Nick wrote:
>> Steam is for gamers. Gamers know about it. Most gamers like it, or at
>> least consider it the least evil DRM available. What could work, then,
>> is selling game-related media.
> ??? Offline mode is a "frozen bird poop in july" joke. Steam only
> works on windows. Do you really expect anyone to buy anything but
> cheap and popular games? You must either be joking or out of your mind
> for you to think anyone with half a brain would buy movies from steam.
> Nothing on steam is yours, your "games" are just a small bit on valve
> servers. If valve servers go offline or someone steals your account
> you have nothing. You cannot even sell your account or unlink
> purchased games. Digital restrictions management is all about big
> corporations restricting your rights to do what you paid for. I wish
> some of you noobcakes would look around once in a while .. So, wake
> up, noobcaks. Wake up and smell the ashes.
While I'm not as "staunch" as Nick... there does seem to be a lot of fan 
boys regarding Steam's delivery service.  I've never really cared for 
Steam as a system, too heavy, too unstable, too many security 
vulnerabilities.  But from a business stand point the logistics of doing 
pure digital delivery over hardcopy is pretty hard to beat.  It is the 
way software will be sold, so VALVe did a good job taking that bet and 
getting in early.

The Mac market won't be so forgiving of buggy software.  On Windows 
you're just used to stuff not working quite right.  So perhaps we will 
see a more stable platform out of this transition.
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