At 9:02 PM +0300 10/24/00, Oguz Altun wrote:
>writer uses variables $(URL) $(TITLE) $(EXCERP) and $(PERCENT) to get info
>from the results. I couldn't find the list of such variables in the htdig
>website. Can you send me a pointer to those pages?

(Not surprisingly, it's under htsearch and then "Templates")

>2- Some of the pages in my site uses frames. Htdig returns (I think) both
>the main page and the frames in results. I want to see just the main pages?

Use the restrict or exclude fields in the search form:

>3- In the tutorial in devshed they write that htdig can be used to create a
>site map dynamically. Where can I get more info on this?

Contact the author of the article. I'm not sure what he had in 
mind--I'd assume it would be by parsing the output from indexing.

-Geoff Hutchison
Williams Students Online

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