Subject: LFM 2008 Call for Participation

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NASA Langley/NIA Formal Methods Team invites you to register to attend:

     The Sixth NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop
                       LFM 2008

                April 30 - May 2, 2008
                Newport News, Virginia

Important Deadlines:

Registration ends April 15, 2008.
Hotel block closes March 30, 2008.

Registration is free! However, all attendees must register.
Register here:

Reserve a hotel room at the conference location at a special rate here:

Keynote Talks:

    * Gerard J. Holzmann (NASA JPL) - On Limits
    * Amy R. Pritchett (NASA Headquarters) - The Nation's Needs in
Aviation Formal Methods
    * John Rushby (SRI) - Formal Methods and Certification
    * Moshe Y. Vardi (Rice University) - From Philosophical to
Industrial Logics

A full schedule of accepted talks is available online:

Location and Cost:

The workshop will take place at the Marriott Hotel, City Center at
Oyster Point, Newport News, Virginia, USA. Information on hotel block
reservations and travel is located on the LFM 2008 web site. Note that
hotel reservations at the special block rate must be made on or before
30 March 2008.

There will be no registration fee charged to participants. All
interested individuals, including non-US citizens, are welcome to
attend, to listen to the talks, and to participate in discussions.
However, all attendees must register. We especially encourage students
and other researchers possibly interested in specializing in formal
methods to attend as this will be a good opportunity to become more
knowledgeable about this area of research.

Information on local attractions, including museums, theatres, and
Colonial Williamsburg, can be found here:


Please visit the official LFM 2008 web site for further information:

Kristin Yvonne Rozier
LFM 2008 General Chair


We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this email.
If you do not want any further announcements regarding LFM 2008, please
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           /\                       \ \_____
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        /  __  \                             \ \_____
        | (  ) |                          ###[==_____>
       /| /\/\ |\                            /_/
      / | |  | | \
     /  |=|==|=|  \       Kristin Yvonne Rozier
   /    | |  | |    \       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / USA | ~||~ |NASA \    Formal Methods Group,
 |______|  ~~  |______|   Safety Critical Avionics Systems Branch,
        (__||__)          NASA Langley Research Center
        /_\  /_\            Phone: +1 (757) 864-2169
        !!!  !!!            Fax:   +1 (757) 864-4234

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