[Hol-info] CFP: ICLP 2019 Special Session: Women in Logic Programming

2019-04-28 Thread Fioretto, Ferdinando

The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019)

Special Session: Women in Logic Programming

This special session aims to increase the visibility and impact of women in LP, 
fostering awareness of one another’s work. To have good role models is very 
important for female students and this session is an opportunity to celebrate 
women’s work in the community. We hope this will be particularly attractive to 
early-career women. The session will include one or two invited talks and 
presentations by women in logic programming. 

Submission Details

The submissions to this special session must be made via the EasyChair 
conference system: 


All submissions must be written in English and at least one coauthor must be a 
woman. Contributions can be sent in the form of short papers (7 pages in OASIcs 
format, including references) and can describe published research. The accepted 
short papers that describe original and previously unpublished work will be 
published as TCs, along with the selected ICLP-TC papers. The accepted short 
papers that describe published research will be made available at the 
conference webpage, with the permission of the authors.

All technical communications will be presented during the conference, 
preferably by women. Authors of accepted papers will, by default, be 
automatically included in the list of ALP members, who will receive quarterly 
updates from the Logic Programming Newsletter at no cost. 



Important Dates

Abstract registration: April 27, 2019
Paper submission: May 4, 2019
Notification: June 19, 2019
Camera-ready copy due: July 31, 2019
Main conference: September 22, 2019  


Session Chairs:
   Marina De Vos - University of Bath
   Alicia Villanueva - Universitat Politècnica de València

Program Committee

Elvira Albert - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Stefania Costantini - University of L’Aquila
Ines Dutra - University of Porto
Daniela Inclezan - Miami University 
Ekaterina Komendantskaya - Heriot-Watt University
Simona Perri - University of Calabria

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[Hol-info] CFP - The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019) Applications Track

2019-04-28 Thread Fioretto, Ferdinando
Apologies for cross-posting - Please forward to anybody who might be interested


The 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019)
Applications Track

September 20-25, 2019
Las Cruces, New Mexico (USA)


Logic programming (LP) has been widely adopted as a powerful declarative 
programming paradigm to build a variety of applications from research projects 
to industrial products, including bioinformatics, natural language 
understanding, robotics, etc. Motivated by such a wide range of applications, 
this year ICLP will have a special track dedicated to Applications of LP, to 
bring together LP researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry 
communities to share the recent advancement, challenge and insight for LP 

The goal of the Application Track is two-folded.  On the one side, it aims at 
providing a fresh impulse for the LP community to recast its interests towards 
solving practical problems and applications. On the other side, its goal is to 
attract representatives from the wider academia and industrial communities to 
discuss their challenges related to using LP in practical problems, 
applications and industrial products and their expectations of the development 
of theory and tools from LP community.

Expected contributions

The Applications Track at ICLP 2019 invites submissions of papers on emerging 
and deployed applications of LP, describing all aspects of the development, 
deployment, and evaluation of LP systems to solve real-world problems, 
including interesting case studies and benchmarks, and discussing lessons 

We welcome LP applications in a wide range of areas, including but not limited 

  *   industrial applications
  *   commonsense reasoning, knowledge representation
  *   declarative problem solving
  *   education
  *   bioinformatics, computational biology
  *   life sciences, genetics, medicine, pharmacology
  *   cognitive robotics, social robotics, human-robot interactions
  *   intelligent transportation, logistics
  *   computer vision, sensing, internet of things
  *   data analysis, machine learning
  *   creative computing
  *   digital forensics, cybersecurity, blockchain
  *   economics, game theory, social choice
  *   software engineering, intelligent user interfaces
  *   multi-agent systems, argumentation, epistemic reasoning
  *   constraint programming, SAT, SMT
  *   natural language understanding, story telling, question answering
  *   explanation generation, diagnosis
  *   spatial/temporal/probabilistic reasoning
  *   planning and scheduling
  *   databases, ontologies, knowledge bases, Semantic Web

Evaluation Criteria

In this track, selection process of the highest quality papers will apply the 
following criteria:

  *   Significance of the real-world problem being addressed
  *   Importance and novelty of using logic programming technologies to solve 
this problem
  *   Evaluation and applicability of the system in real-world
  *   Reusability of datasets, case studies and benchmarks

Important Dates

  *   Abstract registration: April 27, 2019
  *   Paper submission: May 4, 2019
  *   Notification: June 19, 2019
  *   TPLP revision submission: July 3, 2019
  *   TPLP final notifications: July 17, 2019
  *   Camera-ready copy: July 31, 2017
  *   Conference: September 20-25, 2019

Submission Details

All submissions must be written in English.

  *   Regular papers (14 pages in TPLP format, including references) must 
describe original, previously unpublished research, and must not simultaneously 
be submitted for publication elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply to 
previously accepted workshop papers with a limited audience and/or without 
archival proceedings. The accepted regular papers will be published in TPLP, 
along with the selected ICLP-TPLP papers.

The program committee may recommend some regular papers to be published as 
technical communications (TCs), along with the selected ICLP-TC papers. The 
authors of the TCs can also elect to convert their submissions into extended 
abstracts (2 or 3 pages) for inclusion in the OASIcs proceedings. This should 
allow authors to submit a long version elsewhere.

  *   Short papers (7 pages in OASIcs format, including references) can 
describe published research. The accepted short papers that describe original 
and previously unpublished work will be published as TCs, along with the 
selected ICLP-TC papers. The accepted short papers that describe published 
research will be made available at the conference webpage, with the permission 
of the authors.

All accepted regular papers and technical communications will be presented 
during the conference. Authors of accepted papers will, by default, be 
automatically included in the list of ALP members, who will receive quarterly 

[Hol-info] CfP: RV2019 - Runtime Verification - EXTENDED DEADLINE

2019-04-28 Thread Martin Leucker

  [ Apologize for Multiple Copies ]


Abstract deadline   May 21, 2019
Submission deadline May 21, 2019

Call for Papers

RV 2019

19th International Conference on Runtime Verification
Porto, Portugal
October 8-11, 2019

NEW IN 2019: Benchmark Papers Track


# Scope

Runtime verification is concerned with the monitoring and analysis of
the runtime behaviour of software and hardware systems. Runtime
verification techniques are crucial for system correctness,
reliability, and robustness; they provide an additional level of rigor
and effectiveness compared to conventional testing, and are generally
more practical than exhaustive formal verification. Runtime
verification can be used prior to deployment, for testing,
verification, and debugging purposes, and after deployment for
ensuring reliability, safety, and security and for providing fault
containment and recovery as well as online system repair.

Topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:

* specification languages for monitoring
* monitor construction techniques
* program instrumentation
* logging, recording, and replay
* combination of static and dynamic analysis
* specification mining and machine learning over runtime traces
* monitoring techniques for concurrent and distributed systems
* runtime checking of privacy and security policies
* metrics and statistical information gathering
* program/system execution visualization
* fault localization, containment, recovery and repair
* dynamic type checking

Application areas of runtime verification include cyber-physical
systems, safety/mission critical systems, enterprise and systems
software, cloud systems, autonomous and reactive control systems,
health management and diagnosis systems, and system security and

An overview of previous RV conferences and earlier workshops can be
found at: http://www.runtime-verification.org.

# Submissions

All papers and tutorials will appear in the conference proceedings in
an LNCS volume. Submitted papers and tutorials must use the
LNCS/Springer style detailed here:


Papers must be original work and not be submitted for publication
elsewhere. Papers must be written in English and submitted
electronically (in PDF format) using the EasyChair submission page


The page limitations mentioned below include all text and figures, but
exclude references. Additional details omitted due to space
limitations may be included in a clearly marked appendix, that will be
reviewed at the discretion of reviewers, but not included in the

At least one author of each accepted paper and tutorial must attend RV
2019 to present.

# Papers

There are four categories of papers which can be submitted: regular,
short, tool demo, and benchmark papers. Papers in each category will
be reviewed by at least 3 members of the Program Committee.

* Regular Papers (up to 15 pages, not including references) should
present original unpublished results. We welcome theoretical papers,
system papers, papers describing domain-specific variants of RV, and
case studies on runtime verification.

* Short Papers (up to 6 pages, not including references) may present
novel but not necessarily thoroughly worked out ideas, for example
emerging runtime verification techniques and applications, or
techniques and applications that establish relationships between
runtime verification and other domains.

* Tool Demonstration Papers (up to 8 pages, not including references)
should present a new tool, a new tool component, or novel extensions
to existing tools supporting runtime verification. The paper must
include information on tool availability, maturity, selected
experimental results and it should provide a link to a website
containing the theoretical background and user guide. Furthermore, we
strongly encourage authors to make their tools and benchmarks
available with their submission.

* Benchmark Papers (up to 10 pages, not including references, NEW IN
2019) should describe a benchmark, suite of benchmarks, or benchmark
generator useful for evaluating RV tools. Papers will should include
information as to what the benchmark consists of and its purpose (what
is the domain), how to obtain and use the benchmark, an argument for
the usefulness of the benchmark to the broader RV community, and may
include any existing results produced using the benchmark. We are
interested in both benchmarks pertaining to real-world scenarios and
those containing synthetic data designed to achieve interesting
properties. Broader definitions of benchmark e.g. for generating
specifications from data or diagnosing faults are within
scope. Finally, we encourage but do not require benchmarks