the US? It's all his fault, too.
> It seems like a real gift to those who want to continue the
> campaign to smear the former Minister. But the only problem is,
> no proof and no evidence have been offered to back up these
> assertions. And in the absence of such evidence, such accusations
> - and their repetition - can quickly appear libelous. Even if a
> Malaysian court is not sympathetic to a case brought by a jailed
> former leader, a US organisation falsely accused of taking money
> and channeling it to terrorist groups would not hesitate to seek
> restitution in a US court.
> And the bad press? Asked about the Kabbani report, Deputy Prime
> Minister Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said, "Now we know why
> the US and its media made so many accusations against us."
> Actually, sir, no one in America has ever heard these
> accusations, because we don't have the pleasure of receiving the
> New Straits Times every morning. In recent weeks, the New York
> Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and Time
> and Newsweek magazines all have written major stories on the
> "Malaysia Connection" to al-Qaeda and the September 11 attack.
> They are very factual stories and based in large part on
> information from Malaysia's own Special Branch. They never once
> mentioned Shaykh Kabbani or payments to US Muslim organisations.
> Instead, they detailed such things as meetings in Malaysia
> between the hijackers and others, as well as direct payments and
> logistical support from Malaysian sources for the hijackers and
> other al-Qaeda operatives.
> The Government of Malaysia does not support terrorism and
> cooperates fully with the United States in opposing it. However,
> they have been embarrassed by these stories, and one of their
> Cabinet Ministers even threatened to sue Newsweek over its
> article. But as more articles came out, it became harder for the
> Government to threaten to take legal action, especially since the
> reporters were quoting Malaysian police officials and US
> diplomats as their sources. So the silly notion of suing one of
> the world's most prominent magazines was quickly dropped.
> This silliness ought to be dropped just as quickly, before people
> get embarrassed again.
> Raja Petra Kamarudin
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