I just finished building a fork of hugin and a fork of libpano13 and 
unmodified enblend on Windows using MSYS2 / mingw64

I tested barely more than opening an existing project, so there is a good 
chance some operations won't work because of errors I made in building.

I ran into a massive string of problems.  The non trivial ones and how I 
kludged around each are described below.  I'd really appreciate some 
information on how I might have solved or avoided any or all of these 
problems more cleanly (other than telling me not to use mingw64).

If some or all of these don't have great answers, I hope my description 
will help anyone else who wants to build hugin this way.  I was working 
with a fork of hugin and libpano1, but I'm nearly certain that nothing that 
went wrong nor any of my kludges would be different if this was not a fork. 

First I got MSYS2

Then I used lots of pacman commands to install lots of packages I expected 
to need.  I didn't make a good list.  But it is pretty obvious what is 
missing when you try CMake and pretty easy to find the name and install the 
package with pacman.  You can't get hugin itself or panotool13 or enblend 
that way.  But I wanted to build those myself anyway.  I think building 
libpano13 is necessary.  No pre-built binaries are compatible.  But I'm 
pretty sure you could use pre-built binaries instead of building enblend.  
I followed online advice to use ninja instead of make.  I don't think that 
caused any of these problems.

*Lots of problems were in wxWidgets. * Online discussion of the first 
wxWidgets problem (described below) gave the opinion that the MSYS mingw64 
package for wxWidgets puts things in the wrong place.  I'm not an expert, 
but that seems wrong to me and I think instead CMake looks in the wrong 
place.  The online suggestion for that was rebuild wxWidgets correctly.  
For most of the other wxWidgets problems, I think the MSYS package for 
wxWidgets *is *at fault and rebuilding it would be best.  I never found 
online info of those problems.  I kludged things to live with the bad 
wxWidgets rather than sidetrack into building a good one.

cmake can't find wxWidgets
I followed the instructions here.  The line numbers there are obsolete. 
 But correct places are easy to find by searching for MSYS

even after it find wxWidgets
CMake Error at src/hugin1/CMakeLists.txt:27 (MESSAGE):
It is looking for a manifest that I think it should not need and which 
certainly is not provided by the wxWidgets package.  I gave it a different 
version of the manifest.  Like almost all my kludges, I edited a line in 
CMakeCache.txt and then reran CMake:

It still can't find other parts of wxWidgets
A large fraction of the things it can't find are in the correct place for 
MSYS mingw64 which is /msys64/mingw64/bin
CMake find functions seem to have lots of built in knowledge of MSYS 
mingw64, but it doesn't seem to work.  If there was a good way to tell it 
that things are generally in /msys64/mingw64/binI'd like to know that.  I 
had to individually tell it each thing

/include/vigra/separableconvolution.hxx:1413:13: error: ISO C++17 does not 
allow dynamic exception specifications
 1413 |             throw(PreconditionViolation)

My understanding of this error is that the vigra package in MSYS is too old 
and a newer copy would be better.  So adding that to the set of things I 
build myself would be cleaner.  BUT instead, I noticed that is fixed in two 
.hxx files
In the newer vigra *and *I noticed that the change to those two files would 
not impact the binaries.  It would be wrong to copy all the .hxx files from 
the newer version without rebuilding the binaries.  But copying those two 
without rebuilding is safe.

-- Could not find OPTIONAL package OPENEXR
-- Found OPENEXR: 
I never understood that one and I never fixed it, even when I fixed the 
later OPENEXR problem.  I have never understood any of the common cases in 
trying to use CMake on windows where the message that it found something is 
right next to the message that it could not.  Can anyone tell me what part 
of hugin won't work as a result of this optional item missing?  Also what 
is the actual thing that is missing?

CMake Error at CMakeModules/win_bundle.cmake:107 (MESSAGE):
  OpenEXR dlls not found in search path

That was hard to diagnose and I'm not sure I diagnosed/fixed it correctly.  
If I diagnosed it correctly, that cmake file thinks things are part of 
OPENEXR that are not in openexr but are in babl.  So in msys:
pacman -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-babl
then in CMakeCache.txt 

enblend-enfuse files not found.
I had expected the ninja install command in this environment to do 
something comparable to what sudo make install had done in Fedora (put the 
binaries in a standard place where they will be found) and I initially 
failed to notice that did not happen when I gave that command for enblend.  
So the CMake for hugin could not find enblend.  But I was only doing that 
as a first cut anyway.  Going forward I actually will want my enblend 
binaries in a nonstandard place.  So this is a change I would have done 
later if I hadn't needed it now:

Need to set builder (HUGIN_BUILDER) manually
Would have been easy if I knew what a "builder" is.  I thought it was a 
tool, like ninja.  But it apparently is me.

src/hugin_base/panotools/PanoToolsInterface.h:50: warning: "NOMINMAX" 
I didn't want to sort out the "right" conditionals there for the 
interaction of win32/msys/mingw
It was simpler to just wrap the #define NOMINMAX inside a #IFNDEF  NOMINMAX 
That is safe from a wide range of possibilities of environment conflict.

src/hugin1/hugin/huginApp.cpp:382:5: error: 'wxTaskBarJumpList' was not 
declared in this scope
src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchFrame.cpp:1291:9: error: 'wxTaskBarButton' was 
not declared in this scope

I really think the MSYS package of wxWidgets is at fault on this one, and 
this is the best reason to rebuild that from source code and find a way to 
fix it there.  By kludging around this problem, I think I've taken away a 
cute bit of windows functionality.  But I don't think I've badly broken 
anything.  Anyway, I added && 0 to the end of the innermost #IF at each of 
those spots to just disable that feature in my local source code.  Some 
better solution is clearly needed.  This is the most unacceptable kludge I 
did in this project.

Once it all built, I needed a directory I could run it from, which is 
apparently what ninja install does, except that for hugin (unlike enblend) 
it suddenly cares about a bunch more things that it hadn't found before and 
hadn't earlier cared that it hadn't found.
The first was exiftool.exe, which is not in the MSYS system, so I made the 
I expect it will be elsewhere on your system (after you download it).

The rest of these were all in C:/msys64/mingw64/bin which is the only 
correct place for them in an MSYS/mingw64 system.  As I asked before, is 
there any general way to tell CMake that?  Or it has to be one at a time?

For one at a time, the trick is knowing the right filename from the 
abstract filename.  I looked and guessed and in some cases it was a 
difficult guess:

For some reason, it did not care that it had not found pano13.dll
It would not run unless that also was copied to the place ninja install put 
all those others.

Then it also wanted PTmender.exe but wanted the directory of that not the 
On your system that will be wherever PTmender.exe ended up when you built 

After fixing those and some super trivial things it runs.  Gradually, I'll 
figure out what parts of it might be broken.

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