Dear Community Members,

The HOT Community Working group is thinking about hosting some events
online. These might include OSM editing or editor training sessions,
virtual mapathons, mapathon support sessions, presentations about HOT
or OSM projects, guest presenters/instructors, 3rd party product
trainings, etc.

Toward that end we would like find a web based platform that would be
most accessible and easy to use for the widest audience. We know that
one platform is not going to be perfect for everyone and every
situation so we will still have to use some different platforms
depending on circumstances (presenter, audience, purpose, etc).

But if you could take 60 seconds and answer 3 multiple choice
questions about which platforms you use, which you like best and which
you can not use that will really help us narrow our focus and maybe
help us identify a great platform we overlooked.

There is also one question about if you would attend a webinar style
event. It would be helpful to find out if we should continue to pursue
this and what kind of topics people are interested in. So even if your
feedback is "I would never attend an online webinar thing" there is an
option for you to express that as well. Something for everyone!

On to the survey (mobile friendly)!


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