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Baguih jugak Perang nie, sekurang-kurangnya boleh la
jugak kita tau kata di Iraq pun ada jugak geng-geng
jenis membujur lalu melintang patah.

Frankly speaking la, selama ini aku dok ingat
geng-geng Mujahideen di Iraq dah habis kena sembelih
dengan rejim Saddam.

Mungkin kerja Tuhan kot; nak bagi Saddam jatuh, lepas
tu cucu cicit Panglima Salahudin yg berketurunan
Kurdistan tu ambik alih pulak.

Dok harap tentera Saddam, habis pakat angkat tangan
buat BARISAN....serah diri kat tentera Amerika.

Harap-harap bila depa dah PAS button kat geng2
Mujahideen tu, ada la jugak berita menarik yg kita
pakat boleh tumpang dengaq!

-Temingat Di Belantara-


Hardline Islamist group in northern Iraq hit by US
strikes: Kurds

SULAYMANIYA, Iraq (AFP) - A hardline Islamist group
operating in Iraqi Kurdistan and accused by Washington
of being linked to al-Qaeda was targetted by US
airstrikes, Kurdish political and military sources

The sources from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
(PUK) said Ansar al-Islam (Supporters of Islam)
positions were hit by around five missiles late in the
evening. No further details were immediately

Ansar al-Islam control a tiny pocket of territory
between the town of Halabja and the Iranian border, an
area around 80 kilometers (50 miles) southeast of the
PUK's administrative centre of Sulaymaniya. 

In recent days there has been a major build-up of PUK
forces in the area. 

The group has been accused by the United States of
trying to develop crude chemical weapons, and of
having links to both Osama bin Laden (news - web
sites)'s al-Qaeda network and Saddam Hussein (news -
web sites)'s regime -- even though the Ansar pocket
does not border territory under Baghdad's control. 

The PUK has said there are also a number of
Afghan-trained foreign Arab fighters in the mainly
ethnic Kurdish ranks of the group, which emerged in
late 2001. In the past the PUK has accused Iran of
backing the group, a charge that Tehran fiercely

The group has an estimated 800 fighters based in a
cluster of around 16 villages. 

Ansar al-Islam, which models itself on Afghanistan
(news - web sites)'s deposed Taliban regime, has also
been battling the secular PUK and has been blamed for
a series of suicide bombings and assassinations -- a
major distraction for the PUK. 

Given the US allegation against Ansar and assertions
from Washington that a key aim of the war is to
prevent weapons of mass destruction falling into the
hands of Islamist militants, the group was widely
expected to be targetted in the opening stages of the

Most of rebel-held northern Iraq (news - web sites) is
in the hands of two mainstream Kurdish factions, the
PUK and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which
wrested control of the region in the wake of the last
Gulf War (news - web sites) in 1991. 

The suspected leader of Ansar al-Islam, Mullah Krekar,
was reportedly arrested late Thursday in Norway after
he warned in an interview that US troops would face
suicide attacks. 

Norwegian prosecutor Erling Grimstad told Oslo's
Aftenposten newspaper that a warrant was issued to
prevent Krekar from leaving the country. A police
source in Norway told AFP that a warrant was issued
but could not confirm Krekar had been detained. 

Krekar, who has enjoyed political refugee status in
Norway since 1991, faces possible legal action for an
interview Wednesday on Dutch television in which he
warned US forces of fierce resistance. 

"We have young people who will give their lives, yes,
suicide attacks," Krekar said. 

The Iraqi Kurd had been arrested in The Netherlands in
September and spent nearly four months in custody
where he was also questioned by the FBI (news - web
sites). He was eventually released and sent back to
Norway, where he has been interrogated almost every
day by the PST, Norway's secret police. 

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