
Can someone help me with this code. It doesn't work that way I want. It's
for firing at the vgui mouse position.

In inputw32.cpp in IN_MouseMove:

if ( !iMouseInUse && !g_iVisibleMouse && !gHUD.m_iIntermission )
        GetCursorPos (&current_pos);

        mx = current_pos.x - gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterX() + mx_accum;
        my = current_pos.y - gEngfuncs.GetWindowCenterY() + my_accum;

        mx_accum = 0;
        my_accum = 0;

        mtestx = mx; // Picking Ray
        mtesty = my; // Picking Ray

at the end of inputw32.cpp:

Vector CreatePickingRay( float fov, int mousex, int mousey, int screenwidth,
int screenheight, Vector& vecRenderOrigin, Vector& vecRenderAngles )
float dx, dy;
float c_x, c_y;
float dist;
vec3_t vpn, vup, vright;
Vector vecPickingRay;

c_x = screenwidth / 2;
c_y = screenheight / 2;

dx = (float)mousex - c_x;
// Invert Y
dy = c_y - (float)mousey;

// Convert view plane distance
dist = c_x / tan( M_PI * fov / 360.0 );

// Decompose view angles
AngleVectors( vecRenderAngles, vpn, vright, vup );

// Offset forward by view plane distance, and then by pixel offsets
vecPickingRay = vpn * dist + vright * ( dx ) + vup * ( dy );

// Convert to unit vector
VectorNormalize( vecPickingRay );
return vecPickingRay;

in the ev_hldm.cpp:

void V_PunchAxis( int axis, float punch );
void VectorAngles( const float *forward, float *angles );

extern cvar_t *cl_lw;

#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI        3.14159265358979323846    // matches value in gcc v2

extern float in_fov;
float CalcFov (float fov_x, float width, float height)
float a;
float x;

if (fov_x < 1 || fov_x > 179)
fov_x = 90; // error, set to 90

x = width/tan(fov_x/360*M_PI);

a = atan (height/x);

a = a*360/M_PI;

return a;

extern int mtestx;
extern int mtesty;
extern Vector CreatePickingRay(float fov, int mousex, int mousey, int
screenwidth, int screenheight, Vector& vedRenderOrigin, Vector&
vecRenderAngles );
extern "C"

and in EV_FireMP5 in ev_hldm.cpp:

    idx = args->entindex;
    VectorCopy( args->origin, origin );
    VectorCopy( args->angles, angles );
    VectorCopy( args->velocity, velocity );

    AngleVectors( angles, forward, right, up );

        float fov;
        fov = CalcFov(in_fov, (float)ScreenWidth, (float)ScreenHeight);
        forward = CreatePickingRay(fov, mtestx, mtesty, ScreenWidth,
ScreenHeight, origin, angles);
        if (forward == Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
                forward = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.99);
        right = CrossProduct( forward, Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) );
        up = CrossProduct( forward, right );

    shell = gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_FindModelIndex ("models/shell.mdl");//
brass shell

It's for HL1.


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