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All those who profess the Islamic beliefs should naturally submit to Allah 
and worship Him alone, by doing whatever He commanded andby avoiding 
whatever He has forbidden, which is Tawheed ul `Ibaadah. Without this aspect 
of Tawheed, one's belief in Allah's Onenessis not complete.

We Muslims often use the term `Aqeedah, but what do we mean by it? Is 
`Aqeedah something that is memorized and simply rattled off on one's tongue? 
And whatis the relationship between one's `Aqeedah and one's actions?

`Aqeedah is the firm creed that one's heart is fixed upon without any 
wavering and doubt, creed which excludes any supposition, doubt or 
suspicion. The Qur'anuses the term "Emaan" in its stead. In the 
understanding of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jama`ah, it is well known that Emaan is 
profession in the heart and by the tongue, andaction by the heart, tongue 
and the limbs. [al-`Aqeedat ul-Wasitiyyah of Ibn Taymeeyah]. Therefore, 
Emaan is much more than just a mere profession. For thatreason, we find that 
early Makkans refused to say the Shahada - even though mere saying of it is 
not a difficulty - as they understood its implications. Theyunderstood that 
one's belief in Allah which is stated by tongues must be present in the 
heart and must manifest in one's actions of heart (such as love and fear 
ofAllah), of tongue (dhikr, saying of the Shahada...) and of limbs (prayer, 
enjoining good and forbidding evil...).

Today, however, some people pronounce the Shahada without a second thought 
and without realizing the intended meaning and implications of the testimony 

To profess the Islamic belief is to believe in:

The unity of Allah's Lordship (Tawheed ur-Ruboobeeyah): That Allah is the 
One who creates, owns and administers what He created, the One who brings 
benefit and averts harm, and the sole Power in the universe.
Allah's unity regarding His Perfect Names and Attributes (Tawheed Asmaa' 
Allah wa Sifatih)- describing Allah according to the names and attributes by 
which He has described Himself in the Qur'an or by those used by Prophet 
Muhammad to describe Him.

All those who profess these beliefs should naturally submit to Allah and 
worship Him alone, by doing whatever He commanded and by avoiding whatever 
He hasforbidden, which is Tawheed ul `Ibaadah. Without this aspect of 
Tawheed, one's belief in Allah's Tawheed (Oneness) is not complete. In fact, 
if any of the aboveaspects of Tawheed is missing, one's realization and 
maintaining of Tawheed in one's life is lacking and defective.

However, an aspect of Tawheed that perhaps needs to be stressed in 
particular is Tawheed ul-`Ibaadah, as it is often either not understood 
properly or is neglectedto a varying degree. Absence of such understanding 
and practice leads to various deviations, from believing that faith is mere 
statement on the tongue and thus notfulfilling one's true purpose of 
creation, to the very common ritualism, wherein the religion is taken as a 
set of ritualistic actions without much meaning and impact onone's life.

What is Tawheed ul`Ibaadah?

Tawheed ul `Ibaadah is to single-out Allah alone for all worship and not to 
worship anything along with Him, whether it be an angel, a Messenger, a 
Prophet, a piousperson, a tree, a stone, the sun, the moon, or other than 
these, such as money or one's desires. Allah says: "And your Lord is one 
Lord, there is none who has theright to be worshipped but He, the Most 
Beneficent, the Most Merciful" [2:163]. Also, "And the Mosques are for Allah 
(alone), so invoke not anyone along withAllah" [72:18]. And as regards to 
worshipping other than Him, Allah the Exalted says, "That is because Allah 
is the Truth, and what they invoke besides Him, it isfalsehood. And verily, 
Allah is the Most High, the Most Great" [22:62].


How does one take others as god besides Allah? In brief, Ibn al-Qayyim says 
that "Taghoot" (false god, anything worshipped besides Allah) includes 
everyone whorules by other than the Revelation of Allah and the example of 
His Messenger; or that which is worshipped instead of, or in addition to, 
Allah; or which is followed inopposition to the Commands of Allah. 
Therefore, if one chooses to love, revere, obey or follow other that Allah 
and His Revelation, then he could be regarded as agod besides Allah.

The Implications of Tawheed ul-`Ibaadah

To understand the reality of ul-`Ibaadah and what it means to worship Allah 
alone, without attributing partners to Him, is of extreme importance, and 
all those whosucceed in it will be a step closer to becoming true `Ibaad 
(worshippers, servants) of the Merciful, and those who are doing their best 
to fulfill the purpose of theircreation and maintain Tawheed in their lives. 
The following are some reasons which point to the essentiality of Tawheed 
ul-`Ibaadah, hoping that they would increaseus in our desire to understand 
it and apply it in our short lives:

It is this aspect of Tawheed that the Prophets were sent to elaborate first 
and foremost, "And verily, We have sent amongst every nation a messenger 
(with the command): 'Worship Allah and avoid all false deities" [16:36]. 
Nooh (a.s.) said, "Worship Allah, you have no other deity but Him." [7:59] 
The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "I was sent between the hands of the Hour with 
the sword until Allah will be worshipped alone with no partner, my 
sustenance was made under the shadow of my spear, and humiliation and 
lowliness were made for those who disobey my order." [Narrated as mu`allaq 
by al-Bukhari and Abu Dawood; Ibn Hajr classified it as hasan]
It is only the case that when Tawheed al-`Ibaadah is affirmed, that the 
other two aspects of Tawheed - Tawheed ur-Ruboobeeyah and Tawheed 
Asmaa'illaahi wa Sifaatih - are affirmed as well, because if one performs 
true `Ibaadah to his Lord, then he would affirm Allah's Ruboobeeyah and also 
perfection in the Names and Attributes that can belong only to Him. But one 
can believe in either of the two other aspects of Tawheed without 
necessarily believing in Tawheed ul-`Ibaadah. "If you asked them who created 
them, they would surely say, 'Allah'." [43:87]
Tawheed al-`Ibaadah is the essence of our deen and the purpose of our 
existence. "And I created not the Jinns and men except that they should 
worship Me (alone)." [51:56]
It is this aspect of Tawheed that muwahhidoon (true worshippers of Allah 
alone and affirmers of Tawheed) are distinguished by from mushrikoon. This 
Tawheed is emphasized in the meaning of the testimony of faith, by which one 
enters into Islam. Therefore this Tawheed is the true essence of the first 
pillar upon which Islam is built.
This aspect of Tawheed is based mainly on action, rather than knowledge, 
unlike the other two aspects of Tawheed, and it is by affirming this Tawheed 
that one truly submits to Allah (s.w.t.). To affirm this Tawheed by action 
until the end of this life is a command in the Qur'an: "And worship your 
Lord until there comes unto you the Hour that is certain (i.e.death)." 
Da`wah as well as Jihad are performed primarily to establish this aspect of 
Tawheed. "And fight them until there is no more fitnah (disbelief and 
polytheism) and the religion is for Allah alone. But if they cease, then 
Allah is All-Seer of what they do." [8:39]
This aspect of Tawheed is Allah's right upon His servants. "The right of 
Allah upon his `Ibaad is that they worship Him alone, and do not associate 
in worship anyone or anything with Him." [Agreed upon]
The first commandment in the Mushaf relates to Tawheed al-`Ibaadah. "O 
mankind! Worship your Lord, Who created you and those who were before you so 
that you may attain Taqwa." [2:21]
Affirming Tawheed al-`Ibaadah leads - by Allah's permission - to the 
intercession by the Prophet (s.a.w.) on behalf of the muwahhid. "I will say, 
'O Lord, allow me to intercede for whoever said, 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah'.' 
Then Allah will say, 'By My Power, and My Majesty, and My Supremacy, and by 
My Greatness, I will take out of Hell whoever said, "Laa ilaaha ill Allah" 
[Al-Bukhari]. Of course mere saying, without affirming the testimony of 
faith with action, is not sufficient.
This aspect of Tawheed is a qualifying distinction by which Allah described 
His Angels and Prophets. "Surely those who are in the presence of your Lord 
disdain not to worship Him; they celebrate His praises, and prostrate before 
Him" [7:206]. While those who are neglectful and disdainful of Tawheed 
al-`Ibaadah are disgraced by Allah: "Verily, those who scorn My worship, 
they will surely enter Hell in humiliation" [40:60].
Allah describes the best of His creatures by their distinctive mark of 
performing `Ibaadah to Allah (s.w.t.). "As to the righteous, they shall 
drink of a cup containing a mixture of Kaafoor. A fountain where 
`Ibaad-Allah (worshippers of Allah) do drink, making it flow in unstinted 
abundance." [76:5-6]
Those who affirm this aspect of Tawheed in truth are protected by Allah from 
the Shaytan, accursed. "Certainly, you have no authority over `Ibaadee (My 
worshippers), except those who follow you of the wrong-doers" [15:42].
When Muhammad (s.a.w.) was mentioned in his most perfect states, he was 
called `abd, a true worshipper of Allah (s.w.t.) and affirmer of Tawheed 
al-`Ibaadah. "Glorified be He Who took His `Abd for a journey by night from 
the Sacred Masjid to the Farthest Masjid, the neighborhood whereof We have 
blessed that We might show him of Our signs. Verily, Allah is the 
All-Hearer, the All-Seer" [17:1]. Also, "And when `Abdullah stood up, 
calling unto Him, they gathered against him (s.a.w.) and almost suppressed 
him" [72:19].
The perfection of the created being is in affirming Tawheed al-`Ibaadah. 
"And they say: 'The Beneficient (Allah) has begotten children.' Exalted be 
He! Those whom they call children, (i.e. angels), are but honoured `Ibaad. 
They speak not until He has spoken, and they act by His command. He knows 
what is before them, and what is behind them, and they cannot intercede 
except for him with whom he is pleased. And they stand in awe due to their 
apprehension of Him" [21:26-28] .

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