Assalamualaikum ww

Islam, apa bila tidak berdaulat seperti sekarang, perlaksanaannya ditentang. Sedangkan dalam negara Islam yang sebenar (sudah runtuh sejak 76 tahun yang lalu, tapi akan tertegak kembali, insyaAllah) perlakuan tidak mengikut syariah Islam seperti membuka aurat di khalayak, tidak puasa dan solat akan dikenakan hukuman ta'zir oleh pemerintah. Tanggungjawab kita di sini bukanlah mengeluarkan pernyataan yang menyeleweng seperti tiada paksaan dalam agama dan sebagainya, sebaliknya mengusahakan agar terdiri kembali daulah Islam khilafah supaya semua aturan Allah itu dilaksanakan dengan sempurna. Wassalam.


Subject: Women unite against enforced dress code(fwd)!

Aqidah Islamic Information Service -

Assalamu aleikum.

[COMMENTS: Does this not make it clear how the current elite in the Muslim world and those "in opposition" who want to replace them are commonly affected by western views and an inferiority complex vis a vis the west? What real difference, in the Islamic sense, would there be between the corrupt Mahathir ruling Malaysia and the young pretender Anwar and his wife--both of whom are part of a westernised "freedom and democracy" brigade? Would Islam ever be implemented comprehensively by either of them? Obviously not, so why are the Ummah--whether in Malaysia or elsewhere--fooled by manufactured opposition politicians when the only real solution is the comprehensive implementation of Islam?]


South China Morning Po! st
Thursday, March 23 8:44 AM SGT

Women unite against enforced dress code

The imposition of a dress code for Muslim women in Terengganu, the eastern
state won by the opposition Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS) in the last
election, has sparked feminine outrage across the Malaysian political

A women's organisation, Sisters in Islam, said the Koran did not clearly
stipulate any specific form of dress. It added that imposing laws and
regulations did not necessarily lead to more piety.

The ruling even resulted in two prominent women who are normally at
loggerheads taking a similar stand on the issue.

Rafidah Aziz, the Minis! ter of International Trade and Industry, said the
move ignored the right of individuals.

Wan Azizah Ismail, president of the opposition National Justice Party,
said wearing the tudung - wrap-around head-gear which is now a must in
Terengganu - was a woman's choice.

The second state to fall into the hands of PAS, Terengganu announced that
women would have to wear the tudung and cover all other parts of their
bodies except their hands.

A similar dress code was applied in Kelantan in 1995, five years after PAS
took control of that state. On Monday, a Kelantan official said 23 Muslim
women had been fined M$30 (HK$62) each for not wearing the tudung in

The common stand of Ms Rafidah and Dr Azizah on the new dress code
contrasts with their opposing attitudes on most other matters. Ms Rafidah
is a rapid-fire and forceful speaker, while Dr Azizah speaks softly and

Dr Azizah always wears the tudung ! in public. The minister seldom wears
even a head scarf.

But the women are diametrically opposed on the subject of Anwar Ibrahim,
former deputy prime minister and Dr Azizah's husband. He is an old
political foe of Ms Rafidah, who backs the Government over Anwar's sacking
and jailing for corruption.

However, Ms Rafidah took a swipe at Terengganu's rulers, saying they
should not make laws just to satisfy PAS leaders.

Dr Azizah, whose party formed an opposition alliance with PAS for the
election, said simply: "There is no compulsion in religion.

"One should be wise in how to implement [the Terengganu ruling]."

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