According to Edward Lu:
> According to the release note for htdig-3.2.0b2. It added more functionality
> and fixed all known bugs after 3.1.5
> But apparently it still has the relevance ($(PERCENT)) bug and not stable
> enough. 
> I am asking for any suggestions about which version (3.1.5 or 3.2.0b2)
> should be used for our company web site. 
> Any experience about the advantage and disadvantage of both the versions?
> Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
> -Edward

It's correct that 3.2.0b2 fixed many known bugs in 3.1.5, but none of
these were earth-shattering problems.  There were many limitations,
though, in the 3.1.x series that required a pretty radical redesign of
many components.

While 3.2.0b2 did fix some bugs, it introduced a whole lot because of
the large number of redesigned/rewritten components.  That's why 3.2 is
still in beta.  The latest 3.2.0b3 pre-release source snapshot fixes a
lot of the 3.2.0b2 bugs, but there are still some that remain.

If you need the features of 3.2, then use the b3 snapshots, not the
b2 release.  If you don't need these features, and the limitations of
3.1 aren't a problem for you, then you'd be wise to stick to 3.1.5 for
a production system until 3.2 gets a bit more of a shakeout.

Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:
Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Phone:  (204)789-3766
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3J7  (Canada)   Fax:    (204)789-3930

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