On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Jean Tiberghien wrote:

> Thanks for your advice :
> I checked  the <http://www.htdig.org/FAQ.html#q5.17> FAQ.
> In any case db.words.db_weakcmpr has to be Writeable by Apache user Id
> (-->nobody)

Yes, this is a known bug, though you did not mention that you were using
the 3.2.0b2 release. (All the more reason to get 3.2.0b3 out the door, I

> Maybe that's not very clean  to "chmod" this way...

As I said, it is a known bug. It is fixed in almost any of the more recent
development snapshots and will be fixed in the next beta release. While
there isn't really anything important in this file, it's also not such a
good thing to have something writeable by the webserver.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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