The solution that Empires and Eternal Silence used (AFAIK) is to shrink down
everything including the player so that the effective map size is increased.
 Relatively simple idea and seems to have worked well...

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Psy_Commando <> wrote:

> Hi. I know nobody was able to actually change the hard coded map size, but
> I gave a try anyways.
> And as expected it didn't work.
> Hammer don't want to load.vmf with solids further away than 16384 units
> from origin. And that's hard-coded in hammer, since setting @mapsize(-32768,
> 32768) in the "base.fgd", won't change anything, except the grid size in the
> map editor.
> And even when tweaking the datatype of bounds in vbsp, vrad, and vvis, just
> resulted in the engine dll crashing on load with a "funny lump size" error.
> Because I guess, the lump size are constants in a shared header.
> So I got two questions:
> Has anybody tried to contact valve about that, or play around with that ?
> Because we have the source for all bsp stuff, but we can't make lumps
> bigger or smaller, because the code that loads the actual bsp is
> uncooperative, and inside the engine dll. If they could query a couple of
> constants via the server dll interface for various lump sizes, or map bounds
> typedef, that would be much appreciated.
> Any idea or suggestions on how to make a space shooter with the source
> engine ?
> We're using corridors with teleports at the end of each to take the ship to
> the next corridor.
> There also the make the world move around the ship approach, but we cant
> move displacements with collision...
> Any comments or advices are welcome.
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