> Is there any way in VC++ 6 to "break on available source"?  What I'm
> ineffectively trying to say is, when you're stepping through the source code
> and you reach a section of code for which the source is not available, is
> there any way to have the debugger run until it reaches code that the source
> IS available for, and halt at that point?  Sure would help for figuring out
> the sequence of calls.  I've looked in the online help and can't find it, so
> I may be SOL.

If you are crashing in code other than what you have source code for (like in
the standard C libraries or in the engine code) you can use the View->Debug
Windows->Call Stack to see if one of your functions is on the return stack.
Since the application crashed, you obviously won't be able to step out to this
point, but you can still examine local/global variables in that function (your
code) to see what might have led you astray.

If you are accidentally stepping into code that you don't have the source for
(like standard C functions or engine code) you can use the
"step-out-of-function" button (the arrow pointing out of the 2 braces) to step
out of the current function.  You'll have to close the Disassembly window after
doing this (unless you like looking at machine code/source code mixed

Jeffrey "botman" Broome

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