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From: hamba Allah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

No punishment without crime 
Modern world with accelerated rates is moving
toward abyss. First attributes of the future
anger of Allah, it is unisex marriages in the
western countries, legalization of prostitution
and homosexuality.
"Kavkaz - center" continues publication of
materials, which on the basis of incontestable
facts confirm famous divine truth - "there is no
punishment without a crime ". 

In vicinities of Dead Sea, approximately at 27
kilometers from southern suburb of lake Lut (may
peace be upon him), carrying out excavation,
archeologists found remnants of cities and set of
meteoric stones. Archeologists consider, that
cities were lost approximately in 1900 B.C. owing
to catastrophic earthquake, accompanied with
strong meteoric rain. As a result of the carried
out excavation and researches, archeologists came
to conclusion, that these are the cities, which
were mentioned in Holy Koran, that they were
killed after a long-term and ineffectual appeal
of prophet Lut (peace be upon him) to refusal
from lewdness, to a just way of life. 

American archeologist Jacque Finegan writes: " If
it is good to study facts of archeological and
geological excavation, there is a clear reason
(anger of Allah) for raisings of waters in
southern part of lake Lut. Cities of Sodom and
Gomorrah situated in this part, were entombed
under big layer of ground as a result of
catastrophic earthquake accompanied with
lightning and a meteoric rain, terrible explosion
and output of poisoning gases from earth's

Prophet Lut (peace be upon him) was son of Harun,
who was brother of prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon
him). He was sent to inhabitants of Sodom and
Gomorrah known for unbelief and sins, that they
were engaged in that sodomy. Admonitions of the
prophet did not conceived success and then
Almighty Allah punished all inhabitants of seven
cities of this country - terrible earthquake and
"rain of stones have destroyed all sinners". 

Now this country is under a 20-meter layer of
water, in a crevice, transformed in into chest of
ruins, reminding people, that what can be
expected for those, who left too far in
disobedience of Creator, be up to the ears in
disbelief and sins. 

Secret death of Pompeii 

In Southern Italy, at bottom of a volcano
Vesuvius is situated a small town Pompeii. Its
population basically is occupied with service of
tourists gathering here from all over the world
to look at the ruins of antique city of Pompeii
located near to city, swamped with ashes in 79
year of our era at eruption of volcano. 

For the first time ruins of Pompeii were found
out casually, after one and a half millennia
after accident, is more exact in 1594. There wee
conducted archeological excavations since 1748.
In years 1940-1950, most part of Pompeii was
uncovered from under ashes and stones: a
necropolis near a city gate and houses located
around a homestead. Remnants of temples and bath,
and amphitheater were found out.  

At excavation were found, sculptures, parts of
walls decorated with painting, floors covered
with mosaic. But most interesting, that
archeologists have found out, this is condition
of remains of inhabitants of this city. Their
corpses, entombed under 3-meter layer of ashes,
reached us unchanged after passage of two
thousand years.  

Layer of ashes as though preserved them and
prevented rotting. Majority of the found out
corpses completely were preserved. In front of
people, who are carrying out excavation, awful
picture has opened: whole city along with entire
population and constructions as though was
standing at one moment. Somewhere whole family is
overtaken at dinner, somewhere people have
stiffened during their work.  

But most of all, people were overtaken in
dissolute amusements. Among found out by
archeologists were pairs of many people of same
sex, among them are a lot of teenagers and
children. In museum - reserve of Pompeii behind
glass show-cases are on display natural
"statues", which stiffened in various poses. 

About two thousand years back, Pompeii prospered
in the material plan and was poor in spiritual
plan. The aristocracy of city living comfortably,
succeeded in the organization of entertainments
and corruption. Numerous special places were
developed for entertainments, drunkenness, and
business of debauch. Thousand of people took part
in orgies continuing for several days.  

Population basically spent time in drunkenness,
in debauch and binges. And, on August 24, 79
years Almighty Allah has put an end to this
corrupt society and kept the sinners in their
disgusting poses for coaching of the future
generations. This was not the first nation, whom
Allah punished for disobedience and oblivion of
His commands. 

Unfortunately, now the way of life of our
contemporaries with passage of each year is more
and more reminds of inhabitants of Sodom,
Gomorrah and Pompeii before display of penalty of

On materials of Islamic MASS-MEDIA. 

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