vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor(255, 255, 255, alpha);

Should work.

Here's my .vmt:
    "$basetexture" "hud\markers\marker_stopwatch_green"
    "$translucent" 1
    "$no_fullbright" 1
    "$ignorez" 1
    "$nolod" 1
    "$vertexalpha" 1

vertexalpha and translucent might be the cause. Ensure those are correct.
If that doesn't help, might be a problem with the .vtf itself. Maybe a 
setting wasn't set when creating it, but it's probably the former.

Harry Jeffery wrote:
> Hi, I'm working on a hud for my mod and I am having a lot of trouble
> trying to get the elements to fade out. I am using textures to create
> the hud which is working very well. They the alpha masks in their
> textures just fine, what they refuse to do is allow me to change the
> overall alpha in code.
> This is how I am using the textures.
> ///////////////////////////////
> //Initialisation
> int m_nTexture;
> m_nTexture = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
> vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile(m_nTexture,
> "vgui/hud/texturename", true, false );
> //Paint()
> vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor(GetFgColor());
> vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_nTexture );
> vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedRect( x, y, x2, y2 );
> ///////////////////////////////       
> I have tried the following methods to fade the textures out with no luck:
> SetAlpha( alpha );
> vgui::surface()->DrawSetAlphaMultiplier( alpha_multiplier );
> vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, alpha );
> Does anyone here have a suggestion on how I can get the textures to
> fade out properly? All that I've been able to do is get the text to
> fade out with no effect on the textures

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