[Hol-info] LSFA 2019 - Final Call for Papers and Extended Deadline

2019-04-18 Thread Amy Felty
Due to numerous requests, here is the definitive deadline: May 1.


LSFA 2019
14th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications
24-26 August 2019, Natal, Brazil

Logical and semantic frameworks are formal languages used to represent
logics, languages and systems. These frameworks provide foundations
for the formal specification of systems and programming languages,
supporting tool development and reasoning.

LSFA 2019 will be a satellite event of CADE-27, which will be held in
Natal, Brazil, 25-30 August, 2019
(https://www.mat.ufrn.br/cade-27/). Previous editions of LSFA took
place in Fortaleza (2018), Brasília (2017, collocated with
Tableaux+FroCoS+ITP), Porto (2016), Natal (2015), Brasília (2014), São
Paulo (2013), Rio de Janeiro (2012), Belo Horizonte (2011), Natal
(2010), Brasília (2009), Salvador (2008), Ouro Preto (2007), and Natal
(2006). See http://lsfa.cic.unb.br for more information.

* Submission deadline: May 1  *Deadline Extension*
* Notification to authors: June 5
* Proceedings version due: June 26
* LSFA 2019: August 24-26


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Specification languages and meta-languages
* Formal semantics of languages and logical systems
* Logical frameworks
* Semantic frameworks
* Type theory
* Proof theory
* Automated deduction
* Implementation of logical or semantic frameworks
* Applications of logical or semantic frameworks
* Computational and logical properties of semantic frameworks
* Logical aspects of computational complexity
* Lambda and combinatory calculi
* Process calculi


Contributions should be written in English and submitted in the form
of full papers with a maximum of 13 pages including references. Beyond
full regular papers, we encourage submissions such as proof pearls,
rough diamonds (preliminary results and work in progress), original
surveys, or overviews of research projects, where the focus is more on
elegance and dissemination than on novelty. Papers belonging to this
second category are expected to be short, that is, of a maximum of 6
pages including references. For both paper categories, additional
technical material can be provided in a clearly marked appendix which
will be read by reviewers at their discretion. Contributions must also
be unpublished and not submitted simultaneously for publication

The papers should be prepared in LaTeX using the generic ENTCS package
(http://www.entcs.org/prelim.html). The submission should be in the
form of a PDF file uploaded to Easychair:


At least one of the authors should register for the workshop. All
accepted papers will be available online during the workshop; full
papers will be published at ENTCS, and short papers will be collected
in an informal volume. For the publication of the proceedings there
will be a cost to authors of USD 50 at registration time. Previous
LSFA special issues have been published in journals such as Log J IGPL
and TCS (see http://lsfa.cic.unb.br).

* Pascal Fontaine, LORIA
* Achim Jung, University of Birmingham
* Vivek Nigam, Fortiss
* Elaine Pimentel, UFRN
* Giselle Reis, CMU-Qatar

* Amy Felty, University of Ottawa (chair)
* João Marcos, UFRN (chair)

* Beniamino  Accattoli, INRIA Saclay
* Sandra Alves, University of Porto
* Mario Benevides, UFRJ
* Ana Bove, Chalmers
* Marco Cerami, UFBA
* Valeria de Paiva, Nuance Communications
* Maribel Fernandez, King's College London
* Francicleber Ferreira, UFC
* Erich Grädel, RWTH Aachen
* Edward Hermann Haeusler, PUC-Rio
* Oleg Kiselyov, Tohoku University
* Björn Lellmann, TU Wien
* Bruno Lopes, UFF
* Favio Miranda-Perea, UNAM
* Alberto Momigliano, University of Milano
* Daniele Nantes, UnB
* Pedro Quaresma, University of Coimbra
* Florian Rabe, LRI Paris
* Alexandre Rademaker, IBM-Brazil
* Umberto Rivieccio, UFRN
* Camilo Rocha, PUJ
* Matthieu Sozeau, IRIF
* Nora Szasz, Universidad ORT
* Ivan Varzinczak, Université d’Artois
* Daniel Ventura, UFG
* Anna Zamansky, University of Haifa

* Carlos Olarte, UFRN

* lsfa2019 at easychair.org

hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] WiL 2019: Women in Logic Workshop Final Call for Papers-Extended Deadline

2019-04-03 Thread Amy Felty
  Final Call for Talks and Papers
   WiL 2019: 3rd Women in Logic Workshop
 Vancouver, Canada
   23 June 2019

** New dates including extended submission deadline: 21 April 2019

Affiliated with the Thirty-Fourth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in
Computer Science (LICS), 24-27 June 2019 (https://lics.siglog.org/lics19/).

We are holding the third Women in Logic Workshop (WiL 2019) as a LICS
associated workshop on 23 June 2019. The workshop follows the pattern
of meetings such as Women in Machine Learning (WiML,
wimlworkshop.org/) or Women in Engineering (WIE,
www.ieee-ras.org/membership/women-in-engineering) that have been
taking place for quite a few years.

Women are chronically underrepresented in the LiCS community. The
workshop will provide an opportunity for women in the field to
increase awareness of one another and one another’s work, to combat
the feeling of isolation. It will also provide an environment where
women can present to an audience comprising mostly women, replicating
the experience that most men have at most LiCS meetings, and lowering
the stress of the occasion; we hope that this will be particularly
attractive to early-career women.

Previous versions of Women in Logic (Reykjavik, Iceland 2017 and
Oxford, UK 2018) were very successful in showcasing women's work and
as catalysts for recognition of the need for change in the
community. Our extended program committee tries to cover most areas of
Logic in Computer Science.  These include but are not limited to the
usual Logic in Computer Science (LICS) topics. These are: automata
theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics,
concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming,
constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures,
description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects
of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability,
games and logic, higher-order logic, lambda and combinatory calculi,
linear logic, logic in artificial intelligence, logic programming,
logical aspects of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational
complexity, logical aspects of quantum computation, logical
frameworks, logics of programs, modal and temporal logics, model
checking, probabilistic systems, process calculi, programming language
semantics, proof theory, real-time systems, reasoning about security
and privacy, rewriting, type systems and type theory, and

* Anne Condon (University of British Columbia, Canada)
* Zena Ariola (University of Oregon, USA)
Paper submission deadline:  21 April 2019
Author notification:  7 May 2019
Contribution for Informal Proceedings:  23 May 2019

Contributions should be written in English and can be submitted in the
form of full papers (with a maximum of 10 pages), short papers (with a
maximum of 5 pages), or talk abstracts (1 page).

Formatting instructions: Papers and abstracts should be
prepared using the Easychair style

The submission should be in the form of a PDF file uploaded to the WiL
2019 Easychair page (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wil2019)
before the submission deadline of 21 April 2019, anywhere on Earth.

We plan to publish an informal post conference volume at ENTCS or
other equally visible outlet.

Since our workshop is especially keen on making sure that women get to
know the work of other women, we have a large program committee.
* Sandra Alves (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)
* Agata Ciabattoni (TU-Wien, Austria)
* Amy Felty (Co-Chair, University of Ottawa, Canada)
* Maribel Fernandez (King's College London, UK)
* Sara Kalvala (University of Warwick, UK)
* Delia Kesner (Université Paris Diderot, France)
* Ursula Martin (University of Oxford, UK)
* Valeria de Paiva (Co-Chair, Nuance, USA)
* Catuscia Palamidessi (École Polytechnique, France)
* Brigitte Pientka (Co-Chair, McGill University, Canada)
* Elaine Pimentel (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)
* Giselle Reis (Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar)
* Simona Ronchi Della Rocca (Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy)
* Alexandra Silva (University College London, UK)
* Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Valeria Vignudelli (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)

hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] LSFA 2019 - Second Call for papers

2019-03-12 Thread Amy Felty
LSFA 2019
14th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications
24-26 August 2019, Natal, Brazil

Logical and semantic frameworks are formal languages used to represent
logics, languages and systems. These frameworks provide foundations
for the formal specification of systems and programming languages,
supporting tool development and reasoning.

LSFA 2019 will be a satellite event of CADE-27, which will be held in
Natal, Brazil, 25-30 August, 2019
(https://www.mat.ufrn.br/cade-27/). Previous editions of LSFA took
place in Fortaleza (2018), Brasília (2017, collocated with
Tableaux+FroCoS+ITP), Porto (2016), Natal (2015), Brasília (2014), São
Paulo (2013), Rio de Janeiro (2012), Belo Horizonte (2011), Natal
(2010), Brasília (2009), Salvador (2008), Ouro Preto (2007), and Natal
(2006). See http://lsfa.cic.unb.br for more information.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Specification languages and meta-languages
* Formal semantics of languages and logical systems
* Logical frameworks
* Semantic frameworks
* Type theory
* Proof theory
* Automated deduction
* Implementation of logical or semantic frameworks
* Applications of logical or semantic frameworks
* Computational and logical properties of semantic frameworks
* Logical aspects of computational complexity
* Lambda and combinatory calculi
* Process calculi


Contributions should be written in English and submitted in the form
of full papers with a maximum of 13 pages including references. Beyond
full regular papers, we encourage submissions such as proof pearls,
rough diamonds (preliminary results and work in progress), original
surveys, or overviews of research projects, where the focus is more on
elegance and dissemination than on novelty. Papers belonging to this
second category are expected to be short, that is, of a maximum of 6
pages including references. For both paper categories, additional
technical material can be provided in a clearly marked appendix which
will be read by reviewers at their discretion. Contributions must also
be unpublished and not submitted simultaneously for publication

The papers should be prepared in LaTeX using the generic ENTCS package
(http://www.entcs.org/prelim.html). The submission should be in the
form of a PDF file uploaded to Easychair:


At least one of the authors should register for the workshop. All
accepted papers will be available online during the workshop; full
papers will be published at ENTCS, and short papers will be collected
in an informal volume. For the publication of the proceedings there
will be a cost to authors of USD 50 at registration time. Previous
LSFA special issues have been published in journals such as Log J IGPL
and TCS (see http://lsfa.cic.unb.br).

* Submission deadline: April 19
* Notification to authors: May 24
* Proceedings version due: June 21
* LSFA 2019: August 24-26

* Pascal Fontaine, LORIA
* Achim Jung, University of Birmingham
* Vivek Nigam, Fortiss
* Elaine Pimentel, UFRN
* Giselle Reis, CMU-Qatar

* Amy Felty, University of Ottawa (chair)
* João Marcos, UFRN (chair)

* Beniamino  Accattoli, INRIA Saclay
* Sandra Alves, University of Porto
* Mario Benevides, UFRJ
* Ana Bove, Chalmers
* Marco Cerami, UFBA
* Valeria de Paiva, Nuance Communications
* Maribel Fernandez, King's College London
* Francicleber Ferreira, UFC
* Erich Grädel, RWTH Aachen
* Edward Hermann Haeusler, PUC-Rio
* Oleg Kiselyov, Tohoku University
* Björn Lellmann, TU Wien
* Bruno Lopes, UFF
* Favio Miranda-Perea, UNAM
* Alberto Momigliano, University of Milano
* Daniele Nantes, UnB
* Pedro Quaresma, University of Coimbra
* Florian Rabe, LRI Paris
* Alexandre Rademaker, IBM-Brazil
* Umberto Rivieccio, UFRN
* Camilo Rocha, PUJ
* Matthieu Sozeau, IRIF
* Nora Szasz, Universidad ORT
* Ivan Varzinczak, Université d’Artois
* Daniel Ventura, UFG
* Anna Zamansky, University of Haifa

* Carlos Olarte, UFRN

* lsfa2019 at easychair.org

hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] WiL 2019: Women in Logic Workshop Call for Papers

2019-02-05 Thread Amy Felty
 Call for Talks and Papers
   WiL 2019: 3rd Women in Logic Workshop
 Vancouver, Canada
   23 June 2019

Affiliated with the Thirty-Fourth Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in
Computer Science (LICS), 24-27 June 2019 (https://lics.siglog.org/lics19/).

We are holding the third Women in Logic Workshop (WiL 2019) as a LICS
associated workshop on 23 June 2019. The workshop follows the pattern
of meetings such as Women in Machine Learning (WiML,
wimlworkshop.org/) or Women in Engineering (WIE,
www.ieee-ras.org/membership/women-in-engineering) that have been
taking place for quite a few years.

Women are chronically underrepresented in the LiCS community. The
workshop will provide an opportunity for women in the field to
increase awareness of one another and one another’s work, to combat
the feeling of isolation. It will also provide an environment where
women can present to an audience comprising mostly women, replicating
the experience that most men have at most LiCS meetings, and lowering
the stress of the occasion; we hope that this will be particularly
attractive to early-career women.

Previous versions of Women in Logic (Reykjavik, Iceland 2017 and
Oxford, UK 2018) were very successful in showcasing women's work and
as catalysts for recognition of the need for change in the
community. Our extended program committee tries to cover most areas of
Logic in Computer Science.  These include but are not limited to the
usual Logic in Computer Science (LICS) topics. These are: automata
theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics,
concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming,
constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures,
description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects
of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability,
games and logic, higher-order logic, lambda and combinatory calculi,
linear logic, logic in artificial intelligence, logic programming,
logical aspects of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational
complexity, logical aspects of quantum computation, logical
frameworks, logics of programs, modal and temporal logics, model
checking, probabilistic systems, process calculi, programming language
semantics, proof theory, real-time systems, reasoning about security
and privacy, rewriting, type systems and type theory, and

* Anne Condon (University of British Columbia, Canada)
* Zena Ariola (University of Oregon, USA)
Paper submission deadline:  7 April 2019
Author notification:  23 April 2019
Contribution for Informal Proceedings:  9 May 2019

Contributions should be written in English and can be submitted in the
form of full papers (with a maximum of 10 pages), short papers (with a
maximum of 5 pages), or talk abstracts (1 page).

Formatting instructions: Papers and abstracts should be
prepared using the Easychair style

The submission should be in the form of a PDF file uploaded to the WiL
2019 Easychair page (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wil2019)
before the submission deadline of 7 April 2019, anywhere on Earth.

We plan to publish an informal post conference volume at ENTCS or
other equally visible outlet.

Since our workshop is especially keen on making sure that women get to
know the work of other women, we have a large program committee.
* Sandra Alves (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)
* Agata Ciabattoni (TU-Wien, Austria)
* Amy Felty (Co-Chair, University of Ottawa, Canada)
* Maribel Fernandez (King's College London, UK)
* Sara Kalvala (University of Warwick, UK)
* Delia Kesner (Université Paris Diderot, France)
* Ursula Martin (University of Oxford, UK)
* Valeria de Paiva (Co-Chair, Nuance, USA)
* Catuscia Palamidessi (École Polytechnique, France)
* Brigitte Pientka (Co-Chair, McGill University, Canada)
* Elaine Pimentel (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)
* Giselle Reis (Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar)
* Simona Ronchi Della Rocca (Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy)
* Alexandra Silva (University College London, UK)
* Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Valeria Vignudelli (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)

hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] LSFA 2019 Call for papers

2018-12-21 Thread Amy Felty
LSFA 2019 - First Call for Papers

[with our apologies in case you receive multiple copies of this CFP]

LSFA 2019
14th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications
24-26 August 2019, Natal, Brazil

Logical and semantic frameworks are formal languages used to represent
logics, languages and systems. These frameworks provide foundations
for the formal specification of systems and programming languages,
supporting tool development and reasoning.

LSFA 2019 will be a satellite event of CADE-27, which will be held in
Natal, Brazil, 25-30 August 2019
(https://www.mat.ufrn.br/cade-27/). Previous editions of LSFA took
place in Fortaleza (2018), Brasília (2017, collocated with
Tableaux+FroCoS+ITP), Porto (2016), Natal (2015), Brasília (2014), São
Paulo (2013), Rio de Janeiro (2012), Belo Horizonte (2011), Natal
(2010), Brasília (2009), Salvador (2008), Ouro Preto (2007), and Natal
(2006). See http://lsfa.cic.unb.br for more information.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Specification languages and meta-languages
* Formal semantics of languages and logical systems
* Logical frameworks
* Semantic frameworks
* Type theory
* Proof theory
* Automated deduction
* Implementation of logical or semantic frameworks
* Applications of logical or semantic frameworks
* Computational and logical properties of semantic frameworks
* Logical aspects of computational complexity
* Lambda and combinatory calculi
* Process calculi


Contributions should be written in English and submitted in the form
of full papers with a maximum of 13 pages including references. Beyond
full regular papers, we encourage submissions such as proof pearls,
rough diamonds (preliminary results and work in progress), original
surveys, or overviews of research projects, where the focus is more on
elegance and dissemination than on novelty. Papers belonging to this
second category are expected to be short, that is, of a maximum of 6
pages including references.

For both paper categories, additional technical material can be
provided in a clearly marked appendix which will be read by reviewers
at their discretion. Contributions must also be unpublished and not
submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.

The papers should be prepared in LaTeX using the generic ENTCS package
(http://www.entcs.org/prelim.html). The submission should be in the
form of a PDF file uploaded to Easychair: 


All accepted papers will be available online during the workshop; full
papers will be published on the occasion or shortly thereafter, and
short papers will be collected in an informal volume. At least one of
the authors should register for the workshop. All authors of accepted
papers will be invited at a later stage to submit extended versions of
their papers to a special journal issue. Previous LSFA special issues
have been published in journals such as Log J IGPL and TCS (see

* Submission deadline: April 19
* Notification to authors: May 24
* Proceedings version due: June 21
* LSFA 2019: August 24-26

* Pascal Fontaine, LORIA
* Achim Jung, University of Birmingham
* Vivek Nigam, Fortiss
* Elaine Pimentel, UFRN
* Giselle Reis, CMU-Qatar

* Amy Felty, University of Ottawa (chair)
* João Marcos, UFRN (chair)

* Beniamino  Accattoli, INRIA Saclay
* Sandra Alves, University of Porto
* Mario Benevides, UFRJ
* Ana Bove, Chalmers
* Marco Cerami, UFBA
* Valeria de Paiva, Nuance Communications
* Maribel Fernandez, King's College London
* Francicleber Ferreira, UFC
* Erich Grädel, RWTH Aachen
* Edward Hermann Haeusler, PUC-Rio
* Oleg Kiselyov, Tohoku University
* Björn Lellmann, TU Wien
* Bruno Lopes, UFF
* Favio Miranda-Perea, UNAM
* Alberto Momigliano, University of Milano
* Daniele Nantes, UnB
* Pedro Quaresma, University of Coimbra
* Florian Rabe, LRI Paris
* Alexandre Rademaker, IBM-Brazil
* Umberto Rivieccio, UFRN
* Camilo Rocha, PUJ
* Matthieu Sozeau, IRIF
* Nora Szasz, Universidad ORT
* Ivan Varzinczak, Université d’Artois
* Daniel Ventura, UFG
* Anna Zamansky, University of Haifa

* Carlos Olarte, UFRN

* lsfa2019 at easychair.org
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] WiL 2018: Call for talks and papers, *deadline extension to 30 April*

2018-04-16 Thread Amy Felty
  WiL 2018: Women in Logic Workshop
   Call for Talks and Papers
   WiL 2018: Second Women in Logic Workshop
Oxford, UK
   8 July 2018

* NEW: Extended Submission Deadline 30 April 2018
* NOTE: 1-page talk abstracts are welcome!

Affiliated with the Thirty-Third Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in
Computer Science (LICS), 9-12 July 2018 (http://lics.siglog.org/lics18/)
and held as part of the Federated Logic Conference 2018 (FLoC), 6-19
July 2018 (http://www.floc2018.org/).

We are holding the second Women in Logic Workshop (WiL 2018) as a LICS
associated workshop this year. The workshop follows the pattern of
meetings such as Women in Machine Learning (WiML,
http://wimlworkshop.org/) or Women in Engineering (WIE,
http://www.ieee-ras.org/membership/women-in-engineering) that have
been taking place for quite a few years.

Women are chronically underrepresented in the LICS community;
consequently they sometimes feel both conspicuous and isolated, and
hence there is a risk that the under-representation is

The workshop will provide an opportunity for women in the field to
increase awareness of one another and one another's work, to combat
the feeling of isolation. It will also provide an environment where
women can present to an audience comprised of mostly women,
replicating the experience that most men have at most LICS meetings,
and lowering the stress of the occasion; we hope that this will be
particularly attractive to early-career women.

Topics of interest of this workshop include but are not limited to the
usual Logic in Computer Science (LICS) topics. These are: automata
theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics,
concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming,
constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures,
description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects
of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability,
higher-order logic, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic,
logic in artificial intelligence, logic programming, logical aspects
of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational complexity,
logical aspects of quantum computation, logical frameworks, logics of
programs, modal and temporal logics, model checking, probabilistic
systems, process calculi, programming language semantics, proof
theory, real-time systems, reasoning about security and privacy,
rewriting, type systems and type theory, and verification.

* Brigitte Pientka (McGill University, Canada)
  POPLMark Reloaded: Mechanizing Logical Relations Proofs
* Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK)
  Logic and Software Engineering: Are We Nearly There Yet?
Paper submission deadline:  30 April 2018
Author notification:  15 May 2018
Contribution for Informal Proceedings:  31 May 2018

Contributions should be written in English and can be submitted in the
form of full papers (with a maximum of 10 pages), short papers (with a
maximum of 5 pages), or talk abstracts (1 page).

Formatting instructions: Papers and abstracts should be
prepared using the Easychair style

The submission should be in the form of a PDF file uploaded to the WiL
2018 Easychair page (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wil2018)
before the submission deadline of 30 April 2018, anywhere on Earth.

We plan to publish an informal post conference volume at ENTCS or
other equally visible outlet.

* Valeria de Paiva (Co-Chair, Nuance Communications, USA)
* Adriana Compagnoni (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
* Amy Felty (Co-Chair, University of Ottawa, Canada)
* Anna Ingolfsdottir (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
* Sara Kalvala (University of Warwick, UK)
* Ursula Martin (University of Oxford, UK)
* Valeria Vignudelli (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] WiL 2018: Women in Logic Workshop Final Call for Papers

2018-04-06 Thread Amy Felty
 Final Call for Papers
   WiL 2018: Second Women in Logic Workshop
  Oxford, UK
 8 July 2018

* Submission Deadline: 15 April 2018

Affiliated with the Thirty-Third Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in
Computer Science (LICS), 9-12 July 2018 (http://lics.siglog.org/lics18/)
and held as part of the Federated Logic Conference 2018 (FLoC), 6-19
July 2018 (http://www.floc2018.org/).

We are holding the second Women in Logic Workshop (WiL 2018) as a LICS
associated workshop this year. The workshop follows the pattern of
meetings such as Women in Machine Learning (WiML,
http://wimlworkshop.org/) or Women in Engineering (WIE,
http://www.ieee-ras.org/membership/women-in-engineering) that have
been taking place for quite a few years.

Women are chronically underrepresented in the LICS community;
consequently they sometimes feel both conspicuous and isolated, and
hence there is a risk that the under-representation is

The workshop will provide an opportunity for women in the field to
increase awareness of one another and one another's work, to combat
the feeling of isolation. It will also provide an environment where
women can present to an audience comprised of mostly women,
replicating the experience that most men have at most LICS meetings,
and lowering the stress of the occasion; we hope that this will be
particularly attractive to early-career women.

Topics of interest of this workshop include but are not limited to the
usual Logic in Computer Science (LICS) topics. These are: automata
theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics,
concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming,
constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures,
description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects
of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability,
higher-order logic, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic,
logic in artificial intelligence, logic programming, logical aspects
of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational complexity,
logical aspects of quantum computation, logical frameworks, logics of
programs, modal and temporal logics, model checking, probabilistic
systems, process calculi, programming language semantics, proof
theory, real-time systems, reasoning about security and privacy,
rewriting, type systems and type theory, and verification.

* Brigitte Pientka (McGill University, Canada)
  POPLMark Reloaded: Mechanizing Logical Relations Proofs
* Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK)
  Logic and Software Engineering: Are We Nearly There Yet?
Paper submission deadline:  15 April 2018
Author notification:  15 May 2018
Contribution for Informal Proceedings:  31 May 2018

Contributions should be written in English and can be submitted in the
form of full papers (with a maximum of 10 pages), short papers (with a
maximum of 5 pages), or talk abstracts (1 page).

Formatting instructions: Papers and abstracts should be
prepared using the Easychair style

The submission should be in the form of a PDF file uploaded to the WiL
2018 Easychair page (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wil2018)
before the submission deadline of 15 April 2018, anywhere on Earth.

We plan to publish an informal post conference volume at ENTCS or
other equally visible outlet.

* Valeria de Paiva (Co-Chair, Nuance Communications, USA)
* Adriana Compagnoni (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
* Amy Felty (Co-Chair, University of Ottawa, Canada)
* Anna Ingolfsdottir (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
* Sara Kalvala (University of Warwick, UK)
* Ursula Martin (University of Oxford, UK)
* Valeria Vignudelli (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] WiL 2018: Women in Logic Workshop 2nd Call for Papers

2018-02-21 Thread Amy Felty
 Second Call for Papers
   WiL 2018: Second Women in Logic Workshop
  Oxford, UK
 8 July 2018

* Two invited speakers!
* New dates including extended submission deadline: 15 April 2018
* New format for paper submissions

Affiliated with the Thirty-Third Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in
Computer Science (LICS), 9-12 July 2018 (http://lics.siglog.org/lics18/)
and held as part of the Federated Logic Conference 2018 (FLoC), 6-19
July 2018 (http://www.floc2018.org/).

We are holding the second Women in Logic Workshop (WiL 2018) as a LICS
associated workshop this year. The workshop follows the pattern of
meetings such as Women in Machine Learning (WiML,
http://wimlworkshop.org/) or Women in Engineering (WIE,
http://www.ieee-ras.org/membership/women-in-engineering) that have
been taking place for quite a few years.

Women are chronically underrepresented in the LICS community;
consequently they sometimes feel both conspicuous and isolated, and
hence there is a risk that the under-representation is

The workshop will provide an opportunity for women in the field to
increase awareness of one another and one another's work, to combat
the feeling of isolation. It will also provide an environment where
women can present to an audience comprised of mostly women,
replicating the experience that most men have at most LICS meetings,
and lowering the stress of the occasion; we hope that this will be
particularly attractive to early-career women.

Topics of interest of this workshop include but are not limited to the
usual Logic in Computer Science (LICS) topics. These are: automata
theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics,
concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming,
constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures,
description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects
of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability,
higher-order logic, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic,
logic in artificial intelligence, logic programming, logical aspects
of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational complexity,
logical aspects of quantum computation, logical frameworks, logics of
programs, modal and temporal logics, model checking, probabilistic
systems, process calculi, programming language semantics, proof
theory, real-time systems, reasoning about security and privacy,
rewriting, type systems and type theory, and verification.

* Brigitte Pientka (McGill University, Canada)
* Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Paper submission deadline:  15 April 2018
Author notification:  15 May 2018
Contribution for Informal Proceedings:  31 May 2018

Contributions should be written in English and can be submitted in the
form of full papers (with a maximum of 10 pages), short papers (with a
maximum of 5 pages), or talk abstracts (1 page).

Formatting instructions: Papers and abstracts should be
prepared using the Easychair style

The submission should be in the form of a PDF file uploaded to the WiL
2018 Easychair page (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wil2018)
before the submission deadline of 15 April 2018, anywhere on Earth.

We plan to publish an informal post conference volume at ENTCS or
other equally visible outlet.

* Valeria de Paiva (Co-Chair, Nuance Communications, USA)
* Adriana Compagnoni (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
* Amy Felty (Co-Chair, University of Ottawa, Canada)
* Anna Ingolfsdottir (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
* Sara Kalvala (University of Warwick, UK)
* Ursula Martin (University of Oxford, UK)
* Valeria Vignudelli (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)

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engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
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[Hol-info] CPP 2018 Call for participation: early registration deadline December 10

2017-12-04 Thread Amy Felty

   The 7th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference
on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2018)

co-located with POPL 2018
  in cooperation with ACM SIGLOG


 8-9 January, 2018, Los Angeles, USA

** less than one week **

REGISTRATION: https://popl18.sigplan.org/attending/Registration

ACCOMMODATION: https://popl18.sigplan.org/venue/POPL-2018-venue

DESCRIPTION: Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) is an international
forum on theoretical and practical topics in all areas, including
computer science, mathematics, and education, that consider
certification as an essential paradigm for their work. Certification
here means formal, mechanized verification of some sort, preferably
with production of independently checkable certificates.


- Brigitte Pientka (McGill University, Canada)
  POPLMark Reloaded: Mechanizing Logical Relations Proofs

- René Thiemann (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
  Efficient Certification of Complexity Proofs—Formalizing the
  Perron-Frobenius Theorem

CPP 2018 invited speakers are generously funded in part by Galois.

The list of accepted papers is now available at:
A (still tentative) program is also available.

Reynald Affeldt (AIST, Japan)
June Andronick (Data61, CSIRO and UNSW, Australia), co-chair
Lennart Beringer (Princeton University, USA)
Jasmin Blanchette (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Sandrine Blazy (University of Rennes 1, France)
Sylvie Boldo (Inria and Université Paris-Saclay, France)
James Cheney (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Amy Felty (University of Ottawa, Canada), co-chair
Elsa Gunter (University of Illinois, USA)
Reiner Hähnle (Technical University Darmstadt, Germany)
Marieke Huisman (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Warren A. Hunt, Jr. (University of Texas Austin, USA)
Rustan Leino (Microsoft Research, USA)
Assia Mahboubi (Inria, France)
Alberto Momigliano (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
Magnus Myreen (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Vivek Nigam (Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil / Fortiss, Germany)
Tobias Nipkow (Technical University Munich, Germany)
Gert Smolka (Saarland University, Germany)
Bas Spitters (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Pierre-Yves Strub (École Polytechnique, France)
Laurent Théry (Inria, France)
Josef Urban (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Viktor Vafeiadis (MPI-SWS, Germany)
Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

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engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
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[Hol-info] WiL 2018: 2nd Women in Logic Workshop Call for Papers

2017-12-04 Thread Amy Felty
Call for Papers
   WiL 2018: Second Women in Logic Workshop
  Oxford, UK
 July 8, 2018

Affiliated with the Thirty-Third Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in
Computer Science (LICS), 9-12 July 2018
(http://lics.siglog.org/lics18/) and held as part of the Federated
Logic Conference 2018 (FLoC), 6-19 July 2018

We are holding the second Women in Logic Workshop (WiL 2018) as a LICS
associated workshop this year. The workshop follows the pattern of
meetings such as Women in Machine Learning (WiML,
http://wimlworkshop.org/) or Women in Engineering (WIE,
(http://www.ieee-ras.org/membership/women-in-engineering) that have
been taking place for quite a few years.

Women are chronically underrepresented in the LICS community;
consequently they sometimes feel both conspicuous and isolated, and
hence there is a risk that the under-representation is

The workshop will provide an opportunity for women in the field to
increase awareness of one another and one another's work, to combat
the feeling of isolation. It will also provide an environment where
women can present to an audience comprised of mostly women,
replicating the experience that most men have at most LICS meetings,
and lowering the stress of the occasion; we hope that this will be
particularly attractive to early-career women.

Topics of interest of this workshop include but are not limited to the
usual Logic in Computer Science (LICS) topics. These are: automata
theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics,
concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming,
constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures,
description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects
of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability,
higher-order logic, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic,
logic in artificial intelligence, logic programming, logical aspects
of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational complexity,
logical aspects of quantum computation, logical frameworks, logics of
programs, modal and temporal logics, model checking, probabilistic
systems, process calculi, programming language semantics, proof
theory, real-time systems, reasoning about security and privacy,
rewriting, type systems and type theory, and verification.

* Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Paper submission deadline:  31 March 2018
Author notification:  8 May 2018
Contribution for Informal Proceedings:  31 May 2018

Contributions should be written in English and can be submitted in the
form of full papers (with a maximum of 10 pages), short papers (with a
maximum of 5 pages), or talk abstracts (1 page).
Provisional formatting instructions: Papers and abstracts should be
prepared in latex using the ACM SIGPLAN Proceedings 2-column 10pt
format.  The LaTeX style file is available from

The submission should be in the form of a PDF file uploaded to the WiL
2018 Easychair page (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wil2018)
before the submission deadline of 31 March 2018, anywhere on Earth.

We plan to publish an informal post conference volume at ENTCS or
other equally visible outlet.

* Valeria de Paiva (Chair, Nuance Communications, USA)
* Adriana Compagnoni (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
* Amy Felty (University of Ottawa, Canada)
* Anna Ingolfsdottir (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
* Sara Kalvala (University of Warwick, UK)
* Ursula Martin (University of Oxford, UK)
* Brigitte Pientka (McGill University, Canada)
* Valeria Vignudelli (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)
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[Hol-info] CPP 2018 2nd call for papers

2017-08-04 Thread Amy Felty
 Jasmin Blanchette (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
 Sandrine Blazy (University of Rennes 1, France)
 Sylvie Boldo (Inria and Université Paris-Saclay, France)
 James Cheney (University of Edinburgh, UK)
 Amy Felty (University of Ottawa, Canada), co-chair
 Elsa Gunter (University of Illinois, USA)
 Reiner Hähnle (Technical University Darmstadt, Germany)
 Marieke Huisman (University of Twente, Netherlands)
 Warren A. Hunt, Jr. (University of Texas Austin, USA)
 Rustan Leino (Microsoft Research, USA)
 Assia Mahboubi (Inria, France)
 Alberto Momigliano (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
 Magnus Myreen (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
 Vivek Nigam (Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil / Fortiss, Germany)
 Tobias Nipkow (Technical University Munich, Germany)
 Gert Smolka (Saarland University, Germany)
 Bas Spitters (Aarhus University, Denmark)
 Pierre-Yves Strub (École Polytechnique, France)
 Laurent Théry (Inria, France)
 Josef Urban (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
 Viktor Vafeiadis (MPI-SWS, Germany)
 Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

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engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
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[Hol-info] CPP 2018 Call for papers

2017-04-26 Thread Amy Felty

The 7th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference
 on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2018)

 co-located with POPL 2018
   in cooperation with ACM SIGLOG


  8-9 January, 2018, Los Angeles, USA

Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) is an international forum on
theoretical and practical topics in all areas, including computer
science, mathematics, and education, that consider certification as an
essential paradigm for their work. Certification here means formal,
mechanized verification of some sort, preferably with production of
independently checkable certificates.

Important dates
  - Abstract submission deadline:   Fri 6 Oct 2017
  - Full paper submission deadline: Wed 11 Oct 2017
  - Notification:   Tue 14 Nov 2017
  - Camera-ready deadline:  Fri 24 Nov 2017
  - Conference dates:   Mon 8 - Tue 9 Jan 2018

Topics of interest
We welcome submissions in research areas related to formal
certification of programs and proofs. The following is a suggested
list of topics of interests to CPP. This is a non-exhaustive list and
should be read as a guideline rather than a requirement.

  - certified or certifying programming, compilation, linking, OS
kernels, runtime systems, and security monitors;
  - program logics, type systems, and semantics for certified code;
  - certified decision procedures, mathematical libraries, and
mathematical theorems;
  - proof assistants and proof theory;
  - new languages and tools for certified programming;
  - program analysis, program verification, and proof-carrying code;
  - certified secure protocols and transactions;
  - certificates for decision procedures, including linear algebra,
polynomial systems, SAT, SMT, and unification in algebras of
  - certificates for semi-decision procedures, including equality,
first-order logic, and higher-order unification;
  - certificates for program termination;
  - logics for certifying concurrent and distributed programs;
  - higher-order logics, logical systems, separation logics, and logics
for security;
  - teaching mathematics and computer science with proof assistants.

Submission Guidelines

Papers should be submitted in PDF format through the EasyChair
submission page at


Submitted papers must be formatted following the ACM SIGPLAN
Proceedings format using the sigplanconf format (not the acmart
format), using 10 point font for the main text (not the default 9pt


Submitted papers should not exceed 12 pages, including tables and
figures, but excluding bibliography. Shorter papers are welcome and
will be given equal consideration.

Abstracts must be submitted by October 6, 2017 (AOE). The deadline for
full papers is October 11, 2017 (AOE), and authors have the option to
withdraw their papers during the window between the two.

Submissions must be written in English and provide sufficient detail
to allow the program committee to assess the merits of the paper. They
should begin with a succinct statement of the issues, a summary of the
main results, and a brief explanation of their significance and
relevance to the conference, all phrased for the
non-specialist. Technical and formal developments directed to the
specialist should follow. References and comparisons with related work
should be included. Papers not conforming to the above requirements
concerning format and length may be rejected without further

Whenever appropriate, the submission should come along with a formal
development, using whatever prover, e.g., Agda, Coq, Dafny, Elf, HOL,
HOL-Light, Isabelle, Lean, Matita, Mizar, NQTHM, PVS, Vampire,
etc. Such formal developments must be submitted together with the
paper as auxiliary material, and will be taken into account during the
reviewing process.

The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere, including the proceedings of other published conferences or
workshops. The PC chairs should be informed of closely related work
submitted to a conference or journal in advance of
submission. Original formal proofs of known results in mathematics or
computer science are welcome. One author of each accepted paper is
expected to present it at the conference.

For any questions about the formatting or submission of papers, please
consult the PC chairs.

Program Committee
  Reynald Affeldt (AIST, Japan)
  June Andronick (Data61, CSIRO and UNSW, Australia), co-chair
  Lennart Beringer (Princeton University, USA)
  Jasmin Blanchette (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  Sandrine Blazy (University of Rennes 1, France)
  Sylvie Boldo (Inria and Université Paris-Saclay, France)
  James Cheney (University of Edinburgh, UK)

[Hol-info] WiL 2017: Women in Logic Workshop Second Call for Papers (new dates)

2017-02-06 Thread Amy Felty
  Second Call for Papers
   WiL 2017: Women in Logic Workshop
Reykjavik, Iceland
   June 19, 2017

* Submissions can be either a paper or a talk abstract.
* Extended submission deadline: 31 March 2017

Affiliated with the Thirty-Second Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic
in Computer Science (LICS) 20-23 June 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland.

We are holding the first Women in Logic (WiL) workshop as a LICS
associated workshop this year. The workshop intends to follow the
pattern of meetings such as Women in Machine Learning (WiML,
http://wimlworkshop.org/) or Women in Engineering (WIE,
(http://www.ieee-ras.org/membership/women-in-engineering) that have
been taking place for quite a few years.

Women are chronically underrepresented in the LICS community;
consequently they sometimes feel both conspicuous and isolated, and
hence there is a risk that the under-representation is

The workshop will provide an opportunity for women in the field to
increase awareness of one another and one another's work, to combat
the feeling of isolation. It will also provide an environment where
women can present to an audience comprised of mostly women,
replicating the experience that most men have at most LICS meetings;
we hope that this will be particularly attractive to early-career

Topics of interest of this workshop include but are not limited to the
usual Logic in Computer Science (LICS) topics. These are listed as
automata theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics,
concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming,
constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures,
description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects
of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability,
higher-order logic, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic,
logic in artificial intelligence, logic programming, logical aspects
of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational complexity,
logical aspects of quantum computation, logical frameworks, logics of
programs, modal and temporal logics, model checking, probabilistic
systems, process calculi, programming language semantics, proof
theory, real-time systems, reasoning about security and privacy,
rewriting, type systems and type theory, and verification.

Contributions should be written in English and can be submitted in the
form of full papers (with a maximum of 10 pages), short papers (with a
maximum of 5 pages), or talk abstracts (1 page).
Papers and abstracts should be prepared in latex using the LICS style
(IEEE Proceedings 2-column 10pt). LaTeX style files are available at
Please use IEEEtran.cls version V1.8b, released on 26/08/2015.

The submission should be in the form of a PDF file uploaded to the WiL
2017 Easychair page (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wil2017)
before the submission deadline of 31 March 2017, anywhere on Earth.

We plan to publish a post conference volume at ENTCS or other equally
visible outlet.

Paper submission deadline:  31 March 2017
Author notification:  1 May 2017
Contribution for Informal Proceedings:  22 May 2017

* Claudia Nalon (University of Brasilia, Brasil)
* Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA Saclay and LIX, France)

* Valeria de Paiva (Chair, Nuance Communications, USA)
* Adriana Compagnoni (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
* Amy Felty (University of Ottawa, Canada)
* Anna Ingolfsdottir (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
* Ursula Martin (University of Oxford, UK)
* Brigitte Pientka (McGill University, Canada)
* Alexandra Silva (University College London, UK)
* Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK)

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[Hol-info] WiL 2017: Women in Logic Workshop Call for Papers

2016-12-04 Thread Amy Felty
 Call for Papers
   WiL 2017: Women in Logic Workshop
Reykjavik, Iceland
   June 19, 2017

Affiliated with the Thirty-Second Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic
in Computer Science (LICS) 20-23 June 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland.

We are holding the first Women in Logic (WiL) workshop as a LICS
associated workshop this year. The workshop intends to follow the
pattern of meetings such as Women in Machine Learning (WiML,
http://wimlworkshop.org/) or Women in Engineering (WIE,
(http://www.ieee-ras.org/membership/women-in-engineering) that have
been taking place for quite a few years.

Women are chronically underrepresented in the LICS community;
consequently they sometimes feel both conspicuous and isolated, and
hence there is a risk that the under-representation is

The workshop will provide an opportunity for women in the field to
increase awareness of one another and one another's work, to combat
the feeling of isolation. It will also provide an environment where
women can present to an audience comprised of mostly women,
replicating the experience that most men have at most LICS meetings,
and lowering the stress of the occasion; we hope that this will be
particularly attractive to early-career women.

Topics of interest of this workshop include but are not limited to the
usual Logic in Computer Science (LICS) topics. These are listed as
automata theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics,
concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming,
constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures,
description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects
of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability,
higher-order logic, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic,
logic in artificial intelligence, logic programming, logical aspects
of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational complexity,
logical aspects of quantum computation, logical frameworks, logics of
programs, modal and temporal logics, model checking, probabilistic
systems, process calculi, programming language semantics, proof
theory, real-time systems, reasoning about security and privacy,
rewriting, type systems and type theory, and verification.

Contributions should be written in English and submitted in the form
of full papers (with a maximum of 10 pages) or short papers (with a
maximum of 5 pages). They must be unpublished and not submitted
simultaneously for publication elsewhere.

The papers should be prepared in latex using the LICS style (IEEE
Proceedings 2-column 10pt). LaTeX style files are available at
Please use IEEEtran.cls version V1.8b, released on 26/08/2015.

The submission should be in the form of a PDF file uploaded to the WiL
2017 Easychair page (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wil2017)
before the submission deadline of February 17th, 2017, anywhere on

We plan to publish a post conference volume at ENTCS or other equally
visible outlet.

Paper submission deadline:  February 17th, 2017
Author notification:  March 15th, 2017
Contribution for Proceedings:  15 April 2017
Final program:  1 May 2017

* Claudia Nalon (University of Brasilia, Brasil)
* Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA Saclay and LIX, France)

* Valeria de Paiva (Chair, Nuance Communications, USA)
* Adriana Compagnoni (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
* Amy Felty (University of Ottawa, Canada)
* Anna Ingolfsdottir (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
* Ursula Martin (University of Oxford, UK)
* Brigitte Pientka (McGill University, Canada)
* Alexandra Silva (University College London, UK)
* Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK)

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[Hol-info] LFMTP 2014: Call for Participation

2014-06-05 Thread Amy Felty
   Call for Participation
  LFMTP 2014: 9th International Workshop on
 Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages: Theory and Practice
   Vienna, Austria
July 17, 2014

Affiliated with CSL-LICS 2014 and IJCAR 2014 and held as part of the
Federated Logic Conference (FLoC) and the Vienna Summer of Logic
(VSL), http://vsl2014.at


DESCRIPTION: Logical frameworks and meta-languages form a common
substrate for representing, implementing, and reasoning about a wide
variety of deductive systems of interest in logic and computer
science. Their design and implementation on the one hand and their use
in reasoning tasks ranging from the correctness of software to the
properties of formal computational systems on the other hand have been
the focus of considerable research over the last two decades. This
workshop will bring together designers, implementers, and
practitioners to discuss various aspects impinging on the structure
and utility of logical frameworks, including the treatment of variable
binding, inductive and co-inductive reasoning techniques and the
expressivity and lucidity of the reasoning process.


- Jesper Bengtson
   Session Types Meet Separation Logic

- Edwin Brady
   Idris: Implementing a Dependently Typed Programming Language

- Gopalan Nadathur
   A Framework for the Verified Transformation of Functional Programs



We look forward to seeing you in Vienna!

The LFMTP 2014 organizers:
Amy Felty
Brigitte Pientka

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[Hol-info] LFMTP 2014: 2nd Call for Papers

2014-04-10 Thread Amy Felty
Second Call for Papers
  LFMTP 2014: 9th International Workshop on
 Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages: Theory and Practice
   Vienna, Austria
July 17, 2014

Affiliated with CSL-LICS 2014 and IJCAR 2014 and held as part of the
Federated Logic Conference (FLoC) and the Vienna Summer of Logic
(VSL), http://vsl2014.at

Paper Submission:   May 2
Notification:   June 3
Final papers due:   June 19
Workshop:   July 17

   Jesper Bengtson (IT University of Copenhagen)
   Edwin Brady (University of St. Andrews)
   Gopalan Nadathur (University of Minnesota)

DESCRIPTION: Logical frameworks and meta-languages form a common
substrate for representing, implementing, and reasoning about a wide
variety of deductive systems of interest in logic and computer
science. Their design and implementation on the one hand and their use
in reasoning tasks ranging from the correctness of software to the
properties of formal computational systems on the other hand have been
the focus of considerable research over the last two decades. This
workshop will bring together designers, implementers, and
practitioners to discuss various aspects impinging on the structure
and utility of logical frameworks, including the treatment of variable
binding, inductive and co-inductive reasoning techniques and the
expressivity and lucidity of the reasoning process.

TOPICS: LFMTP 2014 will provide researchers a forum to present
state-of-the-art techniques and discuss progress in areas such as the
- Encoding and reasoning about the meta-theory of programming
   languages and related formally specified systems.
- Theoretical and practical issues concerning the treatment of
   variable binding, especially the representation of, and reasoning
   about, datatypes defined from binding signatures.
- Logical treatments of inductive and co-inductive definitions and
   associated reasoning techniques.
- New theory contributions: canonical and substructural frameworks,
   contextual frameworks, proof-theoretic foundations supporting binders,
   functional programming over logical frameworks, homotopy type theory.
- Applications of logical frameworks, e.g., in proof-carrying
   architectures such as proof-carrying authorization.
- Techniques for programming with binders in functional programming
   languages such as Haskell, OCaml, or Agda and logic programming
   languages such as lambda Prolog or Alpha-Prolog.
   with encoding programming languages theory will be particularly

SUBMISSIONS: In addition to regular papers, we also solicit work in
progress reports, in a broad sense. Those do not need to report
original or fully polished research results, but should be interesting
for the community at large.

Submitted papers should be in PDF, formatted using the ACM SIGPLAN
style guidelines
(http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). The
length is restricted to 8 pages, except for work in progress papers,
which are restricted to 4 pages.  Submission is via EasyChair

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their paper at the

PROCEEDINGS: Accepted regular papers will be included in the
proceedings, which will be published in the ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series, available in the ACM Digital
Library. Authors are encouraged to publish auxiliary material with
their paper (technical appendixes, source code, scripts, test data,

   Andreas Abel (Gothenburg University)
   Kaustuv Chaudhuri (Inria)
   Adam Chlipala (MIT)
   Amy Felty, Co-Chair (University of Ottawa)
   Elsa Gunter (University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign)
   Luigi Liquori (Inria)
   Marino Miculan (University of Udine)
   Brigitte Pientka, Co-Chair (McGill University)
   Jorge Luis Sacchini (CMU Quatar)
   Alwen Tiu (Nanyang Technological University)

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hol-info mailing list

[Hol-info] LFMTP 2014: Call for Papers

2014-02-22 Thread Amy Felty
   Call for Papers
  LFMTP 2014: 9th International Workshop on
 Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages: Theory and Practice
   Vienna, Austria
July 17, 2014

Affiliated with CSL-LICS 2014 and IJCAR 2014 and held as part of the
Federated Logic Conference (FLoC) and the Vienna Summer of Logic
(VSL), http://vsl2014.at

Paper Submission:   May 2
Notification:   June 3
Final papers due:   June 19
Workshop:   July 17

DESCRIPTION: Logical frameworks and meta-languages form a common
substrate for representing, implementing, and reasoning about a wide
variety of deductive systems of interest in logic and computer
science. Their design and implementation on the one hand and their use
in reasoning tasks ranging from the correctness of software to the
properties of formal computational systems on the other hand have been
the focus of considerable research over the last two decades. This
workshop will bring together designers, implementers, and
practitioners to discuss various aspects impinging on the structure
and utility of logical frameworks, including the treatment of variable
binding, inductive and co-inductive reasoning techniques and the
expressivity and lucidity of the reasoning process.

TOPICS: LFMTP 2014 will provide researchers a forum to present
state-of-the-art techniques and discuss progress in areas such as the
- Encoding and reasoning about the meta-theory of programming
   languages and related formally specified systems.
- Theoretical and practical issues concerning the treatment of
   variable binding, especially the representation of, and reasoning
   about, datatypes defined from binding signatures.
- Logical treatments of inductive and co-inductive definitions and
   associated reasoning techniques.
- New theory contributions: canonical and substructural frameworks,
   contextual frameworks, proof-theoretic foundations supporting binders,
   functional programming over logical frameworks, homotopy type theory.
- Applications of logical frameworks, e.g., in proof-carrying
   architectures such as proof-carrying authorization.
- Techniques for programming with binders in functional programming
   languages such as Haskell, OCaml, or Agda and logic programming
   languages such as lambda Prolog or Alpha-Prolog.
   with encoding programming languages theory will be particularly

SUBMISSIONS: In addition to regular papers, we also solicit work in
progress reports, in a broad sense. Those do not need to report
original or fully polished research results, but should be interesting
for the community at large.

Submitted papers should be in PDF, formatted using the ACM SIGPLAN
style guidelines
(http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). The
length is restricted to 8 pages, except for work in progress papers,
which are restricted to 4 pages.  Submission is via EasyChair

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their paper at the

PROCEEDINGS: Accepted regular papers will be included in the
proceedings, which will be published in the ACM International
Conference Proceedings Series, available in the ACM Digital
Library. Authors are encouraged to publish auxiliary material with
their paper (technical appendixes, source code, scripts, test data,

   Andreas Abel (Gothenburg University)
   Kaustuv Chaudhuri (Inria)
   Adam Chlipala (MIT)
   Amy Felty, Co-Chair (University of Ottawa)
   Elsa Gunter (University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign)
   Luigi Liquori (Inria)
   Marino Miculan (University of Udine)
   Brigitte Pientka, Co-Chair (McGill University)
   Jorge Luis Sacchini (CMU Quatar)
   Alwen Tiu (Nanyang Technological University)

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[Hol-info] ITP 2012: Final Call for Papers

2012-01-18 Thread Amy Felty
Final Call for Papers
ITP 2012: 3rd International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving

   13-16 August 2012, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

ITP is the premier international conference for researchers from all
areas of interactive theorem proving and its applications. The
inaugural meeting of ITP was held in July 2010 in Edinburgh, Scotland,
as part of the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC), and the second
meeting took place in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, in August 2011.  ITP
2012 will take place in Princeton, New Jersey, USA on 13-16 August
2012 with two workshops preceding the main conference: The Isabelle
Workshop 2012 (organized by Tobias Nipkow, Larry Paulson, and Makarius
Wenzel) and the 4th Coq Workshop (organized by Adam Chlipala).  ITP is
the evolution of the TPHOLs conference series to the broad field of
interactive theorem proving. TPHOLs meetings took place every year
from 1988 until 2009.

The program committee welcomes submissions on all aspects of
interactive theorem proving and its applications.  Examples of typical
topics include formal aspects of hardware or software (specification,
verification, semantics, synthesis, refinement, compilation, etc.);
formalization of significant bodies of mathematics; advances in
theorem prover technology (automation, decision procedures, induction,
combinations of systems and tools, etc.); industrial applications of
theorem proving; other topics including those relating to user
interfaces, education, comparisons of systems, and mechanizable
logics; and concise and elegant worked examples (Proof Pearls).

Submission details:

All papers must be submitted electronically, via EasyChair:

Papers may be no longer than 16 pages and are to be submitted in PDF
using the Springer LNCS format.  Instructions and style files may be
found by going to http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors
and downloading the files llncs2e.zip and typeinst.zip.  Submissions
must describe original unpublished work not submitted for publication
elsewhere, presented in a way that users of other systems can
understand.  The proceedings will be published as a volume in the
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series and will be
available to participants at the conference.

In addition to regular submissions, described above, there will be a
rough diamonds section.  Rough diamond submissions are limited to
six pages and may consist of an extended abstract.  They will be
refereed and are expected to present innovative and promising ideas,
possibly in an early form and without supporting evidence.  Accepted
diamonds will be published in the main proceedings, and will be
presented as short talks.

Both regular and rough diamond submissions require an abstract of 70
to 150 words to be submitted electronically at the above address one
week before the full submission.  All submissions must be written in
English.  Submissions are expected to be accompanied by verifiable
evidence of a suitable implementation, such as the source files of a
formalization for the proof assistant used.  The submission page
contains a corresponding file upload function.  Authors who have
strong reasons (e.g. of commercial/legal nature) for violating this
policy should contact the PC chairs in advance. At the time of
abstract submission, proof assistants and other tools necessary for
evaluating the submission should be indicated using the Keywords
section of the web interface.

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the
conference, and will be required to sign copyright release forms.

Important dates:

Abstract submission deadline:   6 February 2012
Paper submission deadline:  13 February 2012
Notification of paper decisions:13 April 2012
Final versions due from authors:5 May 2012
Pre-conference workshops:   12 August 2012
Conference dates:   13-16 August 2012

Web page: http://itp2012.cs.princeton.edu/

Invited Speakers:
Gilles Barthe (IMDEA, Spain)
Lawrence Paulson (Univ. of Cambridge, UK)
Andre Platzer (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA)

Invited Tutorial:
Andrew Gacek (Rockwell Collins, USA)

General Co-Chairs:
Andrew Appel (Princeton Univ., USA)
Lennart Beringer (Princeton Univ., USA)

Program Co-Chairs:
Lennart Beringer (Princeton Univ., USA)
Amy Felty (Univ. of Ottawa, Canada)

Program Committee:
Andreas Abel (LMU Munich, Germany)
Nick Benton (Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK)
Stefan Berghofer (secunet Security Networks AG, Germany)
Lennart Beringer (Co-Chair, Princeton Univ., USA)
Yves Bertot (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France)
Adam Chlipala (MIT, USA)
Ewen Denney (NASA, USA)
Peter Dybjer (Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Sweden)
Amy Felty (Co-Chair, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada)
Herman Geuvers (Radboud Univ. Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Georges Gonthier (Microsoft Research Cambridge

[Hol-info] LFMTP 2009: Call for Papers

2009-02-18 Thread Amy Felty
  Call for Papers
 LFMTP 2009: 4th International Workshop on
Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages: Theory and Practice
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  August 2, 2009

Affiliated with CADE-22, Montreal, Canada, August 2-7, 2009
Joint event with the 2009 International Workshop on Proof-Search in
Type Theories (PSTT), August 3, 2009

Abstract submission:   May 1
Paper Submission:   May 8
Notification:   June 15
Final papers due:   July 3
Workshop:   August 2

  Gilles Dowek (Ecole Polytechnique  INRIA)

DESCRIPTION: The LFMTP workshop continues a series of workshops on
Logical Frameworks and Metalanguages (LFM) and Mechanized Reasoning
about Languages with Variable Binding (MERLIN).  This is the fourth
joint workshop in the series.

Logical frameworks and meta-languages form a common substrate for
representing, implementing, and reasoning about a wide variety of
deductive systems of interest in logic and computer science.  LFMTP
2009 will provide researchers with a forum to review state-of-the-art
techniques and to present progress in:
- the automation and implementation of the meta-theory of programming
  languages and related calculi, particularly work which involves
  variable binding and fresh name generation;
- the design of proof assistants, automated theorem provers, and
  formal digital libraries building upon logical framework technology;
- theoretical and practical issues concerning the encoding of variable
  binding, especially the representation of, and reasoning about,
  datatypes defined from binding signatures;
- case studies of meta-programming, and the mechanization of the
  (meta) theory of descriptions of programming languages and other
  calculi.  Papers focusing on logic translations and on experiences
  with encoding programming languages theory will be particularly

TOPICS: Papers are solicited on topics including, but not limited to:
- logical framework design
- meta-theoretic analysis
- applications and comparative studies
- implementation techniques
- efficient proof representation and validation
- proof-generating decision procedures and theorem provers
- proof-carrying code
- substructural frameworks
- semantic foundations
- methods for reasoning about logics
- formal digital libraries

SUBMISSIONS: Three categories of papers are solicited:
- Category A: Detailed and technical accounts of new research: up to
  eight pages including bibliography.
- Category B: Shorter accounts of work in progress and proposed
  further directions, including discussion papers: up to six pages
  including bibliography and appendices.
- Category C: System descriptions presenting an implemented tool and
  its novel features: up to four pages.  A demonstration is expected
  to accompany the presentation.

Submissions will be accepted electronically. Authors are required to
submit a paper title and a short abstract one week before submitting
the paper.  For further information and submission instructions, see
the LFMTP web page: http://workshops.inf.ed.ac.uk/lfmtp.
Accepted papers will be published electronically as part of the ACM
International Conference Proceedings Series.

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their paper at the

  Frederic Blanqui (INRIA)
  James Cheney, Co-Chair (University of Edinburgh)
  Adam Chlipala (Harvard University)
  Amy Felty, Co-Chair (University of Ottawa)
  Martin Hofmann (LMU Munich)
  Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde)
  Marino Miculan (University of Udine)
  Alberto Momigliano (University of Edinburgh)
  Gopalan Nadathur (University of Minnesota)
  Michael Norrish (NICTA)

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