Dear all

Is it possible to specify length of bool list of the existential quantifier.

I have following proof

*  (?FA FB FC.*

*       mux_list_imp (TL (num_BV_f (SUC (LENGTH y)) (BV_n (not_0 a) + 1)))
a** F FA /\*

*       mux_list_imp (TL (num_BV_f (SUC (LENGTH y)) (BV_n (not_0 b) + 1)))
b** F FB /\*

*       mux_list_imp (TL (num_BV_f (SUC (LENGTH y)) (BV_n (not_0 c) + 1)))
c** F FC /\*

*       Adder_imp_n (LENGTH y + LENGTH y)*

*         (num_BV_f (LENGTH FA + LENGTH FB) (BV_n FA * BV_n FB))*

*         (make_list_F (LENGTH y) ++ FC) F y co) <=>*

*    (co :: y =*

*       (num_BV_f (SUC (LENGTH y + LENGTH y)) (BV_n a * BV_n b + BV_n c))) *

*    ------------------------------------*

*      0.  LENGTH a = LENGTH y*

*      1.  LENGTH b = LENGTH y*

*      2.  LENGTH c = LENGTH y*

*      3.  !n a.*

*            num_BV_f (SUC n) a =*

*            HD (num_BV_f (SUC n) a)::TL (num_BV_f (SUC n) a)*

*     : proof*

In above code, i want to apply the verified theorem

*> val it =*
*    |- !a b sel y.*
*         (LENGTH b = LENGTH a) /\ (LENGTH y = LENGTH a) ==>*
*         (mux_list_imp a b sel y <=> mux_list_spec a b sel y) : thm*

Now the problem is that i dont know length of FA. FB and FC in the above
goal to apply the *mux_lixt_thm. *
How can i find or describe its length and apply the above theorem to
simplify my goal

kindly reply me soon.
thanks a lot
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