At 2:21 PM +0100 11/23/00, Olivier Korn wrote:
>I tried it and it didn't solve the problem. BTW, I don't think that 
>these extra merges are necessary either.

No, they should not be at all necessary unless there's truly 
something horrific wrong with the merging code--it only uses the 
files directly output from htdig. (My idea was that it would be 
faster if you didn't need to run htmerge on intermediate DB.)

>Now, I run :
>htmerge -c site#.conf
>htmerge -c site1.conf -m site#.conf (with # > 1)
>If I then run
>htsearch -c site5.conf with words="rénovation tourisme", it finds 
>the document (in first place.)
>But if I do
>htsearch -c site1.conf with the same words, it returns the "nomatch" document.
>Some of the web hosts are case sensitives and some are not. Could it 
>be the source of my problem ?

I wouldn't think so. But you have to be pretty careful that the URL 
encodings are shared between your site.conf files. Personally, I make 
up a "main.conf," include that in the other files and only set the 
start_url and a minimal number of things in the individual site.conf 
files. In particular, it makes it easy to change something in all 
config files at once.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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