Dear Friends!

If you ever wanted to talk to the folks who point satellites and share
with them and hear from others the impact open data has on your
volunteering, your work, your community, etc today is a great chance.

12:00 Noon EST
17:00 GMT

DigitalGlobe who enable and enhance so much of our work with their
satellite imagery, are hosting a "Twitter Chat" today about #opendata.

And it is not just DG who will be there, the Director of the UN Office
for Outer Space Affairs Simonetta Di Pippo will be there too! How cool
is that?

How can you participate?

Well, that is a good question. I am a total twitter newbie, but I am
told you just need to "follow" the twitter hashtag #opendatachat and
then to ask a question or make a comment, you just tweet and include
that hashtag at the end #opendatachat

This link will let you "listen" in at least:

If you google "twitter chat" you will find lots of info and some
applications that make being part of a twitter chat easier.

I look forward to "seeing" you there and figuring out how to do this
twitter chat thing along with you!


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
skype: jblakegirardot
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