This is one email I received on 1st December 1999: 
     "I  am a 36-year-old muslim malay lady living in Selangor.  I’ve read in the newspaper that DAP would probably opt out
     of BA coalition in the next general election. Why? Do you know that there are many of the malays beginning to
     understand what DAP is all about specially among the younger generation?
     "Remember that this younger generation will be the next set of leaders and they can make the difference.  If DAP were
     to leave BA, then DAP has disillusioned us.  Please don’t leave.
     "DAP should first get itself organised.  Then, keep on explaining to the older generation of the malay community that
     DAP is not what BN makes it out to be.
     "The struggle doesn’t stop here. Ever since DAP has decided to join the coalition, many of us have begun to admire the
     views of some of the DAP leaders and the frankness that they exhibit.  At least, we know where you stand unlike the
     MIC, MCA and Gerakan which are pretentious.
     "Please don’t leave those who have worked so hard for the election. Keep their spirits up. With DAP leaving BA, then
     that will be a blow to some of them. They need your words of support, appreciation, and encouragement.  Prove to them
     that DAP leaders are not losers."

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