On Sep 25, 2007, at 11:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

message: 1
date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:55:02 -0500
from: "Beth Duhon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
subject: [Hornlist] B-flat or F fingerings in the low register

With the recent activity on the list, I'm a little scared to post but here


Will some of you please discuss your rationale for fingerings in the Low C#- F register? I know there are no absolutes, but I was taught to primarily use B-flat fingerings in that register. Some of my students were taught very strongly before NOT to use trigger in that register. Is it best to combine and generally use trigger for the C# and D, with no trigger on the E-flat, E and F? These students are 6th- 12th grade and primarily use these fingerings in the context of scales. I'd like to give them a general rule of thumb, and then deal with exceptions as they arise. Your input with your reasons why would help me a lot. Thanks for your previous posts on the
Giardinelli C10's.


Beth Duhon

Check out my website on the Samples and Ordering page for my book and look at "Fingering Chart." Basically, you are on the right track and you should use the fingerings that work best for the situation, but there are caveats.
Wendell Rider
For information about my book, "Real World Horn Playing", the DVDs and Regular and Internet Horn Lessons go to my website: http:// www.wendellworld.com

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