On 27/01/18 23:04, Cris Perdue wrote:
> Well no. If a person has neither special preparation nor interest, I would
> not wish to bother them.

If you are willing to take a request from me, please do not use “they”
as singular. In English, “he” is the canonical generic singular.
Although “they” has some historical precedent (so does “thou”, but
people rarely use it nonetheless) as a singular, in our time it is part
of the ultraliberals' attempt to redefine the language for their
political agenda.

> On the other hand, I do believe that it is possible for a sufficiently
> well-engineered proof assistant to become useful to students with much less
> special preparation than is required today, but the possibilities and
> tradeoffs would be a complex discussion.

If you want to share the difficulties you had while trying to learn HOL
Light I will be glad to write documentation for the counterpart in HOL4
if required. That being said, I believe that HOL4 (HOL Light is very
similar) is already close to being as simple as possible to learn. The
difficulty resides mostly in the prerequisite of knowing formal logic,
mathematics and some computer programming, but I believe this is
inherent to computer-verified proofs.

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