Dear HOT community members,

I hope this message finds you well. As you might have already heard, CartONG, the French NGO dedicated to the use of mapping and information management for humanitarian purposes, is hosting for the fifth time the GeOnG, Europe’s biggest independent conference on Geographic Information services to the Humanitarian and Development sector. This year’s edition is going to take place in the French city of *Chambéry* (1h from Geneva), on *October 17^th to 19^th *.

Having its first edition in 2008, we have succeeded to gather every 2 years professionals and experts in the field to discuss the use of technology in relief and development interventions. In 2014 we managed to reunite *70 organizations and more than 140 people*. GeOnG includes a series of activities, ranging from plenary sessions, roundtable discussions, workshops and solution’s exhibits.

This year’s grand topic is *“lessons from the past, shaping the future”*.**We aim to tackle the role of new technologies (GIS, GPS, mobiles solutions, remote sensing, drones…)in today’s and tomorrow’s humanitarian interventions; our definite agenda is still under work.

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap is of course one of the biggest changes that have irrupted over the past few years and we'll be delighted to host our friend from the OSM community during the event. We're welcoming propositions of presentations (please send them before end of August) as well as suggestions of topics you'd like to see covered or technical tools you'd like the see presented.

Among the other topics we plan to discuss this year: who to provide the future assessments of the humanitarian sector? what integration of analysis tools in MDC solutions? a feedback on the drones in humanitarian; technical local communities, a new partner for humanitarian organizations? Coordinated Data Scramble: optimizing available data. And a few tools we plan to have demonstration on advanced OSM exports, coding XLSforms, using API data in DC.js dashboards, and many more!

Furthermore, CartONG is celebrating this year its *10^th anniversary*, which give us an opportunity to celebrate with our partners and attendees, in particular with a *Missing Maps mapathons*.

For a more in-depth insight, check our website

You can already register on

We look forward to see you in October!

Best Regards,


Martin Noblecourt

Email: <>
Phone: +33 (0)4 79 26 28 82
Mobile: +33 (0)6 04 09 74 19
Skype: martin.noblecourt

Lon: 05°55'24'' | Lat: 45°30'20''

Humanitarian mapping and information management

Website: <>
Twitter: @assocCartONG <>
Address: 180 rue du Genevois, Chambéry, France

GeOnG 2016 - The Humanitarian Forum for Geographic Information - 17th-18th-19th of October - Chambéry, France <>
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