Last night the Support team had our first meeting with the HOT ground team
in Lomé, the capital city of Togo.  Please see the “Announcing the Support
Team Experiment” email thread for details of how this team will function.
 This email will be our first ‘report’ back to the community from meeting
with our counterparts on the ground team.


We met with Nicolas Chavent who is currently leading the team to discuss
their plans as well as assess how we could help them.  Currently they have
a team of about 10 to 20 mappers who will be working in the city.  They
plan to have some mapping parties over the coming days to gather more
details for the map.  They are also hoping to collaborate in the future
with some architecture students from the local university to study a
portion of the city.  Finally they are doing some work with the local
forestry department, although we do not know the extent or the details of
this collaboration.

Current Needs:

The team was enthusiastic about this experimental project and expressed
several current needs to us.

First of all, they are requesting some help translating some of the
documents they have written from French into English.  We don’t have a list
of documents at the moment but if you would be interested in helping with
such an effort please let us know.

Another need is for some remote mapping work to be done in the vicinity of
the “WoeLab”, which is a Maker Space where the team is working from.  The
following link is to the area in question.  No specific details yet on
exactly what to map but road and building coverage in the vicinity of
WoeLab would probably be good for them to experiment with surveying
techniques (walking papers, photo mapping, etc).  This small area can then
serve as a “testbed” for them to practice mapping and then these skills can
be applied to the rest of the city once they have been mastered.

Finally, they would eventually like complete building coverage for at least
the western portion of the town where they will be working with the
architectural students. This collaboration will not take place immediately,
so this wider area is lower priority than the area directly around WoeLab,
but it should be done before this collaboration begins. We do not have a
firm date for this yet but it is not in the immediate future, so we have a
bit of time to finish this area. Here is the tasking manager job for that
request.  In consideration of the request to map around WoeLab it would
make sense to start working on this task there on the north and then
towards the south.

We are looking forward to working with the community on this and are
excited to see how it works. The ground teams in other countries have
already been very successful, and we hope to make them even more so going
forward by better involving the community in the action.


The Members of the Togo Experimental Support Team

Pierre Béland

Andrew Buck

Will Skora
HOT mailing list

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