Hi all, hope you are well....

I have just arrived back from Lubumbashi in Katanga, DRC where we delivered
training on data collection, base mapping and basic GIS (inc. Missing Maps,
HOT and OSM).

The MSF team had just finished supporting a Ministry of Health cholera
intervention in Likasi in December / January. They said that had Likasi
been mapped, they would have much better been able to do spatial analysis
of the disease spread and incidence (case rate per 1000).

It just so happens that the OSM guys at Lubumbashi university (the same
guys that worked with Ivan, Jorieke and Claire to do the beautiful mapping
of Lubumbashi itself [1
<https://hotosm.org/updates/2014-04-01_a_week_in_lubumbashi_drc>]) are in
Likasi right now doing field mapping.

As it is likely that this will not be MSF's last visit to Likasi, we'd like
to support the Lubum guys with remote mapping, so I just wanted to give a
heads up on task 1460 [2 <http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1460>].

It's great for beginners - mostly buildings and some residential roads -
and the imagery is clear.

If you have any questions, please feel free...



[1] https://hotosm.org/updates/2014-04-01_a_week_in_lubumbashi_drc
[2] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/1460
*Pete Masters*
Missing Maps Project Coordinator
+44 7921 781 518

missingmaps.org <http://www.missingmaps.org/>

*@pedrito1414* <https://twitter.com/TheMissingMaps>
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