To get everyone caught up on what has been happening on the discord:

We have come up with a general plan to greatly improve the community server
experience for users and get many more interested.

1. Create a website for players to find the community servers they want to
play on - Sort by community, tags, gamemode, etc

2. Support this with map workshop integration - give players a way to
connect to servers playing the maps they've subscribed to, and give server
owners an easier way to download and host these maps as well as mods and

3. Promote community servers in general, both because we personally think
they're great and because they're indispensable assets to large parts of
the TF2 community

4. Developing videos and other rhetoric to support the effort to bring
community servers back in full force

If you would like to join this conversation, please come join us on the

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 5:28 PM, Robert Paulson <>

> This update may not kill your servers right away because it is still
> summer vacation. Right now there is a shakeup in community players with
> some communities closing, and a few players favoriting your server when
> casual mode wasn't working properly for a week. But as you have noticed
> yourself servers now seem to be prone to suddenly emptying out. When summer
> vacation ends, people will not so easily refill your server and those new
> players won't last forever. It is now impossible to compete with Valve on
> vanilla servers now that people can only get ranked on them.
> Now we all have to run 32 slot instant respawn spam-fests like No-Heroes
> and every other weird plugin... which are the very reasons that people on
> Reddit and Steam complain about.
> MOTD ad companies aren't at the mercy of the TF team anymore unlike the
> rest of us here, they've already diversified into other games such as
> CS:GO, Gmod, Minecraft. They will keep offering TF2 advertisements until
> the very end.
> Trying to hype up community servers won't do anything. Half of the
> community server owners here hate the other half, as you can see by Mr.
> Olsen here who never fails to falsely suggest that servers with ads are the
> cause of every community killing update.
> Community servers used to have most of the players now, but now we are a
> small minority due to years of being locked out of traffic, so trying to
> get the TF team to panic by sheer number of complaints is impossible.
> It is up to the TF team to realize that they cannot copy Overwatch and
> CS:GO to success. They had strong community servers and now they are
> throwing the last of them away and doing a bait and switch on people that
> bought the game to play/host their own servers.
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