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1. apakah "dosa" Pak Din? diperlakukan demkian?  Meluahkan pandangan dalam sesuatu isu 
dan perkara dianggap
haram? salah?  bayangkan ahli keluarga anda diperlakukan demikian apa respond anda?

2. lepas mati nanti, ramai yg lupa dan tak yakin akan adanya  hari selepas mati. 
"golongan yg masuk Islam tapi
sembunyikan keislaman mereka dan mereka menyertai Abu Sufian di Badar, yg mati, 
dipersoalkan oleh malaikat
rujuk al-Quran surah an-Nisa' ayat 97 dan penjelasan ayat ini oleh Imam Muhammad Abdul 
Wahab dalam bukunya
Kitabut tauhid.

Hijrah meninggalkan amalan kezaliman pada orang yg tak berdosa, bukan perkara yg di 
luar Islam, malah ada
disebutkan jelas dalam Quran.

Jawablah nanti di hadapan ALLah.

Hal hanis wrote:

> FAC News
> 8 November 2000 - 09.00
> Yet More Horror Stories of 5 November 2000
> FAC News is running a series called "Horror Stories of 5 November 2000".
> These are eyewitness accounts of incidences that happened on 5 November
> 2000.
> Anyone who may have heard or seen anything on that day are invited to phone
> in or e-mail your information to FAC News. They must be your personal
> experiences or, if they are incidences related by someone else, they must be
> authenticated.
> Preferably we would like to mention your name but, if you wish to remain
> anonymous, we can quite understand. We, however, urge all Malaysian to be
> brave and stand up and be counted. The days of intimidation and fear of
> reprisals must end. And let it end today.
> Information can be e-mailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or you can phone me
> at 013-350-4410
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr Xavier, a National Justice Party Supreme Council member, managed to see
> Saidin Bin Wateh, popularly known as Pak Din, at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah
> Hospital in Kelang yesterday, and this is what he has to say:
> Two riot police were beating up this old man. The old man was helpless and
> could not defend himself against the blows.
> Pak Din, who happened to be nearby, confronted the police and asked them why
> they were beating up the old man. The police then turned on Pak Din.
> Pak Din is a big chap so, though they repeatedly beat him, he did not fall.
> The police then took out a spray can and sprayed Pak Din's eyes. Pak Din was
> immediately blinded. The police then continued beating Pak Din and dragged
> him away.
> The police then sprayed Pak Din's eyes a second time before throwing him
> into the police truck. In the truck they sprayed him a third time even
> though by now Pak Din was completely blind.
> Pak Din was in agony but for more than 24 hours the police refused him
> medical attention. While in the police station they stripped Pak Din and
> squeezed his testicles. They also repeatedly punched him so now Pak Din is
> injured all over his body.
> Finally the police sent Pak Din to the hospital where Dr Juliana attended to
> him.
> The doctor was very angry. Pak Din had zero visibility. The doctor said he
> should have been given immediate medical attention and to deny him any
> attention for more than 24 hours was crazy.
> While in hospital Pak Din suffered chest pains so they had to rush him to
> the medical ward. The doctors suspected Pak Din was suffering a heart
> attack. Because of that no one attended to his eyes.
> The doctors have asked the police for information on what they sprayed into
> Pak Din's eyes. The doctors are not able to help Pak Din unless they know
> what chemical was sprayed into his eyes.
> The police, however, refuse to divulge any information. Without this
> information the doctors can't do much.
> We suspect the police may have used some sort of banned chemical to spray
> Pak Din's eyes. That's why the police refuse to tell the doctors what
> chemical it was.
> When I last saw Pak Din Yesterday he still could not see and the doctors
> couldn't tell me whether Pak Din's loss of sight is permanent. In fact, I
> could not even get to talk to the doctor in charge.
> There is a videotape recording of the police attacking Pak Din and spraying
> his face with a spray can which is being kept in a safe place to be used as
> evidence later.
> Pak Din has since been transferred to the National University Hospital, as
> the general hospital was not able to do much for him.
> Raja Petra Kamarudin
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